Poly Bags

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 11:15
ThreadID: 32172 Views:2729 Replies:11 FollowUps:1
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I have had the Red Poly air bags inside the springs of my Landcruiser for 15 years and the performed without fail. Now getting a new cruiser and received the following advise from the 4wd place.

Don't fit the Red Poly bags, they are nowhere near as good as the Blue Firestone air bags because the Firestone bags are thicker, have better connections and are better suited to the Landcruiser 100 series springs because the spring coils are spaced further apart than the 80 Series.

I never know if I should believe these guys.

I am now looking for feed back from someone that has had the Blue Firestone air bags and how are they performing, are the better than the Red Poly bags

Any feed back would be appreciated

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Reply By: Member - Nick (Kununurra) - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 11:46

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 11:46
Ive got the red bags in our 100 series and they seem to fit well in the coils.In fact they are the ones out of our old 4 Runner with a 3omm spacer under the bag due to being a bit short.Have had them 5 years and never a drama.
AnswerID: 162948

Reply By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 13:50

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 13:50
I've had the red ones on my 100 series for 6 years. No Problems.
AnswerID: 162953

Reply By: the real chopper - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 14:04

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 14:04
I've got the Red ones in My patrol, and it was Bridgestone (Firestone) that put them there...
AnswerID: 162954

Reply By: 120scruiser - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 14:18

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 14:18
Hi George
I fitted the blue firestone coilrites in my 120 Prado and had dramas. They are all sorted now and I had great support from the supplier, All Air Suspension in Sydney, no affiliation.
The problem was with the spacer they provided.
Once I pulled it out and threw it away I have had no problems.
They are thick.
The only thing with the fittings is the hose has to be cut perfectly straight before inserting it into the bag otherwise they will leak. I now have a hose cutter which I bought from our tool man at work. It works great and for 5 bucks, I can't argue.
Hope this helps
AnswerID: 162956

Reply By: rickwagupatrol - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 16:41

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 16:41
hiya george, give Robson Brothers a call, they fitted the firestone bags to our patrol, and we dont have any problems.

AnswerID: 162974

Reply By: Member - Loco Locums - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 17:21

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 17:21
Hi George,
Like you we have the Red Poly Airs and we fitted them to our first 100 series in '98 and those same red bags are in our new 100 series right now...no problems for us.

Hope this helps
Rick & Julie
AnswerID: 162982

Reply By: Alloy c/t - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 17:25

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 17:25
Got the Firestone coilrights from trucksprings in the us of a ,,their part no is same for 80 series and 100 series , cost delivered to my door was $132 us [ round $180au] cheapest quote for same that I could get in Brisbane was $310 ... ordered on a Sun evening ,delivered on the Friday afternoon ... had Polyairs on a previous vehicle ,is no comparison , Firestones much thicker and feel more capable , also easier to fit with push on hoses instead of clamps requiring a specialist crimping tool.
AnswerID: 162984

Reply By: Hardo - Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 19:41

Sunday, Mar 26, 2006 at 19:41
I also got the Firestone from Truckspring in USA for my GU Patrol. I have had two bags fail, leaking around the valve. These were replaced under warranty but I had to pay postage. So far the replacement bags are OK, but agree that lines must be cut perfectly straight or leaks will occur. They seem like a good product but unfortunately I have had some problems and payed the price of warranty deliveries from USA.

If I had my time again I would probably go with the Polyairs as I had them in my previous vehicle (Terracan) and they were great. Also my dad had them in his patrol for 9 years and now has them in his Pathy.

I just have this doubt in my mind that the Firestones will fail me again on my next trip

AnswerID: 163013

Follow Up By: Member - Gary W (NSW) - Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 18:18

Monday, Mar 27, 2006 at 18:18
I have the blue ones in a 90 series Prado. Fitted by Opposite Lock. They used to do Polyairs but changed because they reckon the blue ones are much better quality.
FollowupID: 417962

Reply By: froomey - Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 at 01:02

Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 at 01:02
hi, george

the time it takes to pull them out is nothing , the red are bloody good , i've had them for 8 years.
save your money and get them out and put them in your new one

AnswerID: 164337

Reply By: Gu_Patrol - Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 at 08:29

Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 at 08:29
A friend of mine when through 3 firestone bags in his 120 prado, he wanted poly airs and the supplier gave him firestone. Some people might have had good luck with Firestone, but he swears polyairs are the best, Firestone might have changed colours from blue to red just so people think they are Polyairs.
A salesman will always sell you his product.
AnswerID: 164353

Reply By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 at 08:47

Sunday, Apr 02, 2006 at 08:47
Let me guess........................the bloke who told you the blue ones are better than the red ones; sells the BLUE ones??????????????

Now how would I know that????? hahahaha

They are both good brands in all probability........either brand can and will fail in all possibility.

In the same way that an Engel re-seller will tell you his fridges are better than any others, the poly bag dudes will also say their product is better than the other brand/s.

You've had a good run out of the Polyairs already, so why wouldn't you use the same brand again? I have had them on the Patrol for about 4 years and have had no worries to date......they have been inside 2 different sets of springs on this vehicle.


AnswerID: 164356

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