Stolen Cruiser - better pics for Bilbo
Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 15, 2006 at 07:53
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Member - Ozdyssey (QLD)
Reply By: Bilbo - Thursday, Mar 16, 2006 at 00:02
Thursday, Mar 16, 2006 at 00:02
Thanks for the pics. I'm now a member but I have yet to activate my
membership. When I get a minute I'll do just that.
In the meantime, anyone who's interetsed in the $1000.00 reward for the recovery of the Landcruiser pictured above, please consider:
It had a vbrand new Jarram Tracklander roof rack on when it was stolen
It had 2 solar panels at the back of the roof rack - ditto
It had a
grey canvas spare wheel cover on it with a small white sticker on it - ditto
It had steel rims on it with brand new 10 ply Eldorado Sports truck tyres - ditto
The whole project was finished only 2 weeks ago and was ready for a big trip in 2 weeks time.
Regi si on WA plates - 1BMC385
My phone numbers are:
08 95276448
email is:
Is it worth a $1000.00 to have a
pic on yer dashboard folks??
Reply By: 4runner - Thursday, Mar 16, 2006 at 00:19
Thursday, Mar 16, 2006 at 00:19
I read about your very unfortunate loss. Nothing more gut wrenching, then to get up in the morning and find the vehicle missing. Long before immobilsors were the in thing, often used to take the rotor out of the distributor. That stuffed up the little buggers. Managed to catch one one night when he thought it was safe to come out and try nicking my car. Got a good bloody belting. Called the cops who gave him a few around the lug hole and has never been seen since. But still take the rotor out of the Dizzzy even with these new fangled immobilsors.
Also used to fit a MASTER switch hidden under the car which totally shuts off the electrics and the fuel pump. Works a treat even in this day and age.Take the condensor out as
well as an extra precautionary measure. No dizzy rotor, and no condensor = NO GO.
My son has a a 3.0litre turbo diesel Surf and he lost the key and the one and only immobilisor. Rang the RAC, they had the car open in about 5 seconds, I had a spare key and he bypassed the immobilsor in about 10 minutes and had it running in no time at all. Eventually found the the missing immobilisor two days later on a paint tin at the back of the house. Now have to get the vehicle re immobilsed. Makes me think that the Toyota dealer mechanic got a spare key cut and hey presto car gone. If I see it in the Northern Suburbs - particulaly in the Gnangara PIne plantation will give you a call