a woman needs help on hand winches,air compressors and cdma aerials...

Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 21:26
ThreadID: 30332 Views:2949 Replies:12 FollowUps:13
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hi everyone..just needing some advice on what brand of hand winch to buy - we dont want to spend a fortune just want something that will get us out of trouble if need be( doesnt matter if its 1:1 or 3:1 or what ever - just dont want to break the bank account if you know what i mean)......just do the job.......also what air comp to buy - again dont want to spend a fortune just let 'em down get them back up again..you know, the usual!saw a pro air for $249....bushranger website..and also a powerair series 2 $99...doesnt work as quick obviously.......and last but not least bought a cdma car kit for nokia6235 off ebay ($216.50 - did well i thought! brand new with express postage) now need to get aerial - what type of aerial to get?are they all the same?? just want one of those litttle plastic things...
any advice will be wonderful and very useful.....
Laura B
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Reply By: Footloose - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 21:38

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 21:38
Hi Laura. A hand winch is VERY hard work, but can be a lifesaver. However as you will be dealing with something that can kill, don't scrimp on quality. Buy one with a shear pin (and spares) that is rated for your vehicle + load. There are quite a few brands out there that will do, check ebay or your local 4wd shop for prices. A hi lift jack can be used in an emergency but been there done that and wasn't impressed.
Become familiar with all your recovery equipment by carefully trying it before going away. This especially applies to tyre fixing gear. Its easier to play with it in
your driveway than out in the scrub.
I have a Big Red compressor that is kept in an aluminium box with most of the rest of the tyre gear. Can't fault mine. Others may be better but it has proved to be very reliable and suitable for re airing tyres.
AnswerID: 152368

Reply By: Wayne (NSW) - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:06

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:06

There is a lot more than just having a hand winch. Tree trunk protector, drag chain, snatch block, bow shackles and bridle. The same goes for the air compressor

With the questions that you have asked a 4wd training course might be a well worth while investment. What you are asking is a bit hard to explain with out actually showing and demonstrating.

You can do a search on driver training on this site or you can Member Message me.

AnswerID: 152375

Reply By: WillyWish - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:14

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:14
Hey Laura, try www.4wdparts.com.au for a deluxe recovery kit, i think they sell these on ebay also. I brought one, has all the recovery gear you will need. Comes with a compressor but your probably better using that one as a backup and getting a quality one, but i cant suggest any. Good luck with the rest!
AnswerID: 152377

Reply By: Mike DiD - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:22

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:22

For maximum range from CDMA you really need to get a "broomstick" type antenna. I suggest getting a Dual-band type because then you are unlikely to ever need another antenna - it will work on GSM and the new 3GSM band that Telstra will switch to in 3 years time.

I suggest the RFI CD1795.

AnswerID: 152379

Follow Up By: geocacher (djcache) - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:32

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:32
From what I've heard about Nokia CDMA & their antenna coupling system I'd just not bother.

The car kit'll save you from a fine, will charge your phone, and is safer but as for increased range I think even Nokia have admitted that the antenna coupling system was designed for GSM and just didn't cross over to CDMA well. It's such a small market they don't really care either.

CDMA's going too so I wouldn't invest huge amounts in something that will be obsolete soon.

FollowupID: 406119

Follow Up By: Mike DiD - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:36

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:36
"CDMA's going too so I wouldn't invest huge amounts in something that will be obsolete soon. "

A CDMA aerial will still be useable on the 3GSM network that will replace it ( but only in 3 years time - you'll need something betweem now and then).

FollowupID: 406121

Follow Up By: geocacher (djcache) - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 00:10

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 00:10
Cool. Didn't know that.

I've been searching to find out what they are going to have to do in rural areas. Do you know if 3G will have the range that CDMA has from it's tower network? Or are we going to lose a lot of rural coverage?

Built up rural areas will obviously be okay but what about the fringe areas where we only have cover due to the increased range of a CDMA tower over GSM?

FollowupID: 406125

Follow Up By: Mike DiD - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 07:52

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 07:52
There will be three distinct mobile network types in future -

- GSM - no change

- 3G - no change, will only be kept in heavily populated areas.

- 3GSM - will replace CDMA. Existing CDMA towers will be converted to 3GSM, re-using the existing aerials since 3GSM will operate on the CDMA frequency. This means it will also have the same coverage as CDMA for voice.

FollowupID: 406145

Reply By: Mike DiD - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:26

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:26

Imagine you are in the middle of nowhere and you two flat tyres. You repair the tyres, start the compressor . . . and then it dies.

A compressor really is a critical piece of equipment. No matter how you spend, you will never get a compressor that you can count on to NEVER fail.

I bought TWO smaller, slower compressors, rather than ONE big, fast one.

AnswerID: 152381

Follow Up By: Member - laura B (NSW) - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:31

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:31
NICE!!never thought of doing that!!thanks
Laura B
FollowupID: 406096

Follow Up By: Boc1971 - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:55

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:55
WELL , in that case - should you maybe include a manual foot pump also ---- if the compressor breaks down or burns out -- then you have a back up that requires no power and wont burn out ;)

may take 3 hours to pump up a 33 inch tyre to 40 PSI -- but i guess your guaranteed to get air in there somehow ;)

FollowupID: 406181

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:58

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:58
One good one for quickly doing your tyres (Maxair), and one relative cheapie as a back up ($99-150).

Reason for this is if you don't bother reinflating your tyres because it will take too long, you are likely to run your tyres to destruction.

Simple rules:
Don't skimp on safety/recovery equipment.

Don't rely on ONE piece of equipment, have a backup/alternative.
FollowupID: 406182

Reply By: Member - laura B (NSW) - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:32

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:32
forgot to add we have most recovery gear-leave all that to the hubby.....just need a winch - got one already but it struggled to pull out the old 4runnner....its only a poverty pack one..
Laura B
AnswerID: 152383

Reply By: Shaker - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:35

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 22:35
Have a look at Mud Mauler hand winches, they are compact & easy to carry, use chain & not cable, they are available from TJM
AnswerID: 152387

Follow Up By: BennHW - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:38

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:38
Hi Shaker,

Do you have experience with the Mud Mauler?

I like that they're very compact and light and the chain is easy to handle. (Much easier to manage than wire cable and easier to clean too. Plus the chain doesn't store energy under load, so if it snaps, it won't do anything like the damage a wire cable will.)

There seems to be a lot of conjecture about 'pulling power'. Previous forum contributions suggest it's much less than rated.

Also, they only come with 10m of chain. Not much when you step it out. Most cable winches have 30m.

And, can you use a standard wire cable snatch block given you're working with chain? I haven't been able to find an off-the-shelf chain-pocket snatch block.

Any input appreciated.


FollowupID: 406122

Follow Up By: Shaker - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:52

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:52
Yes, I do have one, but I have never used it in anger! I have used it to winch my vehicle up my fairly steep drive & it worked fine, I know this doesn't simulate bush conditions, but it was more to get an idea of how to use it. One thing I did learn, is that the chain must not have any twists in it, so you have to be careful when you lay it out.
I agree that a chain under tension is a lot safer than cable, also no spikes, it's also a hell of a lot easier to stow & the winch itself is quite small. I can see no reason why you couldn't couple the chain with your normal drag chain or tow strap.
As far as the snatch block is concerned, the chain does fit quite well around the sheave, but I intend to machine a groove in the sheave which will then accommodate it even better.
Mud Mauler do have own chain snatch block, but to be quite frank, I was less than impressed with it, as it had quite a small diameter sheave.
FollowupID: 406179

Follow Up By: BennHW - Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 14:54

Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 14:54
Hi Shaker,

Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it.

I'm nervous about not having any kind of winch at the moment - but have been very interested in the MM. (It's affordable too.)

Definitely will need some kind of snatch block - and machining a groove sounds like a good option.

Thanks again,

FollowupID: 406466

Reply By: Bonz (Vic) - Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:16

Wednesday, Feb 01, 2006 at 23:16
I have a Big Haul winch, its reasonably priced and a good unit, also went with the ARB compressor as I wanted something reliable and repairable if needed.

Agree with the RFI antenna mentioned above
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AnswerID: 152396

Reply By: glenno(qld) - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 08:56

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 08:56
hi lift as a jack
AnswerID: 152450

Follow Up By: glenno(qld) - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 08:57

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 08:57
Should have said hilift as a winch
FollowupID: 406162

Reply By: Robin - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 11:39

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 11:39
Hi Laura

Think I get your drift on those things.

Car kits tend to leave the phone mounted below the level of the
dash so the phones aerial has a harder time to find a signal.
So they increase the need for an external aerial as does tinted windows.
Most of the time mines in a cheap aftermarket holder such
that it sits above the dash.

Your local dick smith type store will sell you low cost aerials
that stick onto the windscreen.
These are not as good as the reccomended CD1795 but do work.
Check connection on your car-kit, may need an adaptor lead,

Another very cheap option from E-Bay which can outperform either
is a small magnetic base mount aerial that operates on both
CDMA and GSM bands. It has 5db gain and works well because
you just stick it on your roof which keeps it up high, and
you can take it off when in the city.

Big W often sells a copy of the Max-air unit for $89.
Works as fast, but not as well built internally.
Great for less than extreme use.

Agree with sentiments that a backup is a good idea.
An air transfer hose, is near unbeatable accessory
and can be made very cheaply <$30.

You attach one end to a tyre, and use its air
to pump up your flat. Hence they both end up with
1/2 the air. Many use air from there spare tyre
but this gained a bad reputation as some would
pump their spare up dangerously high to make it work faster.

This simple device can pump up a tyre faster than
the compressors, and can reseat a bead. Like us
you will probably find that its so useful you
hardly ever use the compressor and just pump up
the tyre you used up at next petrol station.

On the hand winch, high lifts jacks etc, I also
think that while they can be effective they are
generally to much drama and effort.
Recovery is a big subject and best approach would depend
on the type of conditions your likely to meet.
A winch is great as are lockers to make you car more capable
but leaving out high cost items you can make your car a lot
more recoverable with the right ropes, shovels,simple sand
mats and having a good "air" setup such that its easy
to let down and re-inflate your tyres, for extra traction.

Beyond this, set of low cost chains is dramatically most
cost effective in getting out of bad situations.

Robin Miller
AnswerID: 152488

Follow Up By: Max - Sydney - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 17:16

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 17:16
Somebody once said that people who have a hand winch keep themselves out of trouble, because they are just too much like hard work. Certainly we've carried one for 9 years and have always managed to extricate ourselves without using tyhe winch in anger. (It did get some shrubs out of our daughter's garden one time!)

Laura - I can't emphasise too much the huge value in doing a weekend 4WD training course with a reputable mob. We did one before going to Cape York and were just so much more confident ever after. You know what you can do in sand, or on a rutted track or a huge slope or water crossings when you have actually done it under guidance. And that means both drivers. Its probably the most important investement and better to buy the stuff after trying a hand winch on a huge slope etc.
FollowupID: 406294

Reply By: johannagoanna - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 13:35

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 13:35
Just want to add to all the other advice, that you really need to get a good compressor, that has a high volume. If you use a cheap one that has low volume pump per second, you may find it hard to pop/rebead your tyres, should you unfortunatly have to take one off to repair a puncture from the inside, which incidentally is the ONLY legal way to repair a puncture. Did you know that tyre plugs are not considered a permanent tyre repair - legally? - Hope this helps.
AnswerID: 152508

Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 13:51

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 13:51

You don't need a "Dual-band" Antenna.

What you have requested is a CDMA Antenna.

I have a Hi-Gain CDMA Antenna recommended to me by Electric Bug in SA who are recognised experts in this field. This Antenna (Laser UC9SF-800-259, Item Code 509) comes standard with an aerial about 800mm long. Now I don't need this in the Metro Area, so they made a short stubby flexible aerial about 4 inches long which sits on the roof line of the vehicle. This unscrews by hand to replace with the longer one if required out in the Country, but I have never needed the long one yet.

Oh, and the Antenna is just as good for GSM. The amount of loss experienced in the different frequency range of GSM is still significantly less than if I was (still) using the "though the glass" aerial I used to use and which still decorates the top left hand corner of the windscreen. The phone cradle I have accepts both the 6610i GSM, or the 2112 CDMA mobiles I have and they both show stronger signals in "fringe" areas that when disconnected from the cradle.

So, even though Nokia doesn't list a phone coupler for their CDMA range of phones, the one listed for GSM phones work and work well.

Not sure if your Car Kit has an external antenna connection socket, but mine connects to a phone coupler that sits behind the cradle an interacts with the phone's internal aerial.

I also have my own personal preference for a compressor (Big Red) and a hand winch (Big Haul) but they don't necessarily comply with a "cheap" solution.


I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 152511

Follow Up By: Member - laura B (NSW) - Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 14:26

Thursday, Feb 02, 2006 at 14:26
thanks everyone for your advice....it has been very useful and now i have a better idea of what im going to do......

seems like lots of people have these Big red compressors and are happy with them so that may be the way to go with a pov pack one for a backup!

i read somewhere that pdb antenna are a waste of time - something to do with length and something else!! but a 4db sounds good....
ill let ya kow how i go!!
Laura B

FollowupID: 406246

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