security out bush

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 21:57
ThreadID: 42134 Views:3315 Replies:24 FollowUps:33
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when out bush and vanning away from van parks what do people do as far as security for them selves is concerned?
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Reply By: Member - John - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 21:59

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 21:59
Find a nice spot and carry a big stick...............:-)
John and Jan

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AnswerID: 220662

Reply By: madfisher - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:05

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:05
Well up to now I have nevcer thought about it , only when I am in the big smoke or pension day
Cheers Pete
AnswerID: 220665

Reply By: ZukScooterX90 (QLD)Member - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:15

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:15
Slush, we in a motorhome have deadlocks on the cab doors as well we have an alarm system so if any unwanted persons stat bashing on the van too hard the alarm goes off all too willing.This is mainly when we are free camping or at rest stops at night.When at van parks or Nat. Parks when others are around we do not utilise it we just deadlock all doors.
This is probably not much help if you are camping in a tent or camp trailer.Buto ver all i think it fairly safe in most places. Rarely do you hear of any problems.Not to say there are not any.When you free camp you get the feeling of what the area is like by just looking areound where you want to camp.i.e, beer bottles,alcahol cans burn out in the gravel or on the tarmac.
We only had one problem in Shoalhaven Heads in N.S.W. in the carpark at the surf club,a few gals & guys.One of the girls needed to have a bit of fun at our expence,banging on a window,only her no one else once she did that she seemed happy,but we moved on anyway.Some where else.No problem.
Cheers happy camping/travels.
AnswerID: 220671

Follow Up By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:01

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:01
seems like she wanted a little fun......... I probably would have invited her in for a bourbon :)
FollowupID: 481357

Reply By: Member - Doug T (W.A) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:21

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:21
Most Vanners seem to camp in little groups in Rest area's, but if your in the bush, way out in the bush I guess if your scared of Yowies and Boogie men then don't go , if not and your way out in the bush then your probably all ALONE ,and when a little gust of wind rocks the van or russles the bushes .............Wh wh what's that

gift by Daughter

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AnswerID: 220676

Follow Up By: Oldsquizzy (Kununurra) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:53

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:53
lol. Ya buggar
FollowupID: 481313

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:06

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:06

Hark, I hear a vehicle approaching.....oh no! its just the plurry
FollowupID: 481320

Follow Up By: Oldsquizzy (Kununurra) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:14

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:14
And then you have to watch out for them thar min min lights or even the nullabor nimph, grin
FollowupID: 481325

Follow Up By: Member - Glenn D (NSW) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:28

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:28
Laugh as much as you want ,

Had at least one but maybe more Kangaroo's / Wallabies , repeatedly trip over the guy ropes of our swag .

Try to tell the Missus noone is comming to get her !!!

FollowupID: 481337

Follow Up By: Oldsquizzy (Kununurra) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:31

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:31
Mine would have got up and snotted the roo...And then me for not getting up first and doing it for her....
FollowupID: 481339

Follow Up By: Twintrail(W.A.) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 00:12

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 00:12
Iguess that my other half woud do.It only the depth that varies.
FollowupID: 481350

Follow Up By: Pajman Pete (SA) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:03

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:03
And then there are the growling Koalas. Cute little furry creatures should not be able to make a noise like that!

Any mug can be uncomfortable out bush

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FollowupID: 481446

Follow Up By: Member - vivien C (VIC) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 21:25

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 21:25
You lie there in the dark, listening to every noise. You convince yourself that no attacker is going to bother to come thousands of kms out into the desert to attack you and it's just the wind flapping the canvas and then you imagine you hear a voice saying " just think it's the wind don't you"!!

FollowupID: 481565

Follow Up By: fruers - Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 21:17

Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 21:17
Haha Viv. I'll remember that one, in fact i don't think i'll be able to forget it ;).
FollowupID: 481699

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:38

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:38
I always hear the voice say ........ "Do you think this knife will cut that canvas?".....
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FollowupID: 481751

Reply By: Footloose - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:24

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:24
I try and use a bit of common sense and my gut feeling. Usually my gut feeling tells me that I'm far safer in the bush than in the city.
When camping off the road/track make it in an area where you won't be hassled by the locals. Remember that if you're a tourist then you have cash. And people know it. Don't tell strangers too much. Stay well away from pension days and pubs. If you must camp within cooee of a town, let the local police know you're there and for how long.
Be a lert , but don't let that stop you having a ball. (not sure what a lert is :))
Remember most country people are much nicer than what you are. Treat the bush as their backyard and their friendliness as gold and you won't go far wrong.
AnswerID: 220677

Follow Up By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:16

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:16
As a city dude............ I love going bush, I can hang loose............. I have no probs with any of my cars over the last 20 years....... Most strangest thing is when I tell people I am heading out to the middle of Australia, they always ask "are u taking a gun?"....... "Say what" I say.... It's like Hello what ru talking about? In the city people only hear of the bad things in the middle of nowhere........ (Go Wolf Creek) Keep the bush for those who appreciate it. I love it and you could put me in amongst Ali Barber and his 40 thieves and I will still get out there alive.
The city people I talk to simply say no because they hear of people pulling u over and mugging u........... Look I could not count the number of people I have helped in the middle of nowhere including a falcon with 10 indigineous family in a ford falcon on the great central road....... And another time close to Wilcania when There Axle came out...........

Hey, all I know is to stop and help................
FollowupID: 481359

Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:32

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:32
I don't do anything specific, apart from keep the more valuable items either on me, or out of site in the vehicle, if I am not nearby.

Yes, some undesirable cretin may come along and break into the vehicle, but not very likely in the majority of places "out back" and if one gets too paranoid about things, then one couldn't relax anyway.

Most of our National Park areas out bush would be only likely to have people in a similar situation as you. Points of interest will have people and vehicles coming and going which is as good a security as anything.

Maybe some areas are not such a great location to leave the vehicle and camping gear unattended and you would soon develop an understanding what I'm not saying, but I would be unlikely to stay in these areas anyway.

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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AnswerID: 220680

Follow Up By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:19

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:19
Hey had a mate who was camping in the snow for a winter season about 1 km from the resorts in NSW. He came home from work and found his whole camp had been stolen..... It was not an easy lace to find.......... :(
FollowupID: 481361

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:42

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:42
And when the snow melted someone found a complete camp, totally abandoned, wallet still sitting on the table, still full of money, coffe in the cup was cold tho heheheheheh
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FollowupID: 481752

Reply By: Hairy - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:39

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:39
Cant believe no one has said carry a gun?
AnswerID: 220684

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:12

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:12
I carry some insurance but not for protection of self, more for emergencies like getting some wild tucker......or.........hustling someone for fuel on the Papunya Road......hahahahahaha

In my 38 years of travelling this country I have NEVER had causee to become alarmed. Met some strange people tho.....LOL
FollowupID: 481323

Follow Up By: Oldsquizzy (Kununurra) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:15

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:15
Nah not strange just different, very different
FollowupID: 481326

Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (W.A) - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:52

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:52
Guns....!!!,,,Wot guns.... The blooody Guvment's got em all . well all the legal ones anyhow, we is a Dis-Armed Population.
gift by Daughter

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FollowupID: 481347

Follow Up By: Mr Fawlty - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:08

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:08
VERY Pistol and assorted flares perhaps???
FollowupID: 481382

Follow Up By: Robin - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 11:22

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 11:22
"VERY Pistol and assorted flares perhaps??? "

Very effective , but flares are expensive.

Robin Miller
FollowupID: 481408

Follow Up By: Pajman Pete (SA) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:06

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:06
"Met some strange people tho....."

That wasn't a mirror was it Willem??
Any mug can be uncomfortable out bush

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FollowupID: 481447

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 21:12

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 21:12
No Pete, but you are one of
FollowupID: 481558

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:44

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:44
Go visit the Owl Man at Stephens creek 9 mile nth of Broken Hill, he makes Pete seem normal.
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FollowupID: 481754

Reply By: Bilbo - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:43

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 22:43
I'm with you on this Doug, but here in WA we could be a tad spoiled as we don't have the population density or the proximity of towns to each other that they have in the Eastern States. Having said that - God help us if we lived in Europe!

But like you Doug, when I go bush. I really go bush and there's just nobody out there!

I've only ever had one problem and that was 14 years ago. Gold fever and jealousy were involved and a gun was drawn.

Fortunately it was MY gun,,,,,,,,,,,

A lot of prospectors carry guns however. There can be a lot of money involved sometimes,,,,,,,,,

Other than that, in spite of the film, "Wolf Creek" - I've never had a problem.

Although,,,,,,,,,,,since my wife and I watched the first 45 minutes of "Wolf Creek: before turning it off in disgust, I notice that she has recently and repeatedly asked me about the condition of my rifle and whether I was gonna buy a new mag for it after the last mag got stolen when the Landcruiser was stolen! She hated that gun prior to that film and could see no reason for me having it,,,,,,,,,it's a different world after the Peter Falconio and Ivan Milat cases,,,,,,,,

But generally, whilst we've never had an issue but we always lock up at night. Our dog is no "attack dog", but he does give a good indication if somethings around at night.

A few Aborogines can be a problem in the WA Goldfeilds with trashed camps while yer out 'bippin'. They never front you when you're actually in camp however,,,,,,,,,only when yer backs turned.

I don't worry it about except near towns. That says a lot doesn't it!

AnswerID: 220685

Follow Up By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:27

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:27
Sounds like yer bippen a little too close to the locals :)
I haven't been there for a few years but I know last time I was there I spent 3 mths out there and saw 2 people................ then again it took 6 hours to get back to town to get supplies....... found a great bit of colour too...... I am hanging to get back there
FollowupID: 481362

Reply By: Footloose - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:26

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:26
I well remember my first solo (as in 1 person) camp in the bush years ago. I had parked on a hill in a bend in the track and settled down for the night. It was so still that I could hear my own heart beat.
Suddenly I heard the distinctive sound of a vehicle pounding over the corros. I got up and watched the vehicle slow down after the bend. Had he seen me ? He reversed. A band of armed desperados ? Gulp. By this stage I was sitting in the drivers seat with my hand on the ignition keys.
They went back and forth in the dark, and disappeared into the scrub to my left. I sat, thinking of all the things that could happen to me.
Suddenly a campfire.
They had been looking for a spot that they obviously knew had firewood.
I slept a lot easier then.
AnswerID: 220696

Reply By: Member - Royce- Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:30

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:30
Travelled Oz many times with and without the family. We stopped wherever we felt like it. Never had a problem. Never considered security.

I often pull up in a suburban street. Set up and camp... never had a problem.

In fact, we just travelled Germany, and France... motorhome. Stopped a few nights wherever it suited. I guess the doors were locked. No problem there either.

It's a scarey dangerous world, but probably most dangerous in your own home.

I always consider how obvious we are. Sometimes the most obvious places make you even less obvious.. if you understand....

I can imagine a group of thugs shaking and harassing you in your van. But.. well, it's not likely. I have had the situation where I've woken up and a bunch of yobs have parked nearby and settled in for an all night party. I just, hop in the drivers seat and move up the road a bit.

I get much more worried about my daughter working in Melbourne and travelling around after dark by herself. ...

AnswerID: 220698

Reply By: Mad Dog - Vic - Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:43

Thursday, Feb 08, 2007 at 23:43
Not much apart from the portable electric fence. I just roll it out around the swag or tent and bang in the stakes, sleep like a baby all night without fear of being attacked.
AnswerID: 220699

Follow Up By: Oz Travellers - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 08:10

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 08:10
Hey Mad Dog, what happens when you get up in the middle of the night to water the grass. Zap on the private parts??.Sparky
FollowupID: 481372

Reply By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:35

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 01:35
After loosing a pet in the family today...... All I can say is when your time is up........... It is up??????????? if you are going to get something stolen, then somebody obviously needed it more than u....... I had 2 fishing rods and my tackle box stolen a year ago....... The only thing I can think of is.... I really that deickhead knows how to put food in his/her mouth with those rods.

Hey look, never think about security whilst your in th bush...... Obviously do as much as u can and get pics of it..... But remember you are still breathing and if you are really stuck then play Patience........ Jack Absolome will tell u the rest including how to make Galah Soup :)
AnswerID: 220709

Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:14

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:14
I bought a small safe and bolted it in the van to the floor, great for keeping personal docs, credit cards, cash etc away from the bored child or opportunist burglar. Also helps me to remember where I have put my wallet, hearing aids, CPAP machine warranty etc.
As for personal security thats why I take Sybil, DVA pay her 22 cents an hour for her to be my Carer... She just wears a black T shirt with SECURITY emblazoned on the back...
AnswerID: 220737

Reply By: fruers - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:48

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:48
I'd echo the sentiment that in 10 years of camping i've never had any problems, the worst i've seen is some hooligans chucking bungers on top of a campervan down at meroo. I did a lot of camping on my own, mostly around NSW in empty campgrounds and if i got scared i just put more wood on the fire.

I think the most sensible approach is one of the largish maglight torches. Effective defense against most hand weapons, pretty useful weapon in its own right, if someone asks you can just say "nah, i'm not scared, i just like spotting animals" (i.e. distinguishing between yowies and wombats during the night) and you've got a defensible use for it if something does happen - "officer, i just got out of my tent with the torch to see what was going on" probably easier than trying to explain a 12-inch machete.
AnswerID: 220752

Follow Up By: fruers - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:52

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:52
I should also note that some nights, that fire was blazing.
FollowupID: 481392

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:49

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:49
12 inch machete...Officer I was just cleaning under my fingernails
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FollowupID: 481755

Reply By: Member - Duncs - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:19

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:19
Our first ever bush camp all on our own was in WA. We were about 135km SW of Kalgoorlie. While we were making camp I assured the missus and kids that we were on our own and had nothing to worry about.

Cooked tea, got the kids into bed and sat for a cuppa before hitting the sack. As I was doing the final tidy up before joining the missus in bed I heard a slight russling in the tree just beside the CT. When I shone the torch I noticed the unmistakeable glint of possum eye. Comfortable and relaxed I hop into bed.

About two or three hours later we woke terrified. There was a horrendous bang and the CT was bouncing all over the shop. I leapt out of bed, grabbed the torch and headed for the door. As I stepped into the open air the possum jumped from the roof of the CT into the next tree and all went quiet. There never was anything to worry about, but could I get back to sleep? Not a chance. We actually got to Hyden a lot sooner than we had thought

Never had a problem with people. If you are on your own there is no one to bother you. Not always true in caravan parks.

AnswerID: 220758

Follow Up By: Pajman Pete (SA) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:15

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:15
They have heavy feet those little suckers. When we lived in Queenscliff one used to hit the flat iron roof and thunder across our bedroom to jump into the tree on the other side.

Every night


Did I mention every night!

The little sucker was protected which was the only thing keeping him alive.


Any mug can be uncomfortable out bush

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FollowupID: 481448

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:52

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:52
We had the same thing once Pete, and being a concerned citizen and bearing in mind his need to be protected, I relocated him by way of a possum trap to another location. I took 35 out of the roof of the local school here one summer.

Others havent been so lucky!
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FollowupID: 481756

Follow Up By: Member - Duncs - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 22:11

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 22:11
We had one living in our roof for a while.

He found his way down into the bedroom wall and dug a small hole through the plaster just above the bed. He used to stick his nose through it to get some fresh air.

I gave it a little tap with the back of a spoon a few times and that sent him scurrying from the roof. Eventually I worked out where he was getting in and plugged the hole. Made sure he was out first.

FollowupID: 481864

Reply By: Diver1 - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:39

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:39
hubby is a security guard so his sticks come along for a ride too - one for him and one for me...

i just tell myself that if anything is going to happen, say get abducted or what ever, atleast ill make it on the news and the barstard will eventually get caught.....

lock stuff up in the car where you wouldnt normally put stuff....make your own hidey holes etc...

AnswerID: 220765

Follow Up By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 11:27

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 11:27
"and one for me... "

So Laura, who wins the domestics in your family? Wouldn't even think of giving the bride any more weapons as I might not reach my goal of becoming the worlds oldest person!

Kind regards
FollowupID: 481411

Reply By: Hairy - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 13:46

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 13:46
Na, I wouldnt give the Mrs. a weapon any more!
Last time I asked her to pass me the gun she got a bit excited and slamed me in the jaw with the butt, I couldnt see to shoot for 5mins...LOL
AnswerID: 220803

Reply By: Bware (Tweed Valley) - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 13:58

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 13:58
You're more likely to get your car broken into at a beach-side carpark than when you are camping, although some camp spots near towns along the coast are targeted on weekends.

I guess I've got a club-lock and a spade if I really needed a weapon. If things get real bad I could crank up the chainsaw and ask them if they mind if I use one of their limbs for dinner lol
AnswerID: 220807

Follow Up By: Member - andrew B (Kununurra) - Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 17:56

Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 17:56
I've got one of those little cordless chainsaws, and its a little beauty, instant starting, and easily swung around with one hand. It would put the wind up any attacker who hasn't got a gun...
FollowupID: 481660

Reply By: ImEasy - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:14

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:14
Well, im a Black Belt in Origami, if any "Yobbo's" come around my camp causing trouble, ill fold them into a Pink Flamingo in 10 seconds flat!!!!
Thatll bleep em!
AnswerID: 220810

Reply By: Andrew from Vivid Adventures - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:27

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 14:27
nothing except keep my wits about me.

In the last week I've rolled out my swag on the banks of the Murrumbidgee in Gundagai (how do you say dusty), in the bush above the Hawkesbury near Mt White (yes - found the spot I asked about and will post a photo), and on the grass by the beach at Bulli (yeah - I know ... too cheap to pay for the space in the caravan park).

Over the last year, I've camped in spots off the side of the road in almost every state. I generally look for cover so I'm not so obvious. I'll go down a side track for a km or so if need be to find a good spot. My campfires are small when it's not fire ban season, and I'm generally in after the sun's gone down and out as it gets up. I did have a few indigenes, as Willem would say, join me one night at Boggabilla, but after all, the water hole was a lovely spot, and we shared some stories, I locked the car and went to sleep and woke up and they hadn't pinched the shirt off my back - well actually I didn't have a shirt on my back ... but everything was the way I left it.

I've had a few people who stumble on me and giggle - my hair looks pretty bad in the morning, but I'm hard to embarrass.

Now, not everyone has the same habits as me, but for me, I feel safer in the bush than in the city.

AnswerID: 220818

Reply By: Steve63 - Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 15:07

Friday, Feb 09, 2007 at 15:07
Make sure you camp well off the road. Keep valuables out of site and in a locked car. Never had anyone bother us and we have been camping for 20 years. If I did take a rifle it wouldn't occur to me to get it out for that type of reason. Just by getting it out in a confrontational situation you have commited an offence in most states. Usually it just ups the ante and the situation deteriotes. If you are not prepared to use it why get it out, why even take it. I only take it if I intend to hunt. It is a pain getting all the permits and licences. Hmm Other problem is the wife is a lousy shot. She would be more likely to shoot me. Probably for annoying the croc or whatever. :-)

AnswerID: 220823

Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 17:15

Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 17:15
All this is well and good but if you were in America how would you fare, they have 50,000 people abducted by Aliens they claim every year. Aliens have such bad taste I reckon...
AnswerID: 220964

Reply By: Bilbo - Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 18:16

Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 18:16
That's why I take my rifle Basil,,,,,,,,,,,aliens,,,,,,,,,,too many aliens in China,,,,,,,,I stick my neck out for nobody.

AnswerID: 220974

Reply By: hoyks - Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 23:34

Saturday, Feb 10, 2007 at 23:34
The only time I have had a rude awakening is when I rolled out my sway off the main road near Moura in the Queensland coal fields. Nice quiet spot behind some trees and I rolled in there about 10.00pm. Rolled out the swag and tied the dog to the bumper and went to sleep. 1 hour later I found out I was about 30m from the rail line. Train goes past, dog nearly wets its’ self and tries to join me in the sleeping bag and that set the tone for the rest of the night, about every hour another train would go through. I packed up at 4.00am and hit the road again.

There was last weekend too when everyone got up, 2 drivers couldn’t find their keys and it was a toss up as to wether the kids had put them somewhere safe of some young blokes up the creek were having a laugh.

I have been told that a bow hunter’s club sticker can be a good security measure on an unattended vehicle.
It shows that you may be well camouflaged, are quiet and may be armed.
AnswerID: 221030

Follow Up By: Gramps (NSW) - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 09:15

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 09:15
"have been told that a bow hunter’s club sticker can be a good security measure on an unattended vehicle.
It shows that you may be well camouflaged, are quiet and may be armed"

Very clever. I like that one :))))))
FollowupID: 481762

Follow Up By: fruers - Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 21:13

Sunday, Feb 11, 2007 at 21:13
Think i'll be getting one of those :).
FollowupID: 481851

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