Saturday, Feb 25, 2006 at 10:36
Geeeezzz mate, no need to get all narky and abusive about it. With the tone of your respone I'm assuming ( maybe incorrectly) that you are a bit of a 'push and shove,do it my way or get out of the way, bully' on the road.
I don't care if you were doing 150kph, you were in the right hand lane and someone wanted to go faster than you, it's not up to you to regulate their speed, you made no mention in your original post about moving over as soon as it was feasable, most don't, and think it's there god given right to enforce the speed limit on others.
I was only pointing out that it was no big deal, move over and let him go, problem solved.
Besides, what you thought was "one metre" and what you classify as "tailgating" the B-double driver may have classified as "normal" distance, I have sat behind people at a safe distance ( and yes, I know how long it takes to pull up 62 tonne ) and have had them abuse me and carry on because they thought I was tailgating them, most of it is because it was a "big" truck, if it was a car they woudn't have thought twice about it.
"That's perhaps just one reason why in all my years of driving I have not had an "at fault" prang"
When people make comments like that I always wonder how many you have 'caused' ?
Methinks maybe you should be taking one of Willems vallium pills and settle dude.
BTW, I did think, that's why I put finger to keyboard.