What some people will do!!!!!!!

Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:25
ThreadID: 32558 Views:3170 Replies:19 FollowUps:5
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I'm mad as hell but I want to get even, can you help me - - legally.
I have just bought a caravan that had included in the deal a Honda generator which was about 22 mths old. I paid for the van and got it delivered to my place on Monday. When I asked where the generator was I was told that it was at his friends place as there was a fuel smell in the car. He said that he would get it delivered on Monday afternoon but it did not turn up. I went around there and asked for the generator and was given what I know is an older one as there is a few more scratches on the covers and wear marks caused by the pull cord on the case. This person who had the generator has a business that requires a generator to power his pump which is located on the back of his ute. When asked if there could be a mistake and a swap was done he said 'No' and told me to bleep off.
Question Is there any way of obtaining the identity of the purchaser of either Honda generators and tracing it back to the owners. Could this be done through records that Honda suppliers have, anybody out there have access to this information?? Really need your help fellers. Can't let them get away with it.
All info can be private if need be.
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Reply By: roofscooter2 - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:53

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:53
sorry to hear this Bill but in reality i don't think you can do much.I think you have been taken for a ride around the Big Block!! unfortunately.Does the one he gave you work,did the other one work?just curious.Bob.
AnswerID: 165066

Follow Up By: Bill13 - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:58

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 19:58
Yes, both work but the one offered in the deal was hardly used. Just bleep off that someone would do such a thing. To me a deal is a deal and no one can accuse me of ripping them off --- ever. There is such a think as principle, - - isn't there.
FollowupID: 419950

Reply By: rayjen - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:10

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:10
Bill, I would go to Consumer Affairs in your state. What you describe makes it a null and void contract if you did not get all of the goods you paid for. Good luck, Ray
AnswerID: 165069

Follow Up By: Bill13 - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:14

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:14
Ray, that may be so but first I must establish that I have been ripped off and to do that I need to establish through serial numbers on the generator that I have, that it was purchased by the person who done the swap and who now has the one intended for me. Someone must know how to obtain such info.
FollowupID: 419955

Reply By: Bartz4b - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:11

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:11

It's unfortunate that you didn't hold some money back pending the delivery of the items as described. The problem is that there is now a dispute as to what you and the vendor actually agreed to. You could see a solicitor but I'm sure that it will cost you more than the generator is worth and if it goes to court and you lose, then you may incur the vendors costs in defending the matter. Fortunately these type of matters are usually resolved through mediation prior to going to court. At the end of the day, you have to make a decission as to how much money your willing to spend chasing the matter.

In any case, it would be advisable to write down exactly what happened including your version of the agreement. Keep notes of all dealing with the vendor. All communications should be in writing. A simple letter of demand would be a start. If no joy, then you have to make that decision about how much you want to spend.

AnswerID: 165070

Reply By: Jack 2000 - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:12

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:12
under the privacy act Honda or any supplier can not give out personal records or details. if it was a private sale for the caravan and generator i am affraid there is leagaly nothing that can be done as there is to much hearsay and it is your word against his, if you were to legal action it would be cheaper to buy a brand new honda genset maybe even a new caravan in this day and age. sorry. Next time collect items and pay for them at the same time.
AnswerID: 165071

Reply By: agsmky - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:15

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:15
If i wasnt such a nice guy, i would sneak in one day and swap generators.......he cant argue that you stole something when he gave you one and he has his generator sitting on the ute (wink, wink).


AnswerID: 165072

Follow Up By: Joe King - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 07:28

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 07:28
..... or a t spoon of sugar in the tank will sort out this theiving bastard....
FollowupID: 420013

Reply By: TerraFirma - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:15

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:15
Don't worry about it, if they're Honda generators , even if one is slightly newer it won't matter. Enjoy your van and learn a lesson, you don't pay completely until time of collection and only if your satisfied, cooling off periods also apply legally.
AnswerID: 165073

Reply By: Dave_01 - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:26

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:26
Hi Bill,

Sorry to here that. Those basteds. is his ute locked up at night!!. just kidding.

I think everyone have learnt from this, either POD or write down serial number (which I whouldn't have thought of doing myself.)

As TerraFirma said, a hond generator is a good machine, you shouldn't have any problems with it. Enjoy.

AnswerID: 165078

Reply By: maroni - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:59

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 20:59
cancel the cheque if not presented yet???
AnswerID: 165089

Follow Up By: Shaker - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 23:25

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 23:25
Don't you mean steal the money back?
FollowupID: 420000

Reply By: Jimbo - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 21:11

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 21:11
I reckon you've got two choices.

1. Employ a Solicitor to to take legal action on your behalf. This could take a long time and be expensive.

2. Employ someone who will "encourage" him to fulfill his part of the bargain. Such chaps can generally be found at a Pub near a dock. Generally cheaper and faster acting than a Solicitor.

That's what I've read in some fine publications.
AnswerID: 165092

Reply By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 21:42

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 21:42
Hi Bill, If the sellers attitude is as you say, I would be more worried if there is money owing on the van.. I dont think REVS has vans on their register, i may be wrong.. I hope all will be ok.. best regards Michael
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AnswerID: 165097

Reply By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 22:32

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 22:32
Bill, sounds like a job for the small claims tribunal part of the Consumer Affairs department. I think in Victoria there is a small charge to do it so that is likely to be the case in other states too. get some advice there peculiar to your situation too.
AnswerID: 165111

Follow Up By: Member - Robert G (WA) - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:53

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:53
I followed this avenue for a shonky repair job I had done once. There was a small fee charged and after several months (around 5 I think) the persons involved coughed up rather than go to court. There was around a $20 fee to lodge my complaint and this was in WA. I did call the guys involved first and lets just say that they found the idea of gving me my money back a bit of a joke.
FollowupID: 420065

Reply By: Shaker - Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 23:30

Wednesday, Apr 05, 2006 at 23:30
What you are trying to do is probably impossible. If the caravan is secondhand, you could contact the previous owner & ask if has a record of the serial number of the generator, if it's the same as the one you have, then you have no problem, if it isn't, you can try bluffing the vendor, but if it comes to litigation you have no hope, unless the serial number of the generator was on the purchase document.
AnswerID: 165127

Reply By: Dave_01 - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 05:40

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 05:40
Maybe evan just a letter from a solicitor might be enough to frighten the seller into telling you the truth or getting the correct generator back.
AnswerID: 165142

Reply By: Rod W - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:25

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:25
Bill you could also advise the Taxman of the details - Persons name and amount you paid - see if its declared income and if not the Taxman could go through them like a dose of salts.
AnswerID: 165185

Reply By: OLDMAGPIE - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:35

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:35
write him a letter saying the genny he gave you started to play up & intermittently stopping & after draining the fuel tank & dismantling it you found a small bag in the tank that was blocking the fuel, upon opening the bag you found a small amount of precious metal (gold, diamonds) to the value of $2000 & thank you very much for purchase
AnswerID: 165222

Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:45

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 11:45
G'day Bill,

Maybe contact the previous van owner and see if they still have serial details for the Honda. Also maybe if you were to ask Honda maybe they can tell you where the serial no you have was sold - this could provide a further clue.

Kind regards
AnswerID: 165225

Reply By: DaveNQ1 - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 12:30

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 12:30
Every dog has his day. Bide your time and then get even. I'm sure you will think of something. Don't spend another cent on this joker unless it's for payback.

AnswerID: 165238

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 13:50

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 13:50
Go and find a local junkie, give him $25.00, a 5ltr tin, and a box of matches

$5.00 of petrol, pour on scums car, and light. Junkie gets $20 for his troubles.. Usually waiting for the day before dole day is best as they are broke and desperate.
AnswerID: 165268

Reply By: kev.h - Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 17:58

Thursday, Apr 06, 2006 at 17:58
Why not drop in to the local honda agent say you are looking at the genny just ask them what they think of its condition and have they serviced it before if they have done any services they will have the details from the serial no. They may not want to tell you who,s name they have but can tell you if the guy you bought it from not who they have on their records.
It's amasing what a salesman or mechanic will tell you if you ask the right questions the right way
Regards Kev
AnswerID: 165334

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