100 Series 20K Service follow up
Submitted: Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 20:49
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Follow up from post 40916
I went to local Toyo dealer for the 20K service. $747 later I got
home, popped the bonnet and looks like nothing has been replaced.
The invoice states that the Fuel and Oil filters have been replaced!
The oil is clean so it has been replaced.
I had been offroad the weekend before and there is mud spatter all over the engine bay including the fuel filter and oil filter. After the service there are no new clean parts and no fingerprints to show any work has been done on or around the filters.
Has anyone had this happen before????????????
I am one very unhappy customer. Monday morning will be interesting to say the least.
Happy Australia Day
Reply By: V8Diesel - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 21:12
Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 21:12
Photos, photos, photos.
Take pics of the odometer, invoice and don't forget plenty of close up pics of the offending items.
Follow Up By: chumpion - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 22:50
Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 22:50
Photos, and document everything now, before you forget.
Things like who said what, and when, who you talk to on the phone, absolutely eveything.
Do it up like a time line, starting from your 4wding trip, up until now. And as things happen, keep adding to it.
And if you are 100% convinced they have not done the work, lodge a complaint with Fair Trading now. That way, they will work with you, and probably guide you a little through the process. You can always cancel the complaint when a resolution is found, but a DoFT reference number can do wonders in official correspondance to management.....
But document, and photograph, everything.
Follow Up By: Member - John R (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 30, 2007 at 05:30
Tuesday, Jan 30, 2007 at 05:30
Gidday Dave, I have experienced this on 2 occasions. Once with a dealer in
Brisbane, and another which is my local here in
My father was a mechanic, and taught me to discretely mark consumables prior to going in for a service, as
well as paint daubs on drain plugs etc (which I do). They've conveniently "overlooked" the fuel and air filters on two occasions.
When challenged, their response is "We replace on condition". What rubbish! My answer to that is "Are you more knowledgeable than the manufacturer?" This usually resulted in stunned silence...
When my car was on lease, I sooled my Fleet Maintenance Manager onto them. Whether this achieved anything remains to be seen, but I did get the parts changed over at no cost to me.
What really concerns me is you have to ask yourself what else are they "overlooking" in the service?
The answer is probably find yourself a mechanic you can trust. I can do the work myself, but with 18 months to run on warranty.....
Well, you know ;-)
Reply By: Red One - Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 22:05
Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 at 22:05
Find a mech you can trust !!!
Reply By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 01:17
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 01:17
Hi there Dave,does not surprise me one bit,my mate who as mentioned before works for toyota and is in charge of 20 odd mechanics (wont mention dealership) has even told me "mate we look underneath and around the vehicle and if it looks like its done city driving only forget the wheel bearings and a few other things that should be greased. Thats with any 4wd that comes in not just cruisers. Thats direct from him to me. Steve M
Reply By: Member - Brian H (QLD) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 08:02
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 08:02
I'm sort of ok with that, if you have been told thats what they did, but if the service manual says oil filters etc etc have to be changed and they don't and then bill you for it, thats deception and theft and thats how i would look at it.
I also would log everything and take photo's and Monday I would treat them as a thief and up them for the rent and report them to fair trading and also forward a letter to Toyota Australia and advise them a breach of service warranty.
At least if something does happen you have at least advised them so its a bit harder for them to say it's your fault.
I hate this sort of stuff.
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 14:20
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 14:20
HI Brian, I would be ok with it to if it wasnt in the maintanance schedule but if it was and it wasnt done then I'd want to know how come. As far as filters go I'd be pushing them that far up there clakker the air they were breathing when talking would be filtered. As with every one else it is so annoying that you do the wright thing and be loyal and take it back to the dealer ship for servicing but then you get screwed by them not doing the job properly and no only that long term damage to our vehicles. I would be chasing it up write a few letters then find my self a good mechanic far away from any of these big dealer ships wont void your warranty unless its not serviced by the book unless you have extended warranty then I'd be reading the fine print very carfully. Steve M
Reply By: Wayne - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 10:18
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 10:18
Yep had the same thing on my Patrol Ute.
They had only done the things that you can see. Washer fluid, white grease around the hinges/locks, oil changed etc. The give away was I asked about the air filter and if it had needed changing. The service manager came out to show me how to
check it and it was full of crap and bugs! I looked at the
check plugs on the diffs and gearbox and they hadn't had the dirt cleaned away. Either they weren't checked or a sloppy mechanic. Also all the grease nipples had dirt on them so hadn't been greased. And to top it off I'd had a flat battery and had inadvertently left the caps loose after I charged it. Guess what they were still loose when I got
home. The electrolyte levels in both batteries were below the telltales. The Service manager then told me that it only had to be just above the plates , not up to the telltales!
Took 3 visits to get it soretd out but in the end they redid the whole service while I watched.
I'm convinced that New Car servicing at this establishment is "Do what they can see" after all they are new cars, what can go wrong with them?
Hope you get it sorted.
Cheers, Wayne
Reply By: Member - Barry M (NSW) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 13:35
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 13:35
Aaah! After reading these tales of woe I know why I love my local garage.
Just a little business in a little one pub town in the bush. But at least I get service.
This bloke finds every loose nut,every blown bulb, & can tell you all that is wrong or
may soon go wrong with your vehicle. All that info every time you get a service.
He charges less than $100 for the usual car service, no more than $150 for a 4by,
that includes oil but not parts. He
services any brand, any model, trucks,tractors,
lawn mowers, bikes etc etc.
His name is......god. O:)....no its not. But they do exist. How far can you drive
out of town to get good service if it saves you $500 ??. Thats what I would be
finding out. The bigger the show, the less they care.....oldbaz.
Reply By: Kiwi Kia - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 16:00
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 16:00
I know a workshop that has a contract to service leased cars. They allow a certain time for each service and when the time is up the service is finnished ! Doesn't matter if they are only half way done !
Reply By: tojo - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 16:02
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 16:02
I had the same problem with the mud spatter on both filters , ended being that they washed the engine bay when they were finished , after talking direct to the bloke who actually done the service l did believe him.
Reply By: MEMBER - Darian (SA) - Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 16:49
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 16:49
Dave - Dave - Dave ! This is stock practice for much of the auto industry - IF you had come
home from that service and found they had done everything in the schedule, and properly, it would sound very odd to a lot of owners- if they have indeed ripped you off, in my book its fraud - many of us have seen it first hand - question is what do you do about it ? A huge dilemma I reckon - make a huge stink at the dealer and you would be wise to find a new dealer (they can play the 'payback game') - go with private, accredited servicers and Toyota is still obliged to honour warranty claims still, but that doesn't mean they have to be helpful about it !! .... and you might have to return to a dealer, to make your claim !..... its a bugger.
Reply By: Mark- Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 21:36
Friday, Jan 26, 2007 at 21:36
Sorry you have to spend the long weekend in that frame of mind. (I know it
Its a myth that the dealer is the best person to service your vehicle, whether its under warranty or not. I could tell you many more stories like this and Toyota dealers feature prominently.
Find an independant garage you can trust. Apart from actually doing the required work, they'll probably charge about half what the dealer would.
A mate of
mine kept insisting on taking his vehicles to the dealer, despite similar experiences to yours, he got to the point where prior to each service he'd superglue a hair accross all parts which had to be removed and put marker pen dots on the filters.............
Reply By: aeiou - Monday, Jan 29, 2007 at 22:55
Monday, Jan 29, 2007 at 22:55
Happy ending sort of.....
went back to the dealership this morning.
I explained my concerns that i did not believe the service was complete.
Service advisor called the
young Apprentice / Mechanic to see the vehicle.
I was asked to leave the vehicle there all day. there were numerous appologies and "not sure what happened there......"
Returned in the afternoon to find it all completed. Lost another day of work.
What bothered me was the first time it was the obvious dirt in the air filter...
When i questioned this they said the service manual only says to inspect it not to clean it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!