Thursday, Feb 09, 2006 at 21:04
I sleep with a can of fly spray (not Aeroguard or similar) but good old Mortein etc. Administering a good dose of neuro-toxin to that elusive mossie trapped in the net is both effective and extraordinarily satisfying.
Sometimes I've used Baygon on the outer edges of my swag too in 'high risk' areas.
Think carefully where you set your swag in the evening. Waking up to a full blast of scorching sun in the face is particularly boring.
Sleeping with your head down
hill is not good either.
Make sure you're not in the way of anything like cars or livestock (very easy to do in the dark).
Always have a torch close to hand.
Keep a pair of thongs at the end of the swag so you can get up for a snakes without getting dressed.
Know where the dunny roll and shovel are at (hard to find in the dark).
Keep a small bannister brush in your lit to clean the swag as you roll it up.
Put a tarp down first that is bigger than the swag as a 'staging zone' for getting dressed out of the dirt.
Have a resealable one litre water bottle beside the bed (best hangover prevention)
Hope this helps (spent a lot of time in my swag:-))