Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 23:21
I once had a mate that, like me, was a shift worker. The dog next door to him used to bark all day long when the owners were out at work. Kept him awake after night shift.
So one day he digs a big hole in his beaut back lawn, buys a lemon tree and a klio of liver.
He cuts the liver up into little bits and lays a trail from the next door back gate, into his backyard,,,,,,,,,,,,
Where he's waiting with a big ball pein hammer,,,,,,,
Whallop,,,,,,,,,,,straight between the eyes. Dog's dead immediately, Dogs in hole, Lemon tree on top of dog,
3 years later best lemons in town. He gave most of 'em tp his next door neighbour!
True story,