yep, another one of those questions.....................................
k here we go.
picture this : Day 1,,,,remote coastal area, hot(high 30's), lots of really soft sand and you come across a 4by stuck.
Well and truly bogged to the chassis in bloody hot red sand, his missus and kids not too impressed. He has no recovery gear, the tires are still at 40psi, and he was in 2wd till he got stuck-then hit4x4 and promply buried the front axle as
well. You help him out of the situation, and your parting words are,,,,get a pressure guage, an air compressor, and learn how to 4by before you try this again. All said very nicely by the way.
Day 2....same area, abit further up the coast in worse sand conditions, lo and behold,,,,there he is again. Same bloke, same situation. Youask thedumb question--"What are you doing all the way up here?. Did you let the tires down, are you actually in 4 wheel drive this time?---the list goes on and on. You do the "right thing" again and get him out of the bog, and make sure he gets out of the soft stuff,,,,,about 20 back down the track to where you pump his tires back up,,,,,,,and leave him with the words....." Do not come up here again,,,you are asking for Murphy to bite you on the arse".
Day 3... same area, further up the coast,,,he went in on the main track then turned onto a
beach access track,,,you see the chewed up track as you enter. Ten k's in from the main track, there he is,,,bogged again..........
What do you do?
Bear in mind that you are 10k's off the main track, which is really cut up cause he ran flat out at road pressures to get up there to start with, and it would mean a trip of some 30km before he was at a point where his tires could be re-inflated. With a further 70km till the nearest servo aircompressor if you dont pump them up .