Saturday, Feb 24, 2007 at 09:09
'drivesafe' and 'disco'
Electric Principles are one thing and practical testing is another. Yes they go hand in hand but I have seen practical examples of improved charging and higher current flow by simply moving the alternator feed wire to the isolator. This increases voltage to the auxiliary battery and reduces charge time. I have seen and tested this. Try it before knocking it.
"1. Keep the batteries electrically isolated when the motor is not running"
This is only partly true. Most electronic isolators will stay engaged until the main battery drops down to a preset voltage allowing the accessories on the auxiliary battery to use some of the power from the main battery. There are even some manufacturers that advertise this advantage. I have seen this take up to 2 hours to disengage in some cases.
“2 Give the starting battery some time to charge before the auxiliary battery is connected.”
This is only partly true. Traditional isolators will do this but our new Bisolator will actually engage before start up if needed and may even stay engaged after the engine is running depending on system demands, I have extracted this sentence from the description below but read the whole description for your own information. “if the main battery’s voltage falls below 9.0V for ½ second and the auxiliary battery is above 9.0V, both batteries are connected to provide a powerful boost start.”
“The things that will determine the current draw for any particular alternator voltage output is the battery characteristics and the resistance of the wiring.”
Disco here you are very correct in saying wiring resistance will effect current. This is what I have been saying all along “differing cable sizes, fuses, plugs and distance” will affect current flow, voltages and charge times.
Lastly I am more than a salesman and I am proud of my inventions, designs, future new products and our business. We are designing, sourcing, manufacturing and introducing new technology to the automotive and recreational market.
Working Principle Of BiSolator M-Series:-
The BiS M-Series performs
well in two important fields: firstly to provides a reliable and efficient method of both charging and isolating dual batteries, secondly if the main battery’s voltage falls below 9.0V for ½ second and the auxiliary battery is above 9.0V, both batteries are connected to provide a powerful boost start.
With BiSolator’s electronic voltage and load sensing design on the main 12V system, when the voltage rises above 13.3V for at least 12 seconds, as happens when the engine is running normally, the BiSolator will close the isolating system, providing charging current to the auxiliary battery and overcomes those eficiencies that allow other battery isolators, splitters or combiners to discharge the main battery.
When the system is in the status of charging the auxiliary battery or when auxiliary charging from solar or mains charger is being performed the featured LED indicator then turn “GREEN” to show the exact operating diagnostics of battery system. This can be extended to a remote status lamp.
Forced override is possible with a remote switch.