Free DVD with Discovery
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 06, 2003 at 16:42
This Thread has been Archived
I see on TV now that if you buy a new Landrover Discovery you get a free DVD player, (valued at $2700 they say,It's probably really worth about a third of that) . I reckon its to placate the kids whilst waiting for road service out in the mulga!!!!!! Michael
Reply By: cwebb - Sunday, Apr 06, 2003 at 22:07
Sunday, Apr 06, 2003 at 22:07
Okay, so you are saying evey single Landrover Discovery is going to break down are you? Okay then. You must have some incredible insight and future knowledge. And no, I don't own a Disco, nor am I going to buy one. But people who just lodge posts that bag other people's choices, with no real facts, tarnish this
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 08:10
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 08:10
Hey, lighten up, i had a new one for a week, couldnt wait to sell it back to them, i think it was the best 10 grand i ever wasted. It was meant to be a light hearted attack on them. I think i actually imput a great deal of facts on a wide front to this
forum so perhaps you need to get a sense of humour. Michael.
Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 09:12
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 09:12
Michael, there is nothing in your post to suggest it was a joke. A bit like making a racist remark and then claiming it was a joke and that anyone taking offence should lighten up. You give the game away when you tell us that you have a ten grand chip on your shoulder.
Follow Up By: Member - diamond(bendigo) - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:26
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:26
when i first read it i laughed i seen it as a joke but maybe we both have a bad sense of humour lolololollooking foward to
easter at jamieson
Reply By: StephenF - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 09:28
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 09:28
A long time ago I found it was necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff when reading forums like this. People who bag particular vehicles get put into the chaff bin straight away and any further posts from them are suspect.
Reply By: Phil P - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 10:06
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 10:06
Anyone know where to buy these DVD Systems ? I've seen a few with the remote LCD's suitable for headrest mounting, but I am specifically looking for roof mount systems.
Phil P
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 10:51
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 10:51
Hi Phil, i saw 2 different roof systems in a mag a few weeks ago, or maybe a brochure like Harvey norman or something. I'll have a hunt around. Michael
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 13:45
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 13:45
Hi Phil, just remembered, i saw the DVD's in the free magazine that came with the 4X4Monthly this month, the one with the black cover and full of Ads. Michael
Follow Up By: Member - Allan - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 22:06
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 22:06
Phil, A CAM's brochure came in the mail acouple of weeks ago. CAM stands for Car Audio Masters and it is a national association of car audio specialists. They have dealers all around the country so if you tell me what state you are in I can rattle of some names for you (or you find them on the web). They sell the in-car entertainment systems. In-dash, roof mount and headrest mount models with DVD players. They also do the navigation systems, reverse cameras, CB's, cruise control and security systems etc. Nice looking toys. Boy I should get paid for advertising!Nearly as good as sex
Reply By: Michael - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 10:49
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 10:49
Wow, some of you guys need to lighten up, take a trip and get some fresh air. A sense of homour would be a start. Michael
Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 11:05
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 11:05
Michael, sometime ago this
forum was infested with bigoted, unhelpful comments against LR by someone on some sort of personal mission. I guess your post triggered flashbacks. If you mean something to be humorous add a ;-) or :-) because we can't see your face.
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 11:21
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 11:21
Hi Bob, what i do like about this
forum is that 99,9% of people are polite.
This is probably due to the nature of the
forum and content. I think overall i add quality to this
forum and i take considerably more than i add from it. So the last thing that we need is personal slanging matches to destablise the
forum. My comment was not directed to anyone and was meant "tongue in cheek", possibly even got a few smiles and was really meant to be just that. Cheers Michael
Follow Up By: StephenF - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:36
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:36
Ok, anyone got a joke about all the Prado front diffs blowing?
Reply By: Tony - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 12:17
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 12:17
Some of you girls really get your nickers in a knot aye. As Michael said lighten up
Reply By: Member - David - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 15:27
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 15:27
Sorry, I must have read it wrong. I thought you get a free Discovery if you buy a that the only way they can get Discos on the roads??
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:04
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:04
Dave, I'll have to let you take the flack for that one on your own!! cheers. Michael.
Reply By: colin - Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:21
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 16:21
so wheres Truckster on this one. Col. lol!!!!!!!!!
Reply By: Member - Willem- Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 18:38
Monday, Apr 07, 2003 at 18:38
It seems to run in cycles. Every four months or so someone posts something about Landrover and then it is on for
young and old !!!!
There is something about Landrovers that invokes hostility. It's like owning a P76 or a Volvo. What on earth has happened to ' having a laugh' ! Isn't that what we are all about. Like previous mails in this thread I concur that those detractors should lighten up :-) :0)Cheers, Willem
Never a dull moment
Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 07:40
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 07:40
Willem, perhaps we could start a thread where we all pick on South Africans? I take the view that if people stick their head out then they should be prepared to have it kicked. Bleatings to lighten up are pathetic - if you can't stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen.
Follow Up By: Member - Willem- Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 08:16
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 08:16
Dear Bob,
Yes, picking on South Africans might be entertaining. OR we could start a thread picking on Fat Cats, Politicians and others who live in the ACT?
The list is endless :-) The great thing about these forums is that you can be nasty to someone without any repercussions. Or you can be nice and have happy thoughts.
Why is it that you get sucked in every time something(albeit tongue-in-cheek) is said about a Landrover Discovery? The facts are that the Landrover Discovery is a good vehicle but many have a reliability problem. Just face the facts, Bob. Hope your head recovers after the kicking.
By the way, I have been an Aussie for 35 years.
This is my last follow-up on this thread so you may have the last nasty word if you wish, Bob.
Have a nice day.
Follow Up By: Member - Bob - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 16:19
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 16:19
Willem, I'd be sucked in to making a reply if anyone was singled out for gratuitous insults - South Africans, ACT Residents (I live in NSW), aboriginals, LR owners etc. I just happen to find that type of humour (if that is what was intended) offensive and inappropriate on a
Forum like this. If you don't do something about it it will keep happening. Lastly Willem, I wouldn't say anything nasty to you because I admire your achievements (on your website) and I am sure we probably have vastly more in common than differing
views on the occasional post designed to cause offence.
Reply By: Member - diamond(bendigo) - Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:32
Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 at 22:32
i believe super cheap is selling a roof mounted dvd player(
well screen mounts on roof) for $599 and big w or woolworths are selling one but not roof mounted for about $470 im actually going to
check out the super cheap one and then wait for there 25% off salelooking foward to
easter at jamieson