Caravanning around the Block
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 06:18
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We intend to leave Brizzie to go around Aussie, our rig will be a Discovery (diesel) towing a21'8" van. We are new to this and would recommendation any extra gear etc.
Thanks for your help
Reply By: Member - Troll 81 (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 06:20
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 06:20
If you search through the forums you will find tons of information. Also have a look under Vehicle Requirements and the On the Road section
Reply By: bozo - Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 06:50
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 06:50
Have a look at this website. Site Link
Reply By: Member - Ozdyssey (QLD) - Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 07:49
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 07:49
An ECU power upgrade for the Discovery.
I think there's one for sale in the Trader on here going cheap ;-)
Reply By: Wizard1 - Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 07:53
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 07:53
You won't know what you need until you get on the road. Plenty of people will tell you you need this and that....but only you can make that decision.
Perhaps you should do a couple of practice trips some in caravan parks and some
free camping. That way you will notice if there is something else you need or a mod you have to do.
We bought a standard Jayco Freedom 6 years ago and towed it with a Commodore Ute. Now we have a Prado Td and the van has had several mods since then...All our purchase decisions have been based on observations made while travelling and noticable shortfalls...
We free camped a lot more now and found we ran out of water,fitted another
water tank and pump...wanted more room so we bought annex walls...needed power, bought a generator..needed more fridge space, bought a Waeco...get the idea..
There are so many variables and personal situations.....
When we started out we had no idea, it all comes with experience. I certainly wouldn't tell people what they should have, as they may not use it.
Reply By: Member Boroma 604 - Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 08:48
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 08:48
Gooday, been there too.
We put the absoloute necessities on board B4 we set off, then as we found we needed things our first stop each time was second hand shops or markets to try & find what we were looking for. It is great way to save on outlay as
well you often get a far superior, (may not be the latest model), but works better & a fraction of the cost. Also great conversation & memory piece, as time passes.
Just do it, but keep it simple. Have a great time
Cheers, boroma 604.
Reply By: Member - Paul P (Bris) - Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 09:13
Tuesday, Apr 11, 2006 at 09:13
Of the top of my head.
Basics such as
well maintained vehicle and caravan I assume you have. Do not rely on the Van as your sole means of sustenance in the case of an emergency.
You should:-
Be able to change a tyre on the vehicle and van.
Be able to change a fuel filter on the Disco.
Suitable jack - dont assume the one's supplied ( particulalry the van) will be okay.
Carry basic spares for vehicle and van - top and bottom radiator hoses, spare bulbs, fuses, spare wheel bearings for the van, grease, wheel studs, diesel fuel filters etc
Reasonable quality tool kit - If you cannot use it the person offering assistance probably can.
Carry sufficient water in both the vehicle and the van for at least 3 days usage.
Carry some concentrated emergency food in the vehicle
Fire exstinguisher in both vehicle and van.
UHF CB Radio with a good Antenna
First Aid Course and a good
First Aid Kit
Check you mobile phone coverage and have a hands free car kit installed.
You might consider a voice operated in car navigation system such as Co Pilot Live Destinator or Tom Tom.
Enjoy and may your meetings with Mr. Murphy be of a humerous nature.
Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Apr 12, 2006 at 07:10
Wednesday, Apr 12, 2006 at 07:10
Yeah that plurry Mr Murphy took a liking to me when we were on the wallaby.
Towed a 27footer for around 250,000km until it finally fell apart.
There were various breakages along the way but all in all it was great fun and we found out what we needed as the journey prgressed.
One thing we both agreed upon was that if you bought something new then something else had to be discarded as it became
too easy to weigh the van down. We were up to 4 tonnes at one stage on the van. When we came to the end of our journey the van obly weighed about 2.5 tonne.