Large Exhaust for Nissan GQ
Submitted: Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 18:23
This Thread has been Archived
bill king
I would like to get a little more power out of our GQ diesel 93 4.2 lt
Thinking of using 3 in exhaust. Could this be my answer for power and inprove fuel comsumption.
Is there some place in south eastern sub, of
Melbourne where I could buy this mod.
Thanks Bill
Reply By: bruce.h - Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 19:20
Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 19:20
gday bill
ihad a exhaust thruogh turbo muffler & found it made a big difference to my gq so dont think you will be disapointed with the change
a set of extractors would also finish it off,
regrds bruce
Reply By: Truckster - Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 19:28
Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 19:28
Search the archves, there has been numerous discussions on this!
FastFit in Frankston do them.. Personally
Mine did nothin with extractors.
Waste of $$....
Follow Up By: Bruce.H - Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 19:47
Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 19:47
what no exhaust output x by pot size=beter this tthat & the other& no abuse to discredit me
. oops sorry wrong person
come back ozi
Follow Up By: Truckster - Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 20:15
Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 20:15
I can abuse you if you like Crusty...
But if you look back you sill see Ozi is the one that mentioned that fools that dish out money on larger exhausts etc are the ones that say the most is gained by them, to explain their large outlays of money for little or no gain.
Apology accepted...
Stay where you are Ozi....
Reply By: kezza - Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 21:52
Thursday, Jan 30, 2003 at 21:52
More effect for petrol donks with better breating than diesel donks - high compression of diesel overides the limitations caused by exhaust constrictions it will help but may be hardly noticable if at all.
A bit like putting huge heavy wires on a stereo system - most will not notice much difference. But it helps.
I know a 3" system with extractors will give a RB30 petrol patrol 7% - 10% better fuel economy but substantially less for the 4.2 lit petrol I cannot say what it will do for a diesel and if it would pay for itself in the short term - nobody to date has supplied any facts re changes in fuel consumption for diesel.
As for ozis comment re spending big bucks and imagining better results - psychological fact - people will look to justify their expenditure by imagining a proportional increase in performance wether it works or not.
(Someting to do with cognitive dissonance and compensation - whole studies done on this for market research - do a search on it if anybody wants to bag ozzie or me about it)
ever factual
Follow Up By: Raymond Charlton - Friday, Jan 31, 2003 at 11:42
Friday, Jan 31, 2003 at 11:42
Hi Bill and Kezza
One year ago we fitted extractors, large exhaust and a straight through muffler to a 2.8lt Toyota Hilux.
Results. A much more drivable vehicle on the Highway, cruising comfortable at 110 instead of struggling 100, able to be driven in overdrive longer. Offroad better low down pulling on hills. Fuel consumption figures showed an improvement of 1.5 litres per 100 on Highway and about .75 litres per 100 off Road.
Kezza, just for your information, it was cheaper to put the whole new system on than to replace the Muffler and the fitting to allow for the vibration from the diesel, so we saved money and the improvement in fuel and power was a bonus
Follow Up By: Kezza - Saturday, Feb 01, 2003 at 02:20
Saturday, Feb 01, 2003 at 02:20
Thanks ray
It would be great to know what your consumption figures were so we can get an idea of the percentage increase for the hilux - seems to be close to 10% some 6s only get a 4-5% increase and therefore not as noticable
thanks for the feed back
Reply By: michael - Monday, Feb 03, 2003 at 19:14
Monday, Feb 03, 2003 at 19:14
Bill, I know what you're looking for and I'm happy to advise that the best move you could make would be to bite the bullet and fit a DTS turbo system like I did 2000km ago. The car is far different to drive, so smooth with plenty of go on tap if required. Increase is 33 percent in power and torque. Just do it, you,ll love it ! I put on extractors but they failed to excite me. The turbo does.