Serious 4wd drawer/storage deal.
Submitted: Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 21:48
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I've got a mate who does kitchens and is looking at building "flat pack", assemble it yourself (with instructions and DVD), drawer systems.
He reckons he can do a twin drawer, side by side to sit in the back of your 4by for about $500. A fridge slide on top would be about $175 to $225 depending on the weight.
He also thinks he can build a unit with two drawers on top of each other, with a fridge cavity and slide on the other side for about $800. This would also enable storage on top.
No fancy carpet. Just white, melamine coated, water resistant board, finished in a professional manner. Tart it up yourself if you like.
Is he wasting his time? Or would you buy one?
Reply By: Leroy - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 21:59
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 21:59
Every three minutes a child dies from starvation and you are worried about posting on a
forum about storage systems......Priorities! ;-))
Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:48
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:48
Now whose wasting their time... :D
Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:49
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:49
Oops, should be "who's"...
Follow Up By: Leroy - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:09
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:09
I'm not part of the spelling police......I'll leave that to Willem lol
Follow Up By: Jimbo - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 19:16
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 19:16
Touche Leroy LOL.
You got me.
Follow Up By: Leroy - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 19:30
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 19:30
hehe I was thinking afterwards I should have had the caps lock on also!
Reply By: pepper2 - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:07
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:07
Yes i had a carpenter mate make a two drawer system out of ply in 2000 cost me $250 mates rates no profit still using it today in my second patrol good as new....
mine did nt have metal slides the drawers slide on strips of laminex approx 25 mm wide not as good as roller slides but work ok and didnt cost over $ the time i suggested there was a market for them .......i think ply would be lighter and stronger personally
Reply By: Emo - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:17
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:17
Sounds like a good deal.
Reply By: Brian B (Brisbane) - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:20
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:20
G'day Jim,
Has your mate done a prototype as yet to see how it all goes? I was just thinking that this may give him a good idea as to their durability etc.
Best of luck to him though. My only query would be whether a white melamine coated surface would wear very
well as that stuff can be a bit flimsy at times.
Have a good one.
Follow Up By: porl - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:27
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 22:27
I bought my wooden drawer set off a guy who sold his prado to buy a 100 series. He had a mate build them and they run on those melamine strips or whatever. That was four years ago when i bought them and then they were already 4 years old so now 8 all up. I have never had to replace the melamine strips, much to my own amazement. When a drawer is loaded up heavily with
tools and recovery gear, sure it isn't going to roll out as easy as a ball bearing system but gee whiz out it comes every time, sometimes a tug might be needed but never been stuck. My experience anyhow.
Reply By: Bilbo - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:15
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:15
You've quoted some very cheap prices there. But do those prices include a profit margin? If not, then why would you do it? It OK to make a set for yerself on the non-profit basis but you'd wanna be making a quid if ya do it fer someone else that ya didn't know, surely.
I know how many hours it took me to make
mine for the Chebissan (I've got a bad cold) - you'd need to price in a few manhours and how many you'd need to sell to make a profit, before going ahead with the venture. However, If those are the selling prices then I reckon there is a good market. Most guys on here can put stuff together. Some guys can make thier own I'm sure. But TIME is what's important to most of those same guys and it takes a lot of time to design the system to start with. I know I did it! But I'm retired - time is what I've got a lot of.
Follow Up By: D-Jack - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 00:47
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 00:47
$500 would certainly not be materials alone. It seems like a good idea, the carpenter cuts everyting puts a few holes in it, provides screws/fittings and an instructional DVD, sells it in 'IKEA' style for a profit of what I would say would be in the $300 per pak margin. I'd buy one, and probably still carpet it myself.
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:50
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:50
Im sure someone posted something similar to this round Oct/Nov last yr??
9pm, wine oclock?
Follow Up By: Leroy - Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:52
Monday, Jan 15, 2007 at 23:52
nope 12 minutes to......
Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 00:03
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 00:03
You hiding in Wawaland Truckie ????
Reply By: 4wdNewbie - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 02:06
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 02:06
Is it fair to say the kinda setup you are offering would be the best for bootspace for a cricketer/golfer/music enthusiest? The one that i had before was roofhigh and took up the the entire boot, with all these little boxes for things.
Reply By: Member - Ian H (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 06:20
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 06:20
HMR Melamine would not last in the bush BUT 12 mm ply on a 19mm base would and does. No extra work, just different materials.
Follow Up By: obee - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 07:12
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 07:12
Yeah I have seen plenty of melamine furniture that people chuck out on the verge cos it rat bleep . ply is the go. It will take screws and bolts that will not fall out on the first two corrugations. A steel frame with melamine.... but thats getting away from the flat pack theory.
Reply By: Member - Barry M (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 08:52
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 08:52
Jimbo, I think it could be a goer at those sort of prices. The suggestion I would make is look at flat pack kitchens as
well, for camper trailers I mean. The
after market ones I have seen come at an extortionate price. I think the market
for"put together your own" C/t is on the increase. I made my own kitchen. & it took a bit of fiddling around. I would certainly have looked at a precut flatpack at
a reasonable cost. Just a thought...oldbaz.
Follow Up By: 120scruiser (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 17:43
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 17:43
Hi Barry
I am going through the CT thing at the moment.
I'll use the old mans table saw and alot of time and build my own. I went to bunnings and bought some of those plastic drawers which will be screwed in and build the rest around it. Probably cost about 100 bucks with out putting a cost on the time. I'm in not rush.
Reply By: Willem - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:49
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:49
First you need a Serious 4WD....................................
Follow Up By: Jimbo - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 18:34
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 18:34
First prototype will be a GU.
Reply By: Johnnotoo - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 11:32
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 11:32
The key to a good drawer system I believe are the ball bearing runners and steel frame. Also agree with others - should be ply (lighter and more durable) AND needs to be carpet covered!
Reply By: Tathagata - Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 13:25
Tuesday, Jan 16, 2007 at 13:25
Steel frame and made of ply and I would certainly buy one.
I have the rear of my Troopy all measured up and have measurements for a drawer system for it (just cant do it myself). If you are interested I can email them to you in case you want a template for a troopy.