auxillary battery wiring
Submitted: Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 19:41
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G'day all, just need to know what the best route to take when installing cables for a duel batt system with auxillary battery in the cargo area. the vehicle is a gu patrol.
thanks in advance,
Reply By: Member Dublediff(VIC) - Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 19:54
Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 19:54
Just wired my gu up with aux. in rear cargo area. Run the cable from main start batterry across the rear of engine bay down to chassis rail, keeping as far from exhaust as possible. Run with chassis to a point under front pasenger
seat and find a rubber grommet with cable running inside to cabin. Cut grommet and run battery cable inside to cabin and into door sill. Run through door sill into rear compartment area. I drilled through the inside of the storage area under the side window and brought cable into cabin through that. If cable is removed hole would be difficult to see later. My battery is installed behind engel near rear
seat back. This works for me, if your battery is further back you could follow chassis rail to very rear of car and another rubber grommet is located in a
well behind the tyre
well. This will bring you up into the area with the opening in the interior plastic wall. Cheers Eric.
Reply By: mitto68 - Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 21:49
Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 21:49
Thanks Eric i'll give it a crack tomorrow.
Reply By: howie - Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 22:52
Thursday, Mar 29, 2007 at 22:52
hi mitto68,
having a aux batt in the cargo area is going to need a heavy cable.
i have the 2nd batt in the engine compartment, but anyway.
i ran a heavy cable to the rear from inside the engine compartment, into the chassis rail.
using some "fish wire" i ran it all the way to the rear inside the chassis rail and popped out near the passenger rear.
here there is a grommit (probably the one mentioned before) that leads up to the
removable panel, just inside the door.
'fish wire' is just a reel of stiff flat metal, are you in w.a.?