Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 21:07
My comments are based on 20 years experience prospecting IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. I've driven up to many pastoralists station houses and declared that I will be on thier leased area. My approach has been something like,"G'day mate, I just popped in to let you know we'll be on your ground at such and such a place doing a bit of prospecting. If there's any thing we can do whilst we're out that way, we'd be happy to help".
Following such an introduction on many occasions I've been abused with comments such as, "You F@##**$$ng prospectors are all the bl@##$*y same, you
rock up here very winter, come on my land, wreck my fences, steal my sheep, let yer dog run amok, leave yer crap everywhere and than p**s off and leave us to clean up the mess" etc, etc.
I've even been shot at - but that was 18 years ago!
After 20 years of 50% of pastoralists with such attitudes I've given up being 'accomodating'. The law says that all I have to do is NOTIFY the pastoralist that I will be on his pastoral lease. That's all I have to do. I do not need his permission. After being subject to insults regarding my parentage, after being told I'm a disability pensioning, dole bludging Pom because I'm a relatively
young, self funded retiree, is it any wonder that I too have an "attitude" - just like he does.
I've suffered all of this after repairing gates & fences for 'em and pulling thier utes out of bogs.
Consequently, I now do what the law says I have to do. No more, no less.
I'm fully aware of the hardships that pastoralists endure from idiots on pastoral land. My comments were meant to indicate the extent of the law. They were not meant to encourage people to run amok on pastoral lands. I assume that everyone is as cognisant as I am of the difficulties of running a station.
I'll be nice to them when they are nice to me. In the meantime I remain circumspect about the attitudes I see out there.
Michelle, it's your
forum, not
mine, you do what you have to do. But if it was me, I'd put the guys post up in this thread and also another thread solely devoted to the topic on pastoral land access. It will do only good for 4WDers to read and heed what pastoralists have to put up with.
However, I'm afraid that "the Miners Right in WA" is as simple as I've stated - with the obvious covenants about staying away from mills, dams and
farm structures, collecting wood and use of tracks. These things should be readily apparent to any thinking person. So this comment,,,,,,,,,,,"so much no one genuine will ever get in again..." is an indication that if this particular pastoralist is in WA then we have a misunderstanding of Mining Law and Pastoral Lease Access.
You can even give him my email address. I'll give him my phone number. I don't beleive in "the anonimity of the internet".
Your call Michelle.