Wednesday, Jun 28, 2006 at 13:25
You obviously didn't fully appreciate the setup I was describing. I too have a second battery setup and run a CF50. However, I was providing
feedback based on replacing a 3 way caravan fridge, I assume, with a similar size compressor 12/24 volt unit.
I too looked into this in detail. On advice from the chaps at Solar Panel Xpress, they suggested in order to have enough solar re-charge capabilty to keep upwith the power draw from:
1 x compressor fridge in the van (This draws 65 - 70 AH per day)
1 x CF50 (24 AH per day)
van lights, water pumps, stereo, etc (Approx 5 AH per day)
As you can see that is a lot of power requirements per day to re-charge.
I would have needed 2 x portable solar panels (the wattage I cannot recall, but I think it was around 85 watts each) all wired up for around $1800 for the pair.
The portable units available at most camping outlets would not have provided enough watts. If I were not to have a 12/24 Volt van fridge the story would be quite different and much cheaper.
If add the cost of 2 x deep cyles (cheap 100 ah start around $130 each )
A charge regulator (Arrid twin charge) $399
As you can see it starts to add up.
I have already done some research on the matter but I do appreciate your advice.