DIESEL fuel!! what a rip off!!!

Submitted: Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 22:02
ThreadID: 30988 Views:2640 Replies:4 FollowUps:7
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Hi there all you diesel lovers,
I have bought a 3.0ltr diesel hilux about 3months ago and have to say its great!!!

What isn’t great is THE PRICE OF DIESEL!!!!

What a joke? Since buying my car I was upset that diesel was 5c dearer than unleaded. Over the last 3 months, when petrol has risen and dropped some 20c, diesel has only done one thing. It goes up to match the petrol price but doesn’t come down to suit?

Why is this so? I grew up in a time when diesel was always being much cheaper that petrol!! I believe its all tax and the government and petrol shop owner are making the $$$$ Last weekend up the coast I paid $1.39 for diesel when petrol was $1.13!!!

All around the world diesel is half the price of petrol and so it should be. The quality of diesel we have here is crap.

My understanding is diesel is taxed excessively to compensate for us not being charged road tax!

Well I am sick of it. At least if I had to pay road tax I might be able to claim it back and at least I know I am paying it, but to hit us diesel drivers without admitting is a joke.
So please join me on the biggest adventure you may ever experience!!

Please send any emails of help or support to


Over the next few weeks I am going to start a campaign and get as much power behind me by writing to every 4wd club, insurance club or what ever I can think of and then start badgering every politician possible!!

I’ll need as much help as I can get and hopefully the little guy might win, but I cant do it on my own so get typing!!


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Reply By: Trevor R (QLD) - Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 22:28

Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 22:28

Your talking about a David and Goliath battle here, I think your energy would be better suited to scheming a business whereby all your diesel dollars can be made tax deductible. Then I think you should go out and enjoy your new found ability to save $$$$ where you can, because trying to take on the fuel companies.....you will not save $$$$ this way.
Maximise your time with the laws in place and you will save yourself a lot of effort.

Regards Trevor. (Diesel owner)
AnswerID: 156144

Follow Up By: Willem - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 08:38

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 08:38
'Maximise your time with the laws in place and you will save yourself a lot of effort'....and stress!!!

My sentiments too.

Taking on Big Brother is like farting against thunder.
FollowupID: 410240

Reply By: fisho64 - Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 23:13

Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 23:13
diesel is taxed exactly the same as petrol, 38.12 cents per litre plus 10% GST. Yes the price is a ripoff but dont waste your time tackling the wrong target. And it is called an EXCISE, so you cant say you are being double taxed (even though it is the same thing in essence) with GST. Government changed the description a couple of years before GST probably for that reason.
But if you could claim road tax back (truckies etc) then the cost of your diesel is tax deductable anyway, and the GST is rebated.
Remember also though that most places where diesel is "1/2 the price" ie UK, NZ you must purchase a road tax sticker, which brings the price up to much the same. Also petrol in UK is roughly the same price as here but in pence, so 2 1/2 times the price. (certainly was last time I was there 3 years back)

One group that is shafting us now though is the Coles/Woolies etc fuel schemes. When they first came in petrol was roughly 80 censt a litre, so the discount was 5% (4 cents a litre). Now that it is $1.30 it is 3%, nearly half.

Im certainly not saying dont bother, but make sure you are aiming at the right target!
AnswerID: 156154

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 23:50

Monday, Feb 20, 2006 at 23:50
"Also petrol in UK is roughly the same price as here but in pence, so 2 1/2 times the price. (certainly was last time I was there 3 years back)"

Ummm, yeah but the poms don't do 1500kms on a weekend to go fishing do they....
Go Biodiesel or install a fuel heater and use straight WVO (waste veggie oil).

I paid $1.10 a litre for Biodiesel today (I bought a 44 Gallon drum, about 210L). Recycled coking oil, cleaner burning, better for the car and environment and my back pocket!! And the fuel companies can go and get $%R$%#@%$#%#!
FollowupID: 410201

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 01:26

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 01:26
Point I was making was that we are taxed alot less than most western countries on fuel.
Same logic says that those of us that live outside Perth where there is no public transport are treated unfairly because not only do our taxes subsidise public transport in the metro area, we also pay more for fuel.
Anyway Jeff, saw your post looking for that biodiesel contact, guess you found it. any chance of you PM me the contact for the bio in perth?
FollowupID: 410216

Follow Up By: jayse76 - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 07:25

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 07:25
thanks heaps guys!

yes very fired up. i wont waste my time but can you explain why petrol goes up and down on a weekly basis when diesel only goes up???
FollowupID: 410229

Follow Up By: age - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 12:07

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 12:07
Jeff M

Legitimate question - Is Biodiesel made on Recycled Coking oil really "BIO" diesel - Coking Oil is the solid residue left over after distillation of crude oil and is usually used to make carbon based and graphite products. Means this diesel is potentially just another variant of normal diesel production - yeah maybe a bit more environmentally friendly when exhausted out of a vehicle, but no consideration is being taken into consideration for the extra processing/energy required/pollution created to turn the coking oil into this so called "boidiesel". Think some companies are getting onto some kind of green bandwagon with biodiesel. Same for the growing of hectares and hectares of canola for biodiesel, is it really less environmentally sensitive/energy efficient (water/salt/topsoil wash off) to the environment than a hole drilled in the ground extracting crude mineral oil ? Can understand the success of biodiesel in Europe etc, but the way it is being rolled out/costed in Australia appears to be a swindle
FollowupID: 410279

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 12:37

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 12:37
Used vego oil is used for the production of Biodiesel. Using a waste product no matter where it came from in the first place is better for the environment before we even start talking about the emissions after burning it in your engine. You could tip 20L of fryer oil into the ocean or you could filter it and mix it with a couple of checmicals and burn it in your engine.

While the crops are growing, they are consuming CO2, which means when you burn it you are effectivly zeroing out your C02 emissions, ie it is almost C02 nutural. Mining oil would use a hell of a lot of resources too, just lke growing a crop, however there is no benifit to mining oil. Plus I'd rather be helping farmers than oil tycoons!! My family has many farms throughout WA and they work hard.
FollowupID: 410287

Follow Up By: age - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 12:48

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 12:48
Jeff M

Spelling mistake in your post - you meant cooking oil. Coking oil is a real product that can be turned into a fuel alternative as well and was the basis of the bulk of my responce (thinking your supplier was using Coking oil). Think there could be a lot of debate on benefits of Petro v's Bio diesel when it comes to background industries/employment/environment (petroleum exploration/exploitation is considered very low impact), investment into this nation ??

I hope Biodiesel is manged as well here like Europe, but does not seem to be heading that way - looks like the Govt are getting their $$'s worth out of it.
FollowupID: 410294

Reply By: Feral - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 10:47

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 10:47
Sorry...I just had to, couldn't help myself!!!!

"Here we go....again!!!!


All this was listed only 3 days ago!!!!

"Sorry all....but why does every complaint about fuel ALWAYS degenerates to this, that and the other and why the sun don't shine!!!!

Why don't we get really angry and instead of whinging to this forum EMAIL your local member. They are all listed, do a google search and if you bombarded them they just might do something about it.

I'm getting tired of all the complaints about fuel, rego, speed camera's, government corruption etc, so get up and email your local member and tell him/her...


Lyndon (..in need of a holiday )
Immaculate Discovery"

What part of it do you not understand!!! "

Dates of topic:
16th February.
17th February.
20th February.

As you can see I am now running a tab on this...who knows we might see change!!!

Immaculate Discovery Td5.
AnswerID: 156214

Reply By: hanson - Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 23:42

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2006 at 23:42
Instead of buying bio - diesel, i'm making my own,

caustic soda, methanol, and the good old fish and chip oil (minus the crunchie bits), which I get for free. I make abt 200levery 10 days and without my labour content costs me around 20c per litre, ........ and the exhaust smell is rather pleasant. Cant work out why all the neighbour dogs keep following me down the road.:-))). If you had to buy 1st grade canola oil it would cost abt 83c per litre, I believe that you can get 2nd grade oil for a lot less. Yes you cant take on the oil companies but the farmers around Lake Grace area in WA are getting together and are forming a consortium to mill their own oil etc, one fella uses around 5000l of diesel every fill up and gets his diesel cheaper than the local roadhouse.
I either use it straight or mix with ordinary diesel just depends on amount I make.
If you have time give it a go.
good luck Ric
AnswerID: 156376

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