RE.. super cheap dual battery systems

Submitted: Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 20:49
ThreadID: 32488 Views:10798 Replies:13 FollowUps:22
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Does anyone no about the dual battery system that super cheap sell???
Are they any good?
Do they have a spike thingo built into them?
Are they the same as the red ark?
Cheers Jon
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Reply By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 21:00

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 21:00
I would not risk my beer (or hard to catch fish) in a fridge running on a battery charged by a Super C.... product.

... and no they are not the same as Redarc, have you spoken to one of their qualified sales people about the product ?
AnswerID: 164623

Follow Up By: jonboy - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 21:30

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 21:30
No i have spoke to no one about these systems
Just seen them today
$96 with wire and connectors....thet seem pretty cheap
Where can i buy a redarc from?
Iam on the sunny coast Queensland?
Cheers Jon
FollowupID: 419538

Follow Up By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 21:33

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 21:33
Click my logo
FollowupID: 419540

Follow Up By: Member - Ed. C.- Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:01

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:01
I for one, will never buy anything from any seller who bags a competitors product without knowing anything about the product he/she is bagging....
Confucius say.....
"He who lie underneath automobile with tool in hand,
....Not necessarily mechanic!!"

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FollowupID: 419545

Follow Up By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:05

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:05
Been there seen it.

I keep up with what is on the market.

It is NOT a Redarc ! I have inspected the product at S.C. Canon Hill, Qld.
FollowupID: 419547

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:22

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:22
Hi Derek
I was going to give some advice to help the bloke , I don;t have to go into detail as to what I think of cheap Made In China rubbish, and I don't know if Member Ed C is for or again'st or what but go strut your stuff Derek , your Call

gift by Daughter

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FollowupID: 419551

Follow Up By: Lorne - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:23

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:23
Try H&E auto electrical in the noosa area they sell them
FollowupID: 419553

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:38

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 22:38
I have a question for you Derek
About 18 months ago i purchased a 800w Inverter basicly to run everything i anted to including my Laptop, but everytime I plugged the laptop in the inverter would squeal ,but plug a 750w electric drill in and away it went no worries, so i took it out and got a full sine 300w from DSE and it runs the laptop ok.Any answers .

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FollowupID: 419555

Follow Up By: Member - Mike DID - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 09:58

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 09:58
Laptop Computer power supplies are switchmode - they take the AC, convert to DC and charge aup big capacitors to store the power during the gaps in the AC. When you first connect them there is a big current surge because the capacitors have to be charged from zero to around 300 volts. This current surge is overloading your Inverter.

Look for Inverters have "soft-start" - instead of putting out 240 volts immediately, they build up to 240 volts over a few seconds. The more complex SineWave have this, but not all Modified Square Wave will have it.

FollowupID: 419594

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 13:50

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 13:50
Derek ,your dribbling your own c-ap , Calibra battery isolator kit is 100% identical to the famed redarc made in Australia by SAME company as the redarc unit ,specs identical ,2 very minor differences .1 the box it comes in ,2 the neg / earth wire is light green istead of black ,, just admit that you cannot sell at same price and get the b/s out of the forum.
FollowupID: 419635

Follow Up By: Derek from Affordable Batteries & Radiators - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:09

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:09

Well arn't you full of it !

I have personally spoken to Redarc and it is NOT their product and they DON'T make it for S.C.

They go on to tell me it is a knock off job of their SBI12 Mark 1 that is 4 years old.

Please check your facts before trying to run me down. Call Redarc on 08 8186 5633 and speak to Anthony.

Regards I suppose,

FollowupID: 419642

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:42

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:42
Derek ,how the f--k can any one believe you ,steal ARB logo ,tell people in 1 reply is not a redarc and in next tell us it is a sb112mk1 ,,still recon your only s-it-y cause YOU cant match price.
FollowupID: 419650

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 15:06

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 15:06
Hmmmmm that looks about the same as ARB logo as my big toe does
gift by Daughter

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FollowupID: 419658

Follow Up By: revhead307 - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 12:42

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 12:42
Thats the 'new' one Doug. The old one copped soo much flak it was changed.

FollowupID: 419864

Reply By: arthurking83 - Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 23:54

Monday, Apr 03, 2006 at 23:54
I have no issues with any of the latest "cheap, Made in China rubbish" as they are starting to produce some stuff that is comparable to anything else made 'worldwide'!!

I dunno how much a "r e d a r c" is, and I hope my "r e d a r c" (in inverted commas) doesn't get edited with a link to any product I don't personally endorse!!!!!

I have no vested interest in anything made in China (or in S.Australia for that matter! :)), except that I hope someone buys a "cheap made in china rubbish" dual battery thingy to prove that they are very capable devices!

ps. I will only buy tyres made in China...(as the best value for money available) from now on...and cheapo 'made in Japan'... crapo... Falkens! can rot in Heel!

cheapo, "made in China" tools (of just about any description, except cordless drills???) are better value for money than the name brand stuff...OK! maybe won't last as long...but at 1/5th of the price!!!!

Why not trust a Made in China, dual battery thingy?
What's th echances the components inside a r e d a r c were made in China!!
Do they make components anywhere else any more?


AnswerID: 164649

Follow Up By: Member - Ed. C.- Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 00:08

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 00:08
according to the printing on the box, the S'cheap "Calibre" brand isolator in question is actually "Made in Australia"....
From what I read in the spec. sheet, it is a voltage-sensing solenoid (same as the R****c)...
Next time I'm in the market for an isolator, I'll be having another look at these....

Regards, Ed. C.
Confucius say.....
"He who lie underneath automobile with tool in hand,
....Not necessarily mechanic!!"

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FollowupID: 419562

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:53

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:53
No wonder our factories are closing, least i got a damn good pair of Boots made in SA... Rossi boots
gift by Daughter

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FollowupID: 419651

Follow Up By: junior - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:00

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:00
"I have no issues with any of the latest "cheap, Made in China rubbish" as they are starting to produce some stuff that is comparable to anything else made 'worldwide'!!"..... yeah, after spending the last 10-12 years ripping off manufactured products from overseas, backwards engineering and flaunting standing patent laws... so much easier to copy someone else's design and not spend $$$ on research and development. What a fantastic attitude you have. God forbid we should support our local manufacturers of quality products Arthur- especially for the sake of $20 in this case (I would rather deal with a known quantity myself)- Australian manufacturers and businesses are bothering with engineering and manufacturing product due to there being a market place here in Oz that actually still consists of a measure of people that want quality merchandise for their hard-earned $$$- it is so much easier to just import some junk and flog it for a buck without conscience. I for one have been down the route of buying cheap rubbish (admitedly you can still get an occasional bargain) and will never go there again- especially tools- you certainly can't be using any form of electric or hand tool in your career, otherwise you'd know better than to make a comment like that. Buy the best, buy it once! I'd really love to know what it is you do to earn a buck- you obviously don't have your own business, given your attitude of "screw my own country". But what is it that you do that allows you to live with no dependancy on the state of your own country's economy?????????????
FollowupID: 419936

Reply By: Sam from Weipa Auto Electrics - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 07:42

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 07:42
Its people's own funeral using rubbish in the tourist season in weipa I see to many over complicated rubbish isolating system's people just get to hung up on isolaters and battery's because they have no idea. But if you're keen to buy cheap rubbish why not deck you're car out with everything from supercheap maybe a nice cheap 99 inverter and perhaps some 70 dollar superforce battery to run you're fridge and why not grab
a nice 4x4 air compressor for 45 bucks Hell why spend all that money buying arb or tjm gear pfft. (Sorry for the sarcasm you can get some useful stuff at supercheap but is it worth the drama if you're going to rely on it when you're traveling)
AnswerID: 164665

Follow Up By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:34

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:34
Good point.

Supercheap have made thier name by importing cheaper products.
Having worked with companies getting items made in China, they will make it to your spec. Good quality or poor quality.
So what spec have Supercheap supplied? Price is obviously one.

So it is up to every ones judgement to see if the item will do the job. And be willing to double check every thing before a trip, and replace as required.

Being lazy and stingy, I would rather buy good quality for some essential items just in case I miss something before a trip, and cheaper items for others, replacing as required.

But if you end up in the middle of no where with an inoperable vehicle, you carry the consequences, and you don't rant and rave and blame every one else.

Being stuck on Fraser Is is not being stuck in the middle of no where. So make your judgement to suit.
FollowupID: 419579

Reply By: Member - Norm C (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 09:24

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 09:24
Interesting the attitudes we have. Some of the posts here seem to suggest you should not buy anything from Super Cheap. What nonsense. Many of the items they sell are exactly the same as sold elsewhere. Of course, some of their stuff is cheap cr@p, but a lot is reasonable or good quality as well.

As for Chinese rubbish. I suspect many who are reading this are wearing clothes made in China, sitting on a chair made in China and even using a computer, part of which was made in China. Yes, there is some cr@p made in China. But also some pretty good stuff. You might be surprised how many of the world's leading brands have products made in China these days.
AnswerID: 164690

Follow Up By: junior - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:12

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:12
Yep, even most of our "quality" Coleman gear is made in China- it's just a shame that our global economies support "sweatshop" economies, and the selling off of jobs overseas, for what???... The reality is that the quality products from China etc do not end up being terribly cheaper than the similar quality local products, just that importers and wholesalers get to make bigger margains. And as said earlier, it's so much easier to simply import a product from o/s, than having to deal with local labour markets compliance issues and wages... and that just a damn shame- what can we do about it- BUY AUSTRALIAN when possible- won't stop China, but will help to support local economy and jobs!
FollowupID: 419938

Reply By: Member - Graham E (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 11:51

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 11:51
I have been using one for about 6 months running engel permantly in back & so fare no probs, seems to do the job ok,the wireing instructions were a bit confusing but managed to nut it out i'm using an isolater switch between it & 2nd bat just in case.
AnswerID: 164710

Follow Up By: Wombat - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 13:01

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 13:01
Wow!!!!! Someone who tried to answer the poor bastard's question. Well done Graham. Do we need to have this type of hyperbole every time someone asks a question about a product which is not an 'approved' brand name? If so, maybe the forum should have warning to alert first time posters that questions may only be asked about 'quality brand' products. Good luck with your dual battery system Jonboy, I hope it works a treat. Don't take the self-opinionated debate about your shopping habits personally - I suggest that most of the responants herewith have never had first hand experience with the product you are contemplating.
FollowupID: 419865

Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 11:55

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 11:55
You know that old adage "you get what you pay for?"

Well I'm not going to bag any particular product, but when I buy something, I want the "security" of a product backed by a reputable Manufacturer and sold by a retailer that has access to that manufacturer.

So I am prepared to pay a premium for a known brand product such as Redarc, Piranha, etc., that has been though their own relevant research and development life cycles, rather than cheaper "stolen" technology that has little if any, technical backup.

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 164711

Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 12:15

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 12:15
I also suppose it is a bit of "tried and tested" and not so much where it is made that applies here. The argument is reasonable that the Chinese stuff is getting better and that they make just about everything. It is also reasonable that no one wants their holiday destroyed by a failing part (well me anyway). So are you any better off buying a "name"? I reckon you are, even if they switched their manufacturing to China, because they have an interest in making sure that their name is not diminished by poor products. OK so it costs a little more and yes it is highly likely that the same plant is selling "XYZ brand" that looks the same but hasn't been through the "filter".

So they back it up with a fantastic returns policy - but for my money my holiday needs some certainty. And I certainly don't need to be thinking about how I'm going to run the fridge when the system fails. Just don't have enough holidays and each one needs to be a good memory so I guess that makes me vulnerable to spending a little more when it comes to things that go with me on my trips. Just to balance this out I buy plenty fron Super Cheap but just the stuff that I use around the home and my daily commute vehicle.

Kind regards
AnswerID: 164714

Reply By: derraux - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 12:59

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 12:59
I Personally had a good laugh with this post more so with the people giving the poor chinese a hard time, I am geussing that most of you with dual battery systems who are using an AGM battery this was made in china. Somebody once told me this was so us mere mortals could afford these.
Have a good day
AnswerID: 164726

Reply By: TerraFirma - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:51

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 14:51
Being able to rely on something shouldn't be an issue of country of manufacture. Heck remember the stuff we ridiculed as being made in Japan many many years ago. As for something that is simply not made as well as another brand, that is a seperate issue..? Would I buy a Supercheap Fridge over a Waeco or Engel, no way..? Some of the Supercheap stuff is ok. Many of the AGM batteries are being made today in China and you here things like Lifeline are handmade in USA vs mass made in China..? That I do not believe, all batteries are mass produced to a point. Do your research on a product before you buy it, irrespective of where it was made and you'll be ok. On Dual Battery systems, there is a DIY on Ebay from , is that you Derek.? that seems ok value..?? Perhaps you guys know more..?
AnswerID: 164748

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 15:04

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 15:04
Take just 1 item we all use .....a fan

Mate I can remember way back when i was a kid Mum and Dad had a 240v fan and we used it summer after summer m that fan musy lasted years ,Now i just got a desk fan about 4 months agom from Retravision here in Mt Isa , cost $57.00 and i was listening to the thing last night and it soungs like the big-end is going, the crap just don't last,I would rather spend $150 $200 on a good fan and get 6/7/8 years from it than buy a 60 buck fan just for 6 months use,It's got me really beat why people would even want to go near The Warehouse or Silly Solly's, They are chockers with CRAP
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FollowupID: 419657

Reply By: russ36 - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 17:36

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 17:36
i have a $160 matson from repco, 12 months so far no dramas, everything inc excluding battery, battery box and labour. cannot stress enough the need for perfect connections for anyone useing a diy kit
AnswerID: 164784

Follow Up By: Sam from Weipa Auto Electrics - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 07:15

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 07:15
Matson from memory are a big cable and battery terminal and jumper lead, spike protection supplier and are australian made well they were 5yrs ago should be good gear if it has matson on it.
FollowupID: 419803

Reply By: jonboy - Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 20:05

Tuesday, Apr 04, 2006 at 20:05
Hi Again
Sorry to start a arguement
But can anyone tell me does the super cheap one have a anti spike for the cars computers?
Cheers Jon
AnswerID: 164826

Reply By: Member - Graham E (QLD) - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 11:59

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 11:59
In simple terms... NO.... it does'nt
AnswerID: 164975

Reply By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 12:46

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 12:46
Off toppic a bit, but still relevant to the generally off toppic thread L0L

CAT batteries - made in Asia.

As to buying a quality product, which this thread is not about anyway, it's a question about saving money without also getting your hands burnt

Why not invest in a Rotronics battery isolator?
Sure they cost a bit extra :-)

Rotronics battery isolator systems work, and are guaranteed to work even with different types of batteries also, something that can't be "shown to be true" with the elcheapo systems!
AnswerID: 164985

Follow Up By: Sam from Weipa Auto Electrics - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 18:07

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 18:07
Not alot of people would necesarly say cat batteries are good
FollowupID: 419918

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