Buying ice on the way to Cape York

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 09, 2003 at 16:45
ThreadID: 3736 Views:3769 Replies:4 FollowUps:1
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Couple of mates are heading to the Cape in July and asked about buying ice on the way up, last time I was up there was 1972 and didn't see any (but that was 30 years ago) hope someone can help. Bruce
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Reply By: Member - Peter D M - Sunday, Mar 09, 2003 at 21:06

Sunday, Mar 09, 2003 at 21:06
bruce and anne
travelled around the cape 2 years ago. crushed and block ice available everywhere we looked and needed. archer river, weipa,jardine river,bamaga only place we didnt look was lockart river community store
regards peter
AnswerID: 14742

Reply By: Beddo - Sunday, Mar 09, 2003 at 21:08

Sunday, Mar 09, 2003 at 21:08
Ice no problem, I was up there in Aug - Sept last. In Cairns buy some dry ice and also freeze some water in 2L milk containers - with dry ice lasted 7 days in a Evacool esky. Any of the Towns Ok for Ice, Laura, Weipa, Bamaga and Lockart River(near Chilli Beach), Punsund Bay (at the top). Cannot remember if Archer River had ice - thgink they did. Most have party ice and not block ice - party ice only lasts a couple of days. If ya drinking heaps have a separate esky for beers as the cooling of a couple of drinks sure burns thru the ice - if ya can buy cold drinks and put them in esky straight away - if they make it that far. Keep the stubbies in the plastic - not loose in esky as the corrugations will result in lids coming off - lost approx 6 beers. Also the cans can rub against each other and rub holes thru them. Cheep beers at Weipa then when at the top go to Thursday Island (cheaper than Bamaga etc).
Have fun !
AnswerID: 14743

Follow Up By: Member - Geoff - Saturday, Apr 05, 2003 at 18:52

Saturday, Apr 05, 2003 at 18:52
G'day Beddo,
I have been back tracking on the forum and found you had the answers we needed about the ice situation, as we are heading up to the cape in September this year. Something you might know, is there good drinking water available in many camping spots. We are used to drinking country tank water, and I (Jen, Geoff's Misses) am very fussy as my main drinking input is water. Also if you can give us any pointers for this time of year like climate etc. so as we know what to take in clothing, therefore no to overload. Our kids and their partners with a baby will be travelling with us, so any info from your experience would be appreciated. Happy Travelling Jen
FollowupID: 10546

Reply By: Bruce - Monday, Mar 10, 2003 at 15:35

Monday, Mar 10, 2003 at 15:35
Thanks Peter & Beddo for the info on the ice up the Cape.Bruce
AnswerID: 14777

Reply By: Member - Jeff - Sunday, Apr 06, 2003 at 21:49

Sunday, Apr 06, 2003 at 21:49
GEOFF - Follow up on water availability - well we took around a 30L container for water and we had the frozen milk bottles for water aswell. Trying to remember where we got water - Weipa, Archer River ?, Portland Roads (Iron Range NP) - spring water at well at Portland Roads great water, Punsund Bay. The rivers - Delhunty River no probs about drinking (we did), Twin Falls had taps etc but we did not fill up here, many of the streams are running well with crystal clear water - plenty of sand about and would guess is well filtered.
Climate in September - we are from Sydney way and found ourselves in shorts from Cairns up, didn't find many sandflies or mozies either - but we noticed if you go near any of the mangroves for fishing etc then you will. We went to Undara Lava tubes and then we put on some jeans and a sloppy joe (heard around July August can get near zero here) but it was still around 20 degrees at night. At Cape York probably around the mid 30's - was not too humid either - found the OTL the best place for the kids as you were able to swim - clear water(no crocs - well you would see them) - Delunty was great for little kids at the crossing as you could sit in ankle / almost knee deep water on the creek crossing and watch the kids - sand & rock bottom - plus there were a couple of holes aswell to sit in - Twin falls great swimming but too many people for me - the crossing one past Delunty I thinks was another good one if you had Li Lo's - runs a bit quicker and small rapids, Hope this helps.
Chilli beach is pick the weather as it can be windy - if so camp in the rainforest campgrounds - we were lucky I think we got there as everyone left due to the wind and then it stopped and we had 2 great days, Have fun Jeff (BEDDO)Cheers, Beddo

Surf KZN185

<- Nifold Plain, Cape York
AnswerID: 17004

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