Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 16:01
Thanks Wombat those details were enough to get me the final details. For anyone that is interested the situation re Tablelands seems to be this at the moment:
- there is no permit required per DIA website
- Tablelands HS is owned by Yulumbu Aboriginal Corporation. Spoke to their chairperson, Wallace Mimbi (who is located at
Imintji Community during the wet season) who said access is ok (no paperwork needed) but to
check with him (via
Imintji 08 9191-7699) closer to our travel time for the latest road conditions.
- Bedford Downs Station (Rachel) said the
gate is no longer locked & access is ok (no paperwork needed) but to
check closer to our travel time for road conditions. Ph: 08 9167 8829
If anyone doesn't think this sounds right then please let me know!
PS: Lets hope no-one else
ruins the track again & prompts the landowners to close access again