LPG and snokel fitment

Submitted: Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 22:52
ThreadID: 30394 Views:7094 Replies:6 FollowUps:5
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I recently had a snorkel fitted to my 100 series by ARB. The snorkel interupts the fuel system causing the vehicle to stall and run rough at best. Does anyone know of any system available on the market or have any suggestions on how to fix problem

Thanks guys appreciate any assistance
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Reply By: Boc1971 - Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 23:28

Friday, Feb 03, 2006 at 23:28
HI there , i am guessing you are talking about when the vehicle is on LPG ? BIG PROBLEM!! lpg is a gas and will mix easly with the air BEFORE it gets into manifold then cylinder - so if your parking and the wind is blowing INTO the snorkel (or accross ) it will stall your motor as the gas/ air ratio changes.

I have had this problem with my work van - on very very windy days --- the wind will stall my van when parked at trafic lights, and thats with an enclosed airfilter UNDER the van away from direct wind forces

solution - snorkel wont work with LPG as effectivly as it would with a diesel motor. maybe best to dump this idea of a snorkel ( presuming its on a petrol vehicle )

AnswerID: 152845

Follow Up By: Member - Blue (VIC) - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 06:57

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 06:57
not wanting to come across as a smart a@#e but how did you come to this conclusion...??? Reason I ask is I've never heard of it before and know several people with LPG 4by's and yes even one with a 100 series fitted with a snorkel, he's sitting next to me at work reading this and has never had this problem. Again, not knocking you, the theory sounds interesting is all.
FollowupID: 406664

Reply By: kaymar - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 07:07

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 07:07
I have spoken to my gassy and he claims it is a common problem. If I reverse the snorkel it stops the vehicle stalling, however it still runns like crap and uses twice the gas. Gassy recons he can cut piece out of snorkel and effectively make the snorkel a partime snorkel. He will develop a piece that can be clipped in when snorkel is required It will mean i have to fit piece back in everytime i go bush, "not happy" This concerns me as i think it will be difficult to create a water tight seal.

Cheers boys
AnswerID: 152865

Reply By: Big Woody - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 09:02

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 09:02
Hi Kaymar,

I think you may have to explore further for the problem as I have had an 80 series 4.5 litre Dual Fual and my brother and dad both have 100 series on gas. They all have had Safari snorkels fitted and the cars have never stalled or had any issue whatsoever.
I have got no idea what the problem might be in your case but the "gassy's" diagnosis seems a bit far fetched to me.
One thought may be to explore a different chip for the computer to suit LPG or Dual fuel application.
It seems more like a mixture or a sensor problem to me. Maybe the "gassy" has played with one of the sensors like the air flow meter or oxygen sensor. Also LPG will usually idle slower than petrol so it is normal to have to bump up the idle revs a bit to suit the LPG. They will just be a little bit high on petrol thats all but only by a 100 rpm or so.

My brother and my best mate are both licensed gas fitters in Qld and NSW so I will run this by them and see what they come up with and get back to you.

AnswerID: 152879

Follow Up By: gqpat - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 10:02

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 10:02
Depending on the gas system your using will have a diff effect i'll explain Impco systems use a variable venturi so if you get a gush of air down the snorkel it will move the mixer and alter the gas accordingly and nyou may not have a problem But if it is a simple mixure design (fixed hole size ) OMVL,LOVATO, SPRINT GAS etc it has no compensation for this resulting in a lean mixture when you get the extra air ,you can however run a Balance Line from you snorkel to the rear side of the converter this will apply pressure to the converter diaphram and richen the mixture up when you get the forced air in .You will just need to toy around with the location of the hose in the snorkel to get it to work resonable as you may get over enrichment good luck..
FollowupID: 406692

Follow Up By: kaymar - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 22:29

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 22:29
Hey Brett, i would appreciate any advice from your rellos, the other guys are quite right about the balance hose, however the gas fitter i have spoken to claims due to the width of the 100 series the hose has to run to far and as a result the balance hose won't work, fact or fiction i dont know. Any advice on upgrading the chip would also be appreciated. The system installed in my vehicle is the dual tank torpedo system.

Thanks K
FollowupID: 406901

Reply By: ROBST - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 13:35

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 13:35
helo kaymar
I have an 80 on lpg and safari snorkl, all ways runs well. last week i had a unichip fitted with dual mapping,makes a big difference.But anyway the sales guy at auto tech where i had the unichip fitted used to work for safari he was saying it is not a good idea to snorkels with lpg systems, as it gives them a positive pressure.
And safari dont recomend snorkles for lpg.
I only ever made one mistake
and that's when I thought I was wrong!

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AnswerID: 152921

Reply By: ACDC - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 14:40

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 14:40
It's amazing how many gas workshops don't have a clue!!!!

As GQ PAT states above it just needs a balance pipe fitted between gas converter and air cleaner to balance out pressures it's that easy!!!!
AnswerID: 152940

Follow Up By: gqpat - Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 22:02

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006 at 22:02
Forgot to mention make sure the balance pipe goes on the clean air side of your filter box as if you put it straight into snorkel as i first explained it will read positve pressure while cruising along which you may not have at engine so put it in clean air side that way it will compensate for the actual pressure diff at engine and not snorkel
Hope you understand
As ACDC said any good gas fitter should know this and if they dont go somewhere else....
FollowupID: 406894

Reply By: Big Woody - Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 09:18

Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 09:18
Hi Kaymar,

I said I would get back to you re: your issues with LPG after fitting snorkel.

Before I had even finished explaining to them the problem they both said it was a simple fix with the balance pipe as mentioned by other posts.

They said it was not quite as sensitive as other blokes have said just tap the hose into the air intake syatem before the aircleaner and run it around onto the other side of the diaghram and it all shopuld work fine.

Let me know how you go.

AnswerID: 154019

Follow Up By: kaymar - Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 20:55

Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 20:55
Thanks all for your assistance, took the car to another gassy he fitted the balance pipe and presto hasn't ran so well.

Thanks Brett appreciate the time you have spent

catcha on the roundabout.
FollowupID: 408088

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