Car Seats for Troopie

Submitted: Saturday, Feb 11, 2006 at 16:02
ThreadID: 30682 Views:3392 Replies:6 FollowUps:4
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I am considering getting rid of the driver & passenger seat (1,5 seater) in my 2001 Troop Carrier and replace them with 2 single seat so I can have better access to the rear of the car.

I tried to find good car seats on the internet, but so far I do not seem to be lucky at all.

Do you know where I should start (I don't really like the ARB ones and they are quite expensive too)?

Does somebody have a need for my existing seats they look imaculous (I am in Perth)..

Thanks so much

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Reply By: The Rambler( W.A.) - Saturday, Feb 11, 2006 at 23:19

Saturday, Feb 11, 2006 at 23:19
Nellie ,
I also have a 2001 Troop Carrier and dont tow anything so access to the rear is of importance .I have found that removing one or both headrests makes this a lot easier as I sleep in the back and have done this for years with no problem.Remember that changing seats is an expensive exercise and sometimes does not produce the right result.
AnswerID: 154502

Reply By: Member - John L G - Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 10:58

Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 10:58
Hi Nellie

I changed the seats in my 75 crew cab from the origonal to seats made by "Aerortech". I was able to buy them direct off the web from the factory about 2 years ago and payed $1600 with arm rests, freight included.

I can't seem to "Google" their web site at present and wonder if they have closed down that access although the product can be sourced through agents such as Motor Care. They were certainly a less expensive option than stratos etc

The old seats, which like yours were in good condition, I advertised in the Sunday Times for $500.00 and they were gone within two weeks, no haggling, to a wrecker who rebuilds these vehicles for a living.

The Aerotech seats are fine and tho I'm a big bloke are comfortable and show no signs of deterioration. I fly to Tom Price tomorrow so if you wanted to have a look at these, Palmyra, you are welcome. Just post and I will give you details on contact.


John G
AnswerID: 154535

Reply By: MissNellieFyshwick - Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 12:51

Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 12:51
Thank you both, have found the Aerotech seats website. Here it is:

Obviously the prices have gone up quite considerably. There is a company in Welshpool who has some seats too and they seem to be in the Aerotech price range maybe even a bit less.

Thank you for letting me have a look if I wanted to and thanks for your help.

I love your troopies ... Nellie
AnswerID: 154555

Follow Up By: Member - John L G - Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 15:47

Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 15:47
Hi Nelly

They are obviously available through that mob as an agent but I was able to buy direct from the factory and the site and sales people I spoke to were super helpful as fabrics etc could be chosen before manufacture and there was room for negotiating. As usual they were eastern states based -Mel or South Oz from memory.

If it all becomes a bit too hard, give the seat to a motor trimmer as they can alter the existing seat and turn it into a dupilcate of the drivers seat for not much money.

Good luck

John G
FollowupID: 408527

Follow Up By: MissNellieFyshwick - Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 05:15

Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 05:15

This might be a good idea - but a bit of a stupid question: What is a motor trimmer?

Thank you

FollowupID: 408632

Follow Up By: Member - John L G - Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 12:48

Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 12:48
Hi Nellie,

Motor trimmer as automotive upholstery trimmer.

They recover, retrim car interiors and should easily be tracked in the yellow pages.

If you go that way it's not a bad idea to have the seats built up at the sides to give more lateral support. This is easily done by adding/gluing foam to the existing foam base structure. Have seen this done and transforms the seat into a much more comfortable and supportive unit.

Have fun

John G
FollowupID: 408678

Follow Up By: MissNellieFyshwick - Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 13:06

Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 13:06
Hi John

Thank you very much ... what a great idea. I will get onto it today - this makes sense since I find that the seats are not too bad to start with and so I can reuse them.


FollowupID: 408680

Reply By: Mayto - Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 19:25

Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 19:25
I'm also thinking about changing the sideways facing seats in my '91 Troopie (kids now stariing to complain on long trips). Does anyone know if I can fit the existing front seats behind the driver & passenger? (Then I could get new seats for the front), or are there some ready made seats for front facing rear seats for Troopies?
And does anyone know where to go to get this done in / around Sydney?


AnswerID: 154602

Reply By: Tonbo - Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 20:19

Sunday, Feb 12, 2006 at 20:19
Hi Nellie,

I had a Troopy and clocked up 350 000 kays in it after 150 000 k I had to change the seats as they were a real pain in the butt ( no pun intended). I had a low budget at the time also. I sourced some very good seats from a jap wrecker out of a sports car. They had great lumber and side support and matched the rare grey interior that was fitted. The problem was that seat frames had to be made and attached to the original mounts. This must be made from very solid steel for in the event of a collision ! I found a steel fabricator/welder to do it for me as novice welding is definatley not the go. Be aware this is not legal as no ADR testing has proved it to be safe. I basically copied a repco design from a accesorary store and beefed it up a bit. Work close with the fabricator to ensure the seat placement and ajustment are right the first time. The seats worked well for me and with the seat and back rest all the way forward access to the back was great with no climbing over seat needed. Room for consol if required too. Hope that helps
AnswerID: 154607

Reply By: MissNellieFyshwick - Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 05:18

Monday, Feb 13, 2006 at 05:18
Hi you all

Thank you very much for your input in this matter - it helped a great deal.

I will see what I can find out ...

Have a nice week

AnswerID: 154657

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