Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:43
I'm with you on this Doug, but here in WA we could be a tad spoiled as we don't have the population density or the proximity of towns to each other that they have in the Eastern States. Having said that - God help us if we lived in Europe!
But like you Doug, when I go bush. I really go bush and there's just nobody out there!
I've only ever had one problem and that was 14 years ago. Gold fever and jealousy were involved and a gun was drawn.
Fortunately it was MY gun,,,,,,,,,,,
A lot of prospectors carry guns however. There can be a lot of money involved sometimes,,,,,,,,,
Other than that, in spite of the film, "Wolf Creek" - I've never had a problem.
Although,,,,,,,,,,,since my wife and I watched the first 45 minutes of "Wolf Creek: before turning it off in disgust, I notice that she has recently and repeatedly asked me about the condition of my rifle and whether I was gonna buy a new mag for it after the last mag got stolen when the Landcruiser was stolen! She hated that gun prior to that film and could see no reason for me having it,,,,,,,,,it's a different world after the Peter Falconio and Ivan Milat cases,,,,,,,,
But generally, whilst we've never had an issue but we always lock up at night. Our dog is no "attack dog", but he does give a good indication if somethings around at night.
A few Aborogines can be a problem in the WA Goldfeilds with trashed camps while yer out 'bippin'. They never front you when you're actually in camp however,,,,,,,,,only when yer backs turned.
I don't worry it about except near towns. That says a lot doesn't it!
Follow Up By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:27
Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:27
Sounds like yer bippen a little too close to the locals :)
I haven't been there for a few years but I know last time I was there I spent 3 mths out there and saw 2 people................ then again it took 6 hours to get back to town to get supplies....... found a great bit of colour too...... I am hanging to get back there