Friday, May 19, 2006 at 21:37
thanks I know that one .. as I said it's not about size ...
just about stability and load.. I am not too keen in
Buschtrecker although their reputation is quite ok
I find the vans rather old fashioned in their designs
.. a bit like their advertising .. it's kinda last decade
but thats just a current impression and not necessarily
will spoil the party ... most caravan manufacturers
have poor advertising material and websites ... mostly
floorplans and not much image material .... and the
larger mainstream manufacturers not always pay attention
to detail like waterproofing etc ...
will be interesting .. over the last 6 months we went through
a decision process of what we wanted and have settled for the
vehicle now. The next step is the van and I probably need
another year to finish the concept. We have a good idea whats
important to us and now put all in a detailed concept and plan
to have it quoted ... so I just look for some more arguments
pro and con 3 axle ...
thanks for your reply