Has anyone else thought about putting the map files of
Simpson Desert and the 6 Desert Tracks into the OziExplorer set and it works , It was very difficult to get the index to work but I sorted it out .
First you copy all the files for OziExplorer into a New folder re-named Ozmaps on the Hard Drive, C:/ if you only have 1 , then install the software from the install icon within the new folder called Ozmaps ,When installation is complete then open the folder OziExplorer on the C:/ drive as follows OziExplorer / Maps / then make 2 New Folders calling one Great Desert Tracks and the other
Simpson Desert .Then insert the CD rom for i.e.
Simpson Desert wait and see if the autorun works and it does just close it down again and using the START/RUN/D: [must have the 2 little dots : after the D] then press OK and that opens the CD so you can see all the files and folders, If you try to open a cd going via MY COMPUTER that then tries to install the software again so you must go in the back door so to speak, OK when you have the CD open you will see 13 files ,6 of them are map files , one called
Simpson Desert 500.map and the other 5 must be copied to the folder in the C drive C:/OziExplorer / Maps/
Simpson Desert ,ok now open the folder on the CD called ECW Images and also copy all the files in there to the same folder C:/OziExplorer / Maps/
Simpson Desert ,
You will do exactly the same for the Great Desert Tracks CD = 12 map files and put the ECW folder in with them as it is. reopen the OziExplorer folder on the C drive,open the Index and delete all files except Australia Index.map & Australia Index , close it all down.
[Note/ if you have the file called ls7_mosaic.ecw for the Mosaic image of Australia and it is a big file at 525MB put it in with the
Simpson Desert map files as
well ]
Now comes the hard part in getting the index to work right in OziExplorer , open the OziExplorer maps from the icon on the desktop, open FILE / CONFIGURATION / MAP IMAGES and you will see paths 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 I have
mine set at path 1 c:\oziexplorer\maps\natmap 250k mapsheets 2003 cd1 / path 2 c:\oziexplorer\maps\natmap 250k mapsheets 2003 cd2 with paths 3 and 4 i'm not sure what you will do there as I have
mine on another drive, you might have to just play around with it a bit to get your index go where you want but it does all work fine on
mine, The reason for copying the files from the CD to the Hard drive is that it works faster than working from the CD rom. Ihope you find this info helpful and for some it will go right over the top but try it, saves a lot of mucking around with CDs and you can leave the good copies at