Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:16
" On Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:27
Mike Harding posted about GMC $98 gens - adjustment? - (PostID: 34382)
Replies: 6 Last: 31 May 06 09:31 FollowUps: 21 Last: 31 May 06 08:33
Views: 735
The post
My little GMC gen set is optimised to run with about 50% or more of full load and sometimes gets a little confused during the latter stages of battery charging when the load is very low - probably only about 50W? It starts “hunting” sometimes (I’m hoping it will get a rabbit :)
There are a few adjustment screws around the carb; does anyone know which one to twiddle in order to move the power set point down a bit or would this also be a function of the throttle valve return spring strength?
Mike Harding "
" Reply 1 of 6 posted 29 May 2006 at 18:48 - (AnswerID: 175455)
Member - Mike DID replied to the question
An easier solution is to just leave a 100 watt light bulb plugged in the whole time to provide a minimum load.
" FollowUp 1 of 12 posted 29 May 2006 at 19:18 - (FollowupID: 431527)
hl posted this followup
I guess your charger is a switch mode type.
Mine does the same. It won't do it with an old fashioned transformer type charger.
The best solution is as was pointed out to put a 100W load on it. Don't worry about the plug.
and finally
" Reply 3 of 6 posted 29 May 2006 at 18:54 - (AnswerID: 175461)
Garbutt replied to the question
Have to agree with both previous replies. I have a similar unit brand named "Diesel" and after changing the plug it will run all day charging batteries when my tradie son uses it on building sites. I also find when using it for similar purposes having some extra load on it like the suggested light bulb helps it keep a more constant rev rate.
these were the only replies to this thread before you posted this
" FollowUp 2 of 12 posted 29 May 2006 at 19:26 - (FollowupID: 431528)
Member - Bill S (NSW) posted this followup
A better solution Futch (sic) it then its fixed forever."
Quite simply, no-one asked about a Futch, not even a bit.
They asked about a mechanical linkage issue with a generator, more specifically, the point at which the mechanical regulator opens the throttle under load. The Hunting of the engine occurs when the load is not quite enough to load down the motor with the throttle open, but is enough for the regulator to open the throttle (a "full on - full off" control, with no "middle ground)
Unless you have something other than the usual diatribe on the virtues of the Futch to contribute, please honor you previous statement of silence. Of note, a quick search of your posts has shown not one related to anything other than the Futch.
Remember that his is a 4WD/touring related
forum, not a
forum for "broken record" sales pitches. If you have meaningful contributions about 4WD/touring issues, ie destinations, general discussions on products you do not have a conflict of interest over, or relevant questions, or even the occasional joke, everyone would love to hear them.