gps & maps

Submitted: Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 17:33
ThreadID: 4349 Views:2463 Replies:5 FollowUps:1
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hi all i am still trying to understand the gps and its bits .gps and bits not to bad but the way i understand i have to purchase oziexplorer software to help read maps but it does not come with any maps these have to be purchased seperately( natmap raster ) or can they be downloaded free from ozeplorer
i am looking at the shop pages on this our site

signed" confused"
89 nissan looking foward to august and more travelling
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Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 18:03

Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 18:03

Have you read the GPS & Navigation overview and Tutorial? Have a look it explains it all in english. On the Road -> Navigation -> Overview & Tutorial.

Hope this helps.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
AnswerID: 17393

Follow Up By: Member - Peter (WA) - Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 18:36

Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 18:36
David I was just getting my head around this GPS natmap thing till my new laptop arrived yesterday,I am sure they must have a good laugh when they invented the word USER FRIENDLY ,I hate keyboards that have symbles instead of words it took me 30 minutes to work out what2 buttons were for and I still cant find what the other 30 odd do ,one day I hope someone can come up with a map to show me how to drive around a keyboard....I was also wondering what size mouse was going to be supplied when I saw the size of the little skating rink they had provided for it.....hahahahahaha looking forward to 6 nights in the bush, only 2 more sleeps ( and no computers)Born to drive a 4x4 , not a keyboard
Peter York 4x4
FollowupID: 10915

Reply By: Member - Sam - Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 18:08

Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 18:08
G'day GOB,

The way OziExplorer works, is that it takes a graphic file of a map (in the case of the NatMaps, they are in ECW format) and then uses an overlay file which contains all the calibrations for that particular graphic file (ie latitude and longitude). These calibration files(not the map graphic) are freely available for download from the OziExplorer site as well as numerous other locations. So when you have a GPS connected up to the laptop, OziExplorer takes the positional data from the GPS and using the calibration data from the overlay files, displays on the map graphic, your location according to the GPS. So to the user, the map file and the calibration data contained within it appear "transparent". They are just working away in the background acting as a proxy between the gps and the visual image of the map.

hope I haven't confused you too much. If someone else wants to correct me if i'm wrong or give GOB are more simplified explanation please do so.

AnswerID: 17394

Reply By: Hedonist - Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 23:09

Friday, Apr 11, 2003 at 23:09
OK, I'll have a go.... :)

1) The Natmap CDs give you a complete electronic set of the 1:250,000 scale maps of Oz. They come with a simple viewer, which lets you look at them, zoom in and out, search for locations by name, coordinates or by clicking on a map of the whole country. Cool, but no more functional than the paper maps. (Yes, you have to buy them.)

2) OziExplorer lets you connect your computer to your GPS. Now you can look at your GPS waypoints, tracks and routes on your computer. You can save add and delete waypoints routes and track data. If you buy it from a retailer (such az ExploreOz) it comes with the registration codes. If you download it from the website, you have to register it and buy the codes (online) to fully activate the software.

3) To use the Natmap (or any other) files with Oziexplorer, you need to calibrate them. This means saving navigational data (limits of longditude and latitude, datum, etc) for each map. To save you having to create each of these your self, you can download them free of charge from the Oziexplorer website. They are available for the most popular ranges of electronic maps such as Natmap, the old Auslig series, and the Hema desert maps.

Hope this helps,
Pete :-)
AnswerID: 17423

Reply By: Member - Des - Sunday, Apr 13, 2003 at 12:09

Sunday, Apr 13, 2003 at 12:09
At the risk of stating the obvious, you can use GPS with paper maps! To start with, set the datum in the GPS to the same as that on your map. (Read the manual on how to do this.) I also find it helpful to set it up with readings in UTM (i.e. map grid refs) rather than lat/long. Then when you want to check where you are, just get the current position reading and plot it on the map. To get that reading with some units (e.g. eTrex) you have to mark (or prepare to mark) your position as a waypoint.

I know this is really basic, but personally I find it the most useful function of the GPS, especially when bushwalking. Remember that when away from vehicle you need to do this, unless you have a very sophisticated mapping GPS with detailed maps installed, or you carry the laptop or handheld computer with you!
AnswerID: 17503

Reply By: danny - Friday, Apr 18, 2003 at 21:30

Friday, Apr 18, 2003 at 21:30
hi GOB like you we are trying to learn our way around our garmin and laptop. it looked pretty simple when we looked at it at the 4x4 show,we even had a problem connecting the gps to the laptop we had to get a converter from 9 pin to 15 pin which no one told us about.we are travelling around ozz from melbourne taking 12 months off work,we hope to use the gps with the laptop(moving map) so we can go off road and bushwalking,we are 7 weeks into our trip at sydney, we have had enough of the coast and going inland for a while.I bought a book called Exploring GPS a gps user guide which is in plain english with some excersises to try as i said we have just started to learn so we are not much help,we thought you might like to know that you are not on your own.i dont know if this response gives our email address but its if i can be of any help or we might be able to exchange what we learn regards danny
AnswerID: 17912

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