Jeep Grand Cherokee Vibration- Outrageous response from Jeep
Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 14:54
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I said I'd get back to you all regarding the outcome of my complaint re 2006 Grand Cherokee vibration. This vibration is noticable from 40kmh upwards. When I first got the car it was thought to be out of round tyres, the goodyear trouble shooter went for drive with me, we went from 0-60kph he said he could feel the vibration straight away and said thats enough, we will replace the tyres. Unfortunately it made no difference, but illustrates that this is a readily noticeable vibration.
Anyway, yesterday some senior Jeep management people were in town and took the car for a drive, their response..
1. Its a "characteristic" of the vehicle (a word bandied about from the start by the dealership)
2. Every new Jeep Grand Cherokee they have
test driven (petrol and diesel) has had this problem.
3. Its an engineering issue
4. They will take no further action
5. They will not explore the problem any further to find a solution
6. In other words, stiff s#it
This is a disgrace from my point of view, I hate vibrations.
Aside from the vibration the vehicle is very impressive but I am really cheesed off about this, hopefully I'll learn to live with it.
Just to top things off, they did the first oil change and didn't do the cap up properly, result, engine oil sprayed all around the engine compartment and all over my driveway. Flamin hopeless
Reply By: Scoey (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 14:59
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 14:59
As the stickers say on the back of countless Jeeps I see getting around...
It's a Jeep thing, and no, I don't understand!
Sorry to hear of your problem - that's bull bleep mate - unless you absolutley must have a Jeep - I'd sell up and get something else! If for no other reason than principle alone!
Follow Up By: Brian B (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:20
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:20
It is a load of crap that's for sure but selling is not the answer in my opionion as there will be a loss for sure. You know how vehicles generally depreciate and if the prospective buyer picks up on the vibration then that could cost even more money.
Places like your state motoring group, Department of Fair Trading, higher up the Jeep food chain, statement from the tyre guy etc would all be worth a shot yet as I don't think it is right to roll over and learn to live with the problem without a real good fight at least.
Follow Up By: Scoey (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 16:40
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 16:40
G'Day Brian,
Yeah you're right, I guess stories like this just boil my blood! Fight the good fight mate and good luck! :-)
Follow Up By: Member - Andrew W (SA) - Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 08:03
Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 08:03
demand your money back and keep demanding insistently every time anything however minor goes wrong ... there is lemon legislation which says they need to refund I think.
Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:02
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:02
Wonder if it may be worth talking to the motoring organisation in your state eg NRMA, RACQ to bring more pressure on the manufacturer?
Reply By: pilbaradisco - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:15
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:15
Take it back for a refund!
Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:26
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:26
Make sure that you get a written response from the manufacturer - this will be of major use if you want to pursue the issue. Have you thought about Consumer Affairs and as a last resort the TV programs they might love to take the issue up too.
Reply By: crfan - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:45
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 15:45
Did you take it for a
test drive ? was the vibration there then ?or did you take demo for a drive ? did it have a vibration? if not tell them that its not a caracteristic of the jeeps and to fix it .
Reply By: Brid from Cost Effective Maintenance - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 16:08
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 16:08
I can sympathize with you, Rod. Why not request they put their response in writing, and take it to some sort of authority who can at least embarrass them, if not prompt some action? RAC? Consumer Affairs?
Some dealers really treat us with contempt at times.
All the best
Reply By: Member Boroma 604 - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 17:05
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 17:05
Have been experiencing similar problem, intermittent for past 6 months.
Will give more details later but would woddonnee care to contact me from my Member profile as I would like very much to compare notes.
Cheers Boroma604.
Reply By: woddonnee - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 17:49
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 17:49
Thanks for the sympathy :-)
Heres a my response to some of your suggestions.
Firstly, its not the dealer, they would like to fix it.
Also the dealer has rectified the oil leak situation, ie picked up car cleaned it up, (took most of the day) gave me 2 jeep T shirts (will wear them when I calm down LOL) even filled it with diesel, pity would have only taken about 20L.
Selling the vehicle is not an option, as suggested, to much loss involved. Also I do really like the car apart from the vibe.
I've been told I will get a written response from Daimler-Chrysler.
I didn't take my car for a
test drive and didn't notice it on the one I did drive. Its the sort of vibration that is not apparrent on bumpy roads but once I became aware of it I can feel it much of the time. They reckon I'm the only one to complain though. I am more picky than most I guess, but not unreasonable. IMO anyway :-)
We have the RAA here but went to them after my wifes car had some amazingly bad crash repairs, the RAA became part of the problem, they did at least have the guts to own up by sending a frank letter of apology and a refund for the inspection.
A mate suggested a mechanical engineer for the Jeep. Still thinking about it.
It would be far easier for jeep to locate the problem, just need more people to raise the issue. That seems to be my stumbling block at the moment, although they (Jeep people) can also feel the problem, no one else is complaining.
Still considering my position.
PS baroma 604 you have mail
Follow Up By: Member Boroma 604 - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 19:53
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 19:53
For info of others I have responded to Rod Smith direct in more detail, but we have a 2003 Grand Cherkee Ltd CRD, it developed a severe vibration late last year after dodgey 60,000 service by a Jeep dealer who shall remain unnamed, rectified by another branch, after they had put the wrong oil in the transfer case & topped up power steering with wrong oil, designed designed to fix steering pump problem.
The good branch drained & flushed the pump but had to finish up putting a complete new steering pump on. No problems with that since.
This vibration was, & is, as if 2-3 cylinders drop out during acceleration at approx 70 km per hour. Other self diagnosed thoeries were bent or unbalanced tailshaft, loose flywheel sick UV joint, serious wheel balance problem, fuel starvation on 2-3 cylinders etc, but intrmittent. Eventually at 68,000 had to do a trip Bne to
Sydney & return, tyres on last few thousand KM, so, replaced 'em with same as originals at purchase, Goodyear Wranglers. Seemed ok for this trip, then came back intermittent. Went in for 70,000km service last month, told 'em about it, on pick up said, " couldn't get it to do it but balanced all wheels anyway". Seemed ok around city for 1500 km, just been on a 30,000km return highway trip in last 4 days & it's still there not as violent & still intermittent , but bloody distessingly costly feel. Just wish it would self destruct B4 warranty expires at end of year.
Cheers, Boroma604.
Follow Up By: Member - greg S (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 20:36
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 20:36
Hi Rod,
We had similar problems with Hyundai, in regards to our Terracan
suspension. In QLD the Dept of Fair trading will not help as it is not under their jurisdiction. Racq will only put you on their data base(for complaints) and when they get a few of these about your problem then they might go to the manufacturer about it( we are on their data base about our problem). We had our vehicle checked out by 3 independant companies and all 3 said that there was a problem, 2 of these said it was unsafe to drive and the other said it needed further investigation, we told Hyundai about this and got pretty much the same response as you did. I then rang the ACCC as they were the only ones who could assist in this matter,(as it is a new vehicle and a contract between you and the dealer) they told me to write a letter of demand to Hyundai outlining the problems, what we wanted from them and a date for the problem to be rectified. We did this, and we gave them a deadline of 5pm Friday( only sent the email on monday), otherwise legal action will be taken. They responded at 3pm on the friday and told me that they will fix the problem.( They also gave us our money back on the Trek'N'Tow susp package). A good outcome for us in the end as it took awhile to sort out, but it was worth it. :))
Hyundai also told us that we were the only one's complaining about this problem, but we persisted. I don't care if we are the only one's complaining, if there is a problem the bloody thing should be fixed, no questions asked. To their credit they did respond quickly once we put it to them in writing.
If you need assistance or a copy of the letter we sent member message me and I will see if I can find it.
Cheers Greg
Follow Up By: woddonnee - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 22:51
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 22:51
Thanks for your email Boroma.
Greg, thankyou for sharing your experience, interesting indeed. Sounds like a good way to go about getting some action.
I had to go out and to the shops just now and tried to approach the drive with a new (don't mention the vibration) attitude. It didn't work, its just not right, to much to ignore.
If you can find that letter I would appreciate a copy if thats ok. I'm not a paid up member here sorry, so can't member message. You could send it to if thats ok
Reply By: greydemon - Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 12:03
Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 12:03
"There is only one Jeep"
Sadly untrue - I saw two this morning. (Only one was working though)
Reply By: anglepole - Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 15:25
Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 15:25
It never fails to amaze me we pay out $50k + for a new car and after purchase you would think we paid them with play money. Service is not much better. Usually I make 2 bookings one to take it back after the first service.
I commented to a work friend its a good thing they do not maintain Aeroplanes, no worries he replied it would not get off the ground.
Good luck I hope your problem gets solved
Reply By: Member - Rotord - Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 15:48
Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 15:48
Something that varies intermittantly is
suspension load caused by varying road camber . When you have the vibe , note the camber and see if the vibe varies with a different camber , or , when safe , drive on the right to reverse the camber . Wind effect is somewhat similar .
Can you induce the vibe when stationary and reving the engine in neutral ?
Can you vary the vibe by varying the load in the vehicle , and balance of the load ?
Follow Up By: woddonnee - Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 23:06
Thursday, Jun 22, 2006 at 23:06
I don't often have much of a load, but will keep what you say in mind, interesting, thanks.
One time recently I was leaving my driveway when the car was cold, I accelerated harder than I normally would before warmed up, the vibration seemed much worse for a little while after that. I think its normally more noticeable when the car is cold?
Reply By: woddonnee - Sunday, Jul 02, 2006 at 17:46
Sunday, Jul 02, 2006 at 17:46
No further developments, still waiting for something in writing from Jeep.
Overall the Jeep Grand Cherokee is a very nice car and suits my needs very
well. However, I am aware of this vibration almost constantly, it is so aggravating that I now wish I had not bought the vehicle.
Heres something that may help identify the problem. When the car is cold and I sit in my driveway, in drive with the car facing on a slight uphill I can replicate what I believe is the vibration by increasing the revs to the 800+ range, even with the brake applied and stationery the vibration is obvious. Any clues.
Also if I sit on the part of my drive that has a greater incline for a minute or two, when I accelerate away the transmission doesn't seem to engage and the revs go way up as I slowly crawl away and the transmission struggles to engage?
the very disappointed Rod