GMC $98 gens - adjustment?

Submitted: Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:27
ThreadID: 34382 Views:2976 Replies:7 FollowUps:29
This Thread has been Archived
My little GMC gen set is optimised to run with about 50% or more of full load and sometimes gets a little confused during the latter stages of battery charging when the load is very low - probably only about 50W? It starts “hunting” sometimes (I’m hoping it will get a rabbit :)

There are a few adjustment screws around the carb; does anyone know which one to twiddle in order to move the power set point down a bit or would this also be a function of the throttle valve return spring strength?

Mike Harding
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Reply By: Member - Mike DID - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:48

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:48
An easier solution is to just leave a 100 watt light bulb plugged in the whole time to provide a minimum load.

AnswerID: 175455

Follow Up By: hl - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 19:18

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 19:18
I guess your charger is a switch mode type.
Mine does the same. It won't do it with an old fashioned transformer type charger.
The best solution is as was pointed out to put a 100W load on it. Don't worry about the plug.


FollowupID: 431527

Follow Up By: Member - Bill S (NSW) - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 19:26

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 19:26
A better solution FITCH it then its fixed forever.

Happy days
FollowupID: 431528

Follow Up By: hl - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 09:34

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 09:34
You could also take the spring off the governor, or fit a Dtronic.

FollowupID: 431630

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 09:46

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 09:46
ROTFLMAO at Bill S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Taking the mickey out of yourself????

It is an electromechanical issue with the particular load applied to the generator....nothing to do with the fuel system at al.

Now take you Futch advertising elsewhere, it was not asked for and is not needed.

................and the thread has been reported to moderators
FollowupID: 431632

Follow Up By: Member - Bill S (NSW) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 10:08

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 10:08
GaryInOz,Mate seeing as I run the exact unit for lighting on my farm of course with fitch fitted,no fluctuations in performance,easier starting, and longer run time on same fuel ,WHY IS IT SO???????????? I wonder.?????????

And do all the reporting you want I am not posting anything simply trying to inform those who want to help themselves save money.AS stated before there are none so blind as those who do not want to see.Further to this I will keenly await the remarks from the knowalls among forum members when the testing by the NRMA and AAA results are known. AS thru my experiance I allready know the result with my own testing.Surely as time goes by some user of our product will eventually back me up on this forum,as did RELIABLE DIESEL with his comments entered on this forum.But keep your head in the sand you will learn a lot I am sure.

Kindest regards BILLS
FollowupID: 431642

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 10:46

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 10:46
Does the futility of fitting a $200 Futch to a $98 genny seem a bit odd, to save all of oooohhhh (optimisically) 100 ml of fuel per tankful, on the occasions when you run the genny????????????

$200 of fuel =150 litre. Assuming saving 100 ml every 4 hrs operation (avg tankful) would be 1500 X 4 = 6000hrs of continuous use to recoup the cost of the Futch.

as a comparason:
Average vehicle @ 60 km/h x 6000 hrs = 360 000 km
Aircraft engines TBO (Time before overhaul) of 1000-2500 hrs = three to six full life aircraft engines.
6000 hrs = three working years (8 hr day, 5 days a week, 48 weeks a year)

From a cheap chinese genny???????????????????

FollowupID: 431656

Follow Up By: Member - Bill S (NSW) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 13:05

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 13:05
GaryInOz, Enough of this debate I shall await the Verdict from the NRMA &AAA.

FollowupID: 431684

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 17:30

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 17:30
Which is due when???????

Don't keep us any mor in the dark than you are doing already. Give us a date.

FollowupID: 431735

Follow Up By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 18:08

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 18:08
Someone tell me where the "Delete Idiot Button" happens to be.
I'm getting sck of this Bill S. I thought his silence after the last episode on the forum might mean that that we might have a respite. How wrong was I!

This guy has more front than a rat with a gold tooth.

The number of times this guy has declared that results from the NRMA/AAA will vindicate his claims is more than a few.

Funny thing is that we have never seen any reports todate, and I am reckless enough to predict that we never will.

Bill, give it a rest. We appreciate you have spent a swag of money to purchase your franchise and have a requirement to make back your investment, but please Bill, don't target the participants of this forum, don't expect Exploreoz participants to bail you out of your own poor business dicision.

FollowupID: 431744

Follow Up By: Member - Pezza (QLD) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 22:46

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 22:46
Hey Bill,
What happened to your "promise" here in follow up 395471, or is this just another classic example for us to NEVER believe ANYTHING you ever say?


FollowupID: 431826

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 23:50

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 23:50
You mean this promise?

" FollowUp 2 of 4 posted 30 Nov 2005 at 21:26 - (FollowupID: 395471)

Member - Bill S (NSW) posted this followup

Shaker// Wake up it is not a POST it is a comment.And for your information I will never post anything on this forum again,so I hope that makes you happy as you live in the dark,wasting your money.

Regards BILLS"

Sounds about as good as all his other promises.

Do you want us to list them too, Bill ? (Note that the search fuction works very well when you know how to use it)

I've been doing night duty for the last 15-20 years so I'm used to the dark....
FollowupID: 431846

Follow Up By: Member - Bill S (NSW) - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 08:33

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 08:33
GaryInOz-- You will notice nothing has been POSTED since your homework in 2005,hence I only offer comments when asked or if I can help someone with a particular problem.
All will be revealed in time of which I have no control over, so I just have to wait for results from tests organised by outside entitys.
Further to this I really dont care who believes me as I know I speak the truth,atrait that appears to be lost in later generations,as does common courtesey among humans.So you have a happy life and believe as you will.

Kindest regards BILLS
FollowupID: 431878

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:16

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:16
" On Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:27

Mike Harding posted about GMC $98 gens - adjustment? - (PostID: 34382)

Replies: 6 Last: 31 May 06 09:31 FollowUps: 21 Last: 31 May 06 08:33

Views: 735

The post

My little GMC gen set is optimised to run with about 50% or more of full load and sometimes gets a little confused during the latter stages of battery charging when the load is very low - probably only about 50W? It starts “hunting” sometimes (I’m hoping it will get a rabbit :)

There are a few adjustment screws around the carb; does anyone know which one to twiddle in order to move the power set point down a bit or would this also be a function of the throttle valve return spring strength?

Mike Harding "


" Reply 1 of 6 posted 29 May 2006 at 18:48 - (AnswerID: 175455)

Member - Mike DID replied to the question

An easier solution is to just leave a 100 watt light bulb plugged in the whole time to provide a minimum load.



" FollowUp 1 of 12 posted 29 May 2006 at 19:18 - (FollowupID: 431527)

hl posted this followup

I guess your charger is a switch mode type.
Mine does the same. It won't do it with an old fashioned transformer type charger.
The best solution is as was pointed out to put a 100W load on it. Don't worry about the plug.


and finally

" Reply 3 of 6 posted 29 May 2006 at 18:54 - (AnswerID: 175461)

Garbutt replied to the question

Have to agree with both previous replies. I have a similar unit brand named "Diesel" and after changing the plug it will run all day charging batteries when my tradie son uses it on building sites. I also find when using it for similar purposes having some extra load on it like the suggested light bulb helps it keep a more constant rev rate.


these were the only replies to this thread before you posted this

" FollowUp 2 of 12 posted 29 May 2006 at 19:26 - (FollowupID: 431528)

Member - Bill S (NSW) posted this followup

A better solution Futch (sic) it then its fixed forever."

Quite simply, no-one asked about a Futch, not even a bit.

They asked about a mechanical linkage issue with a generator, more specifically, the point at which the mechanical regulator opens the throttle under load. The Hunting of the engine occurs when the load is not quite enough to load down the motor with the throttle open, but is enough for the regulator to open the throttle (a "full on - full off" control, with no "middle ground)


Unless you have something other than the usual diatribe on the virtues of the Futch to contribute, please honor you previous statement of silence. Of note, a quick search of your posts has shown not one related to anything other than the Futch.

Remember that his is a 4WD/touring related forum, not a forum for "broken record" sales pitches. If you have meaningful contributions about 4WD/touring issues, ie destinations, general discussions on products you do not have a conflict of interest over, or relevant questions, or even the occasional joke, everyone would love to hear them.

FollowupID: 431925

Reply By: Alloy c/t - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:48

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:48
The first and best thing you can do for the GMC is pull the spark plug and replace with either an NKG or a CHAMPION of the correct size and gap ,,,, the other cause of "hunting" in these little fellows is stale fuel and or wrong 2 stoke mix ,,, 50 to 1 fresh is the go.
AnswerID: 175456

Follow Up By: Member - 'Lucy' - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 08:53

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 08:53
Could you please advise the correct GAP size
FollowupID: 431625

Reply By: Garbutt - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:54

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 18:54
Have to agree with both previous replies. I have a similar unit brand named "Diesel" and after changing the plug it will run all day charging batteries when my tradie son uses it on building sites. I also find when using it for similar purposes having some extra load on it like the suggested light bulb helps it keep a more constant rev rate.

AnswerID: 175461

Reply By: ZUKSCOOTERX90(QLD-MEMBER) - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 19:49

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 19:49
Above all if you don't know what the carby screw's are for don't touch them,oh oh,not too late am i,Bob.
AnswerID: 175478

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:05

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:05
Ah mate: I tightened all the screws on the thing - a few of them were so loose it was silly.
FollowupID: 431563

Follow Up By: angler - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:13

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:13
If you want to see the wave shape of the litte gennie check out my web site
o to the "of interest" page at the botom and then to the wave shapes.

hope this works if not

FollowupID: 431565

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:21

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:21
Your osillosgrams concur with my measurements of these generators taken a couple of years ago and posted to this website site at the time - less than a perfect sine wave but good enough for most things one is likely to plug into them.

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 431570

Reply By: Mike Harding - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:14

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:14
Thanks Guys

Have done the spark plug (NGK) - it's a 2 stroke! - spark plugs never last!

Thought about stale fuel too and that did help a bit.

Even added a 100W lamp but found I needed closer to a 300W lamp which pushes the fuel consumption up a bit and is a bore to pack.

I appreciate that if I want to be a proper Explore Oz person I should buy a Honda or a Yamaha (or, shudder, a Kipor!!!) but what I really would like to know is: does anyone know how to move the set point down a bit on the GMC?

Mike Harding
AnswerID: 175516

Follow Up By: Sand Man (SA) - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:34

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 21:34
Ah Mike,

But some of us survive on a solar panel, or , heaven forbid.......nothing!

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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FollowupID: 431580

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Monday, May 29, 2006 at 22:08

Monday, May 29, 2006 at 22:08
Careful not to be too "holier than thou" - a solar panel incorporates far more technology than a simple two stroke generator....

As for "nothing": your rig profile suggests otherwise...?

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 431593

Follow Up By: techo2oz - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 06:41

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 06:41
G'day Mike,
I have not seen one of these units, (heard a few, tongue in cheek) but I would assume it would regulate it's speed by one of 2 methods. Electronic, (not highly likely due to the original cost of the unit) or mechanical.

If mechanical, I would then think there would be some linkages associated with air flow but also connected to the main throttle butterfly control. Perhaps try and trace something like that through and there may then be some sort of screw adjustment for you.

Just a guess though.

Good luck.

FollowupID: 431609

Follow Up By: BenSpoon - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 12:21

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 12:21
I hear the governor arm has a number of holes in it for adjustment. Some blokes in the club fixed their hunting problem by moving the spring to a further hole to put more tension on it and they say the problems went away- worth a shot.
FollowupID: 431676

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 12:47

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 12:47
Hi Guys

Thanks for the responses. I did have a play with those holes in the arm and the spring but couldn't seem to get it to do what I wanted - I'll try again as I was in a bit of a rush the last time.

It's a mechanical feedback control.

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 431680

Reply By: Mike Harding - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 09:31

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 09:31
So it looks like fitting a Fitch may be the answer - does anyone if these devices are any good?

Mike Harding :)
AnswerID: 175837

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:22

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 12:22
Must be....apparently they can adjust linkages, change plugs, and hook up a 100 wat globe, without you even touching the engines.

I wonder of they fix the bent conrods too????
FollowupID: 431927

Follow Up By: Member - Bill S (NSW) - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 17:41

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 17:41
Mike,in answer to your question regarding fitch,I use this in every bit of machinery I own and thereby swear to its ability to assist in starting,to extend running time on alloted fuel and believe it or not reduce smoke from two stroke motors,like lawn mowers. chainsaws etc. Try it it is guaranteed &38 to equip any chainsaw normal mower etc Mike contact me thru this site and I will GIVE you one to evaluate and report back on this forum to inform forumites just what occurs.

Kindest regards BILLS
FollowupID: 431998

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 18:10

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 18:10
Well... I have to say: there is a man who puts his money (and his reputation) where his mouth is.

As I'm sure you guessed Bill I was having a bit of a wind up about the Fitch but I am tempted by your generous and open offer - if I take it up you may rest assured I shall be scrupulously fair in my evaluation - I have been a design engineer for many years and I don't guess or make assumptions about things, I measure, test and analyse and I certainly don't have any agenda in regard to the Fitch (actually I have no idea what it is other than something which you claim improves engine performance and others doubt?).

I'm heading off to the bush for a while in a couple of days but I'll get back to you off forum when I return Bill.

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 432003

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 18:37

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 18:37
Mike ,dont know if you believe in heaven or hell ,just a note to advise you that you will be in your grave or in the urn from the crematorium before BillS and his beloved Fitch a,, gets to u to evaluate and b,, does any of the claims BillS sprouts ,,,,,,,,,,,, HEY Bills WHERE IS THE FITCH YOU PROMISED ME FOR AN UNBIASED EVALUATION ,, ????????????
FollowupID: 432008

Reply By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 16:33

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 16:33
hi Mike
I have a GMC and it works well no hunting or any thing. The question i would like to ask is what type of batery you use and what type of charger and how many amps does it charge I use a 130 amp wet deep cycle battery and a 7 amp cetk charger i know 130 divided by 7 is 18 hour of charging and i am thinking about going to a 20 amp charger
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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AnswerID: 175923

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 17:11

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 17:11
I'm using an 88Ah AGM and a Jaycar 12 amp 3 stage charger (they even tell me they've fixed 'em now :) and that setup works well for me. For the sake of battery life I wouldn't normally take the battery below 66% of full charge so I'm looking at putting around 30Ah back into it which is 2 to 3 hours with my charger.

A 7 amp charger for a 130Ah battery is a bit on the light side but with a wet cell battery I'm not sure how much more current you would be able to force into it once it's regained some initial charge; maybe 10A or 15A - anyone? Probably worth going to a bigger charger but also consider selling your wet cell and buying an AGM battery, they will take a lot more current during the charging process.

Mike Harding
FollowupID: 431987

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 18:21

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 18:21
Most wet cell batteries do not appreciate a charge of more than AH/10, in your case 13 amps (realistically 10-15 amps you noted).
FollowupID: 432004

Follow Up By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Thursday, Jun 01, 2006 at 12:41

Thursday, Jun 01, 2006 at 12:41
hi guys
Thanks for the info i will go and see Jacar
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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FollowupID: 432154

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