Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 17:21
Most of my trekking has been on even surfaces and not in the High Country, although I have been up some steep pinches. The best is to evaluate how difficult a climb may be and if you need to go there with a trailer in tow.
All my years of travelling I was against trailers but overloading the towing vehicle has changed my view. It makes for easier
camping towing a trailer and the weight is freed from the tow vehilce. I take the trailer anywhere the truck will go. I make sure that in desert country both truck and trailer run low tyre pressures and I drive according to the terrain. The GQ has heaps of low down torque and most
Simpson Desert track dunes can be handled in High Range. Offtrack I revert to Low Range 2nd/3rd. I suppose it is experience that counts. I do still make mistakes however and one has to be vigilant at all I have been down inclines and other
places where I have had to reverse out and that has made for some interesting driving. One has to have lots of patience. I have only been bogged once on top of a dune. I dropped the tyre pressure to 9psi all round and drove out. I have had to reverse down a dune twice after selecting the wrong gear for the terrain. In that scenario one has to make sure the trailer is going straight and not worry about what precarious angle the vehicle is at...:-D
In my opinion, the Springover setup put more rigid pressure on to the trailer leaf springs and that, in the end, caused a U-bolt to snap. Initially I was afraid that with 240lts of fuel on board p;us all
camping gear, I would not have enough wheel clearance from the wheel guards and did the springover. I have now proved that to myself, to be incorrect. Fully loaded(maybe 800kg all up) the wheels still have 60mm travel before touching the guard.
I still have to test my skinny
tyres on splits out in the desert country with the trailer in tow and will be doing so sometime this year. It remains to be seen how efficient I can drive the dunes in comparison to the wide tubeless