Friday, Jan 19, 2007 at 02:21
Glenn, no i don't think i will be automatically forced onto an AWA. I can either stay on these pay rates and conditions for the rest of my career, or eventually i will have to go onto an indivdual contract. My employer can offer an AWA at any time and who knows what legal bollocks that entails. Would I be overlooked for a promotion if many others have signed AWA?
That's the whole point of these new IR laws, to end collective bargaining by the unions on behalf of their members. You can still be a member of a union, but their power to negotiate for workers is severely reduced to almost nothing.
There are 5 "guarunteed" clauses that all new AWA contracts must abide by 'by law', mind you from the figures i've read something like 85% of them leave out at least one with about 40% not having 3 of them. These 5 conditions can be so called 'negotiated' out or simply omitted.
If the potential employee doesn't like the contract they have two options, 1) don't take the job, 2) go and see a lawyer and prosecute the employer for leaving out some of the 5 clauses. Either way the cards are stacked heavily in favour of the employer.
To be honest for the amount of money i get paid, the amount of hard work i did at Uni it's easier to just bugger it off and go for the money, despite being skilled and in demand in current job. If you're getting well paid you don't care so much about other things.