Friday, Jun 16, 2006 at 10:06
OK if he said it "drys out the seals", if that was his exact words, then:
1. We now know for a fact that this mechanic has got absolutally NFI what he's talkinag about when it comes to BD
2. It was probally wear and tear.
BD will destroy rubber seals in older type injector pumps and fuel lines, it won't dry them out, in fact quite the opposite, it will kinda melt them in a way. Eat through them. Of course almost any diesel you buy from the bowser will have similar effects on older rubber seals and components, so you stuffed either way
weather your using commcercial petro diesel or biodiesel now days if you have an older vehicle with rubber components.
Sorry to hear about the bill, injector pumps are not cheap items to get rebuilt/calibrated.
If you were uising straight WVO, (Waste vegi oil), without the proccess of turning it into a metho ester, you could potentially clog injectors, especially in colder
weather. If you are running BD, it's more than likley that you will actually clean you're injectors, not clog them. I would be blaming 344000k's of using petro diesel on cloged injectors, not a few tanks of BD over 2 years. Since running the surf on B100 for 6months straight (not a drop of Petro diesel been in there), she is almost not smoking at all once warm, even under major load. The power has increased and when warm, she starts heaps easier than before. I, personally, would put this down to a cleaner fuel system (BD is a solvent and a lubricant in 1, it cleans all of the carbon residue left behind by running petro diesel).
I reckon after 344000k's without having to put a spanner to it, go toyota!