my 2.8 is dead

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:21
ThreadID: 41571 Views:3816 Replies:16 FollowUps:22
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Gday All

I have a dilema. my 2.8 litre motor has problems that my mechanic is afraid of! He is an honest bloke who won't charge without result, and from his early analysis he feels he could put 5 grand into it for little result......I'm looking at options, all which are expensive.

1 - convert to 4.2, from what I have read here can be done for about 12k

2 - convert to 6.5, lots of fun but 25k

3 - new 2.8.....hard to come by and proplem could be computer related etc and I am over this little P O S

4 - trade on a brand newie, looking at 45k changeover +

5 - sell for probably 10k and buy a 5yo 4.2 for about 35k

Any experiences with all of the above greatly apreciated, along with a source of a 4.2....I have heard that Brunswicks are a good source at times, although a doner vehicle would be good for all parts, but what am I getting myself into?

Any suggestions welcome.....will think about trading on a newie, but I don't want to spend that kind of cash, but it should last me years...

Cheers Andrew
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Reply By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:24

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:24
what about a commodore v6. Common conversion and places that do it should be able to give you a drive in drive out price. I have heard this is the cheapest option
AnswerID: 217448

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:35

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:35
Thaks Davoe, hadn't really considered the holden option. If I was to go petrol, it would have to be a V8, but t this stage I wan't to stay with the diesel.

Cheers Andrew
FollowupID: 477901

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:00

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:00
Arghhh sorry I saw 2.8 and for some reason though of pre 98 Hilux. Got a bit sus when i read talk of ECU and MAF so did the smart thing and clicked on your profile
FollowupID: 477909

Reply By: rolande- Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:29

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:29
G'Day Andrew,

Cheapest option is to buy a complete engine. some of the wreckers in Queensland advertise them for around $2500

Rockcrawler, (Eric), advises cheapest conversion is to buy a written of 4.2 at auction, change all the gear over, then sell the wreck again at auction, think he said somewhere around $5,000

Agree that 2.8 parts horendously expensive and Nissan don't stock a much. I waited 8 weeks for a new timing belt pulley, nissan said they were waiting for one to be made in Japan then freighted over here.

What exactly is the problem/s?


AnswerID: 217450

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:41

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:41
Gday Rolande

Problems are - blowing bubbles in the coolant - knowing my luch and history a cracked head and nnot much change from 3k, plus it misfires a bit, not sure why, but at least pump and injectors, another 3k, MAF is a bit dodgey, so another 800 for a newie, and still may not completley solve the problem.

Will look into the 4.2 doner vehicle at auction, but will need to freight it to wold hope to find one at Darwin

The missing could be caused by the ECU. my main problem is I keep spending money on this car and it keeps stuffing up. I have to draw the line sooner or later and ether get rid of it, or subsantially modify it.

FollowupID: 477905

Follow Up By: Patrol22 - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:23

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:23
Andrew - my advice would be to take a slow trip to Perth and trade it in. You will have much better peace of mind. You're starting to scare me a little I've said previously I've had absolutely no trouble with my 2.8....I've been all over the place in it and it has been a great truck (Cape York x 2, Flinders, Vic High Country x 3 or 4, NSW High Country, Murray River/Border Track Run, Big and Little Deserts etc etc). Intend doing a West/East crossing (going over to the West via Nullabour) in 2009....just maybe I'll change vehicles before then.
Keep smiling mate after all it's only $$$$$$ and you're still upright and breathing.

FollowupID: 477915

Reply By: Matt(WA) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:17

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:17
Maybe try Matt and They do drive in/out engin changeover's with low km import engines. They change bearings, new cooling system ect and give a warranty. I am sure if you were after a 4.2TD frontcut you could get one sent up north

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AnswerID: 217456

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 15:09

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 15:09
Thanks Matt

Just got a quote - 19k....they recommended I do the trade in thing as its not probably worth it.....I have to agree with them

Cheers Andrew
FollowupID: 477940

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:40

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 12:40
4.2 is easiest and cheapest. also for insurance etc.

With a dead engine you wont get $10k... They have been seen for $13k with rego and running....

PS. my 3yr old GU cost less than that ;)

All depends on your long term plans. If your planning to keep the next one for a while, grab one of the last 4.2's at the dealers as ocne they run out - there are no more. so hurry up!
AnswerID: 217464

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:23

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:23
I do have in the back of my mind to go the whole hog and get one of the last real 4wds we will see......its a lot of cash though, but its only money.....

Cheers Andrew
FollowupID: 478192

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 12:38

Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 12:38
I think you have hit a good point there AB.. the newer crop of "offerings" arent spit really..

shame you cant plan on them lasting 20 yrs like the old busses..
FollowupID: 478308

Reply By: Bilbo - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:02

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:02

I bought a 1999 GU for $12,000.00 that the owner said,"Had a blown big end" - it didn't, but that's another story.

I bought it, sold most of the bits for $3,000.00 - final cost now down to $9,000.00 -and had 6.5 Chev put in by Brunswicks. Plus new gearbox, diffs, suspension, batteries & wiring and other stuff.

Final cost - $34,000.00. It'll last me 10 years and I can service it myself - it's a simple engine in a simple vehicle. Servicing costs for todays ECU driven, hig revving, small capacity diesels are high at around $2K to $3K per year. I'll save about 15k to 20K in 10 years just on servicing costs. Prole more inflation dives up wages costs.

Other than owning my former 100 series TD 'Cruiser, I've never been happier with a truck. It's got no ECU on it, no fancy "unrepairable in the bush bits" on it, it pulls like a Fremantle hooker when the fleets in and is generally Nissan bulletproof in the bush. It's far quicker than a 4.2 Nissan and will outpull it as well.

Thiank about it. You know your current vehicle quite well. Do it like this and your current truck is like new again and not someone elses "cast off".

If ya need any advice, you have my email address.

It's a shame I'm not up in KNX now instead of July/August eh!

Bilbo (Les)
AnswerID: 217467

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:28

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:28
Gday Les

I'm tempted......really tempted......I'm just a little aprehensive about modified cars for parts and problems......I realise the 6.5's have a good reputation, along with brunswicks, but Its hard to decide between 25k on a conversion vs 25k + whatever I get for mine on a newer 4.2, at the moment I have spotted the perfect vehicle on Car point with all the extra's for 35k (lifted, draws, front locker, 125000km). Thinking that may be a better way to spend 25k.....But Its hard to decide.

I'll keep thinking about it.

Cheers Andrew
FollowupID: 478194

Reply By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:06

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:06
G'day Andrew and sorry to read of your dramas. I'm not sure you'd need to spend $35K on a replacement GU 4.2TD model.

My old one (2000) will be for sale in a month or so if you're interested. It has just about been returned to stock standard, but no doubt you already have a lot the gear on the 2.8, which could be transferred over.

I don't expect to get $35K for my GU.....probably stick it on ebay with a $25K reserve and see how it goes.

Let me know if you want to consider .....but it's a fair hike from where you are to where I am!!!!


AnswerID: 217468

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:31

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:31
You would deliver.. you know you would just for the trip ;)~
FollowupID: 477930

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 14:01

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 14:01
Gday Roachie

I wold consider.....and I have no drama's with the distance, KNX is 3500km from everywhere except Darwin. How many K's on the Patrol......and what extra's are left on it...(the rear wheel carrier would be nice)

From the sounds of things, you are pretty keen on your maintinance, and seem pretty honest (can't wait to see how long this thread gets now!), but we bought this car from a very reputable local with minimal K's on it and it has been nothing but trouble......I feel like buying a new car, but the cost is a bit your car serious thought though!

Cheers andrew
FollowupID: 477935

Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:34

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:34
G'day mate,
It's got 211,000klm on it (almost). Extras still on it are the ARB winch bar (with several holes in it where I've mounted chit over the years as well as some marks etc from where I've had extra aerial brackets etc). It has the mags that came with the Chev (I don't like mags).....
It still has the dual battery system (simple solenoid). It still has the Facet fuel pump I mounted to assist lift the fuel from tank. That is mounted on the inside of the chassis rail just in front of the OE transfer pump and I have made a guard to cover it, even though it sits right up high and out of harms way.
There is a in car phone kit for a Nokia phone (not sure what model) and a electric trailer brake control/wiring. It has 2 leccy plugs (a standard cigi + a Hella) mounted on a steel bracket in the rear left area of the cargo section (in that dicky little slot just near the tail light). That is powered from the dual battery. Also from the dual battery is heavy wiring to a Narva 12 pin trailer plug which was used to charge camper's batteries.
The dual wheel carrier is gone (sorry) as is the LR tank, cargo barrier, roof rack, rear drawer, fridge slide, suspension package etc. It still has extended diff breathers.
There are some marks on the dash from where I'd had the dash-pod fitted but these would be covered by a dash mat or you could put the dashpod back on (I still have it, but it can go with the truck).
It still has the little lights on the sides of the bullbar, but the wiring has been removed.
Anyway, have a think about it. No hurry from my point of view.
Cheers mate
FollowupID: 478007

Reply By: GQ_TUFF - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:21

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:21
That sucks mate, its a shame the position you are in, I do feel for you. But you are right at some stage the line has to be drawn in the sand.
Now your problem can be solved a few ways it just depends on what sort of morals you have. Some may throw a bottle of chem-weld or barrs leaks in it and hide the symptoms and off load it as a working motor.
But none of us would like that to happen to us so not the most ethical solution, Tidy 2.8 GUs in sydney even with 200000 kms plus still ask in the 17-20k bracket so I think 10-12k for yours is not un realistic.
I think I would go the trade and buy myself, for resale and peace of mind.
Do you have a problem passing it off to a dealer? As sure as sh*t they probably would not have a problem passing it to you.

Just my 2c

AnswerID: 217471

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:32

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:32
But he is not in Sydney - home of top $ for cornflake boxes.. hes in Middle of NW nowhere..
FollowupID: 477931

Follow Up By: GQ_TUFF - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:37

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 13:37
Might be worth the trip to off load it, huge selection of patrols for sale in sydney.
Would be a shame if he gets rid of it Andrew has been a great resource of info on the 2.8 when I have needed it.

FollowupID: 477932

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:32

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:32
As it turns out I will be on the gold Coast in April, (not with the car), so I may look at a few over there at the time.

Cheers Andrew
FollowupID: 478198

Reply By: Member - Rotord - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 16:23

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 16:23
Hello Andrew

Karratha Secondhand Cars and 4WD has a 4.2 on the rack , about $2200 . Their phone 08 91838000 . I could transport it as far as Port Hedland at no cost .
AnswerID: 217501

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:21

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:21
Thanks for that Rotord, but at the moment I'm not sure I want the hassles of going through the conversions.........I will keep it in mind.

Thanks Andrew
FollowupID: 478191

Reply By: Member - Pesty (SA) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:16

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:16
Mate has a 4.2 non turbo for sale done 58,000k
He has fitted a V8 petrol.

Cheers Pesty
AnswerID: 217572

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:34

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 16:34
Thanks Pesty, but I don't think I'll be going down the conversion road. If I do, I will probably go the whole hog.

Cheers ANdrew
FollowupID: 478201

Reply By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:31

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:31
Listen mate, do your self a favour and buy a Toyota!!!LOL
Sorry to hear of your problems, did you end up putting it on gas or not.
Hows the fishing up there, one of the blokes from work sent me an email of a guy from TFS who got a whopper on the weekend.
All going well we start our buisiness on the 5th next month, more on this later.
Hope all works out.
AnswerID: 217575

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 09:04

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 09:04
Gday Nick

I couldn't believe it took 10 replies to get a toyota sugestion! The gas is fitted and seems to be a good thing, althogh it is a little hard to test at the moment......And I haven't been fishing for a few months, but I have heard of a few big ones about. I start 2 on 2 off tomorrow, so should be able to get out for a day or 2 in a couple of weeks.

Cold be going to the Berkley for a couple of nights in March, depending on Cyclones etc....

Best of luck with the business, we may as yet get to tassie one day

Cheers Andrew
FollowupID: 478097

Reply By: D-Jack - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:39

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 20:39
Nup, get rid of it and upgrade to a new 3.0 TD Patrol - then you'll know what real problems are!
AnswerID: 217577

Reply By: Member - Pesty (SA) - Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 23:56

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 at 23:56
Well you need to fix it to make it a viable sale item, surely its the cheapest way to get it going even if you do trade it and i wouldnt head off to perth or sydney as it is, as it will be a lemon when it dies half way.
Sounds like a new head would fix it, surely the difference in resale wouldnt beat it?

Just my thoughts, hope it all ends up ok for you

Cheers Pesty
AnswerID: 217632

Reply By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 09:16

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 09:16
Thanks all for your suggestions above. I have the car back at the moment.....It still runs ok ish, the wierd thing is the bubbles in the coolant are not exhaust gas, and there is also no coolant leaks anywhere. I did the chemeweld thing yesterday (do not buy a used car of this man!) and will take it for a bit of a run today and see what developes.

While the modifications to a 4.2 or a 6.5 are very tempting, with the run I have had with the car I will be glad to see the back of it, so I think it will either be traded, or put in the auctions in Darwin.....

Its one of those things....something doesn't add up. Bubbles in the radiator should be Co2, but are not. If air is being sucked into the system by the water pump, it should weep whileunder pressure with the engine off. It has always used to much fuel, and the occasional splutter (like an old petrol holden) is of concern, it may be as simple as the MAF sensor (Iknow a bloke in town with the same vehicle so I may borrow his to see if it helps.......

We are going to Darwin (drive) then QLD (fly) for a week in April. If it still runs then it may be its last voyage......maybe a 2nd hand 4.2 from around adelaide may find its way to Darwin.....

Thanks Andrew
AnswerID: 217670

Follow Up By: snow - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 10:53

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 10:53
Andrew,may or may not be related and I also acknowledge that you said there were no leaks in the coolant system but thought I would share an experience that I had with a '96 Falcon with you.

Bubbles in the radiator, I assumed to be CO2 (given the head trouble this model Ford had). But testing showed that it wasn't CO2, checked all the usual points for coolant leakage, replaced cap, hoses etc still no sign of leakage. Then I removed the overflow tank and found a hairline fracture where the brass fitting was on one of the inlets/outlets (can't remember). So replaced tank and no more bubbles...

I realise you have likely gone over it all with a fine tooth comb but just thought that may be worth mentioning.

Best of luck.
FollowupID: 478115

Reply By: V8Diesel - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 10:46

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 10:46
See if Brunswick Diesels have any lying around out the back. The 2.8 is a bit of an orphan so you could pick it up cheap.
AnswerID: 217701

Reply By: Flash - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 11:26

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 11:26
Just goes to show that in the future unreliable cars/4wds will be a nightmare to own once out of warranty. The old "steam driven" variety were easy to trace and fix a fault.
I don't believe there's a car made anymore without LOTS of electronics- fine while they work, but when they play up-
look out.
For example, a friend who works at the local 'yota dealer said Aurions are going through ECU's like there's no tomorrow.
My son, a software engineer, says he could easily design electronics with a "fault" programmed in, to die after a cutoff period (read warranty) at a random time. He also says it would be all but impossible to trace. Imagine THAT not just on your car, but your DVD recorder, your washing machine, your dishwasher, your microwave, even in many cases your fridge etc.
What a bonanza for the manufacturers in spare parts and what a nightmare for the owner.
AnswerID: 217713

Follow Up By: Bilbo - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 12:36

Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 12:36

",,,,,,I don't believe there's a car made anymore without LOTS of electronics,,,,".

Try mine - a 1999 Gu Patrol with a 6.5 Chev V8 in it. Just good old fashioned, mechanical diesel pump and no 'electronics' whatsoever.

That last bit about "untracebale faults" - my son has said the same things - he's an electronics engineer as well. Scary eh!

Perhaps Nissan 3.0 lite owners should be having the programming decoded in thier electronics???

FollowupID: 478134

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 12:41

Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 12:41
>> Try mine - a 1999 Gu Patrol with a 6.5 Chev V8 in it.

yea but bilbo, yours isnt a factory made car. Flash has a good point, which in reality is only going to get worse over the next yrs..
FollowupID: 478309

Reply By: Bilbo - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 13:58

Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 13:58
Ya know, Truckster, I had a good think about things when I lost the 'Cruiser and had to start looking for a replacement vehicle.

I had a look around and saw that what Flash says has a lot of merit. I had the same attitude at the time. Not so much in the "let's programme in a self destruction trap" but in the form of servicing costs, parts costs and fixability in the bush.

The 100 series TD 'Cruiser - beautiful car, great to drive, sexy, smooth with a lot of "esteem value". Downside? High initial capital outlay to buy, high servicing costs, has to be done by a Toyota or similar high cost mechanic due to electornics, often needs a tilt tray truck if it fails, high cost of spares and not always available without a wait ex-Japan. Easy to steal and desired by car thieves. Weak front diff and IFS.

3.0 litre Nissan - nice to own, looks the part. Unreliable may be an overstatement but it's rep is terrible. I'd be looking at it with a juandiced eye every day if owned one. Underpowered until the revs get up and the turbo kicks in. Servicing - same comments apply as to the 'Cruiser. All high costs.

4.2 Nissan - A above for looks etc. Bomb proof engine but slow and underpowered for mid to heavy towing at consistent high speeds. Can be high servicing cost if ya can't do yer own servicing, but at least ya can do it if ya want to. Parts and availabilty - same as above.

What I'm trying to say here is that car makers have got us by the balls, giving us the runaraound with all of the above issues. I'm not saying my Chevissan is any better in some regards. But it does have more upside. I've tried to get a compromise package that gives me more advantages than disadvntages.

The Nissan GQ driveline - it doesn't get any stronger than these. The Chev engine is used by the millions all over the world, including the US Military. Parts can be bought dirt cheap ex-USA. Which is often quicker and more available than ex-Eastern States or ex-Japan at fraction of the price 'cos there are that many of 'em about over there. They're a simple, gutsy engine that can be repaired or rebuilt by any half decent mechanic that hasn't got a factory computer in Halls Creek. There are 7,000 of these conversions in Australia to date. I haven't heard of too many failing.

So on balance as former mechanic, I'm not concerned like Andrew, about "converted vehicles". I've taken the whole package, broken it down into it's seperate parts and analysed each bit. What I see is a package that is not a "prisoner" of the car makers who make more money out of servicing and parts than they do from actually building the cars.

I'm no longer dependent on main dealers, I do my own servicing, I have a truck that will pull better than a TD 'Cruiser or a 3.0 litre Nissan at low revs - - where it counts when yer 4WDing, and is quicker and gutsier than a 4.2 when the revs are up. It's reliability is proven both in the chassis, driveline and engine.

It's also a 1999 car. At that age 2nd hand parts are starting to become readily available. I can buy fron car wreckers and not have to sell one of my grandkids into perpetual slavery to Nissan for a windscreen wiper motor.

I'm reckon if Nissan or Toyota put together a simple package like this it would sell like cold beer in Birdsville. Why are car makers making cars that are more complicated? So we can't work on 'em and they make more money.

But back to Andrew -

Andrew - the cost of secondhand 2.8 head, untested, unflashed and not crack tetsed is around $1800.00 - $2000.00. A new bare head is around $2,800.00. Total rebuild cost for 2nd hand head, inc head - $2,800.00. That was what was on the bills that I saw when I bought this "blown" 2.8 GU and converted it to a Chev.

I'm now over the 'flu - GREAT - put I put my back out bigtime after 10 minutes in the garden, recovering on my first day out for a week - NOT GREAT!

Have a great Australia Day you guys!!

AnswerID: 217906

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 15:09

Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 15:09
Good Australia day to y to Bilbo

I haven't written the car or a conversion off yet.....I have a few more avenues to check on the car, I just need to work out what is really wrong with it without spending big bucks. I did the bodgey chemiweld thing yesterday, but it still seemed to blow a few bubbles after I gave the system a good flush.

I made it out to work today without the low coolant alarm going off (190km), so it may have done the trick...a bit. One of my mates reakons 'youve got that alarm on it, just keep driving it and carry water' ways I agree with him, until it stops completely one day.....

I might just keep tinkering away with it a little bit. If I could work out why it splutters sometimes, and is sometimes underpowered I would be happy. I'm guessing it is either the MAF or at least a wire that is between the MAF and the ECU, or the ECU and the Pump. A mate said today it may be the crankshaft position sensor (I guess it has one, I know the chevies don't) I may have to take it to the dreaded Nissan Dealer to get a readout on the faults to see if it can tell me anything.

I may be able to salvage a year or two out of it before the big decision needs to be made, and the funds can build a little....I will know more tonight when I check the radiator level, and in a few weeks when I can delve a little deeper...

"I'd be looking at it with a juandiced eye every day"

Cheers Andrew

PS - being Aussie day, just saw (again) Adam Hills do Advance Australia Fair to the music of Working class man (bogon barnes, said without malice). Cracked me up again, lets change it!
FollowupID: 478327

Follow Up By: Tim HJ61 (WA) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 18:16

Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 18:16

I used a bottle of copper based stuff in my EB Falcon to fix CO in the coolant. Not sure the name, but it's about 400ml bottle with copper beads that sit on the bottom in light green liquid. Worked really well for a year or so until I sold that bucket of problems, only to move onto my HJ61! Head problems will only suck coolant back in when they're worse. ie there is more pressure inside the combustion chamber pushing bubbles out than there is in the coolant system pushing coolant in when the engine is off.

Spluttering could be air in the fuel, which would stop after the pump worked the air through the system. Low power could be some issue with the fuel filter, or again, air bubbles. - sorry to mention bubbles again!

Sorry I can't add anything sensible to what has already been said re the bigger solution.

All the best
FollowupID: 478346

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