The <span class="highlight">best</span> <span class="highlight">time</span> of your life

Submitted: Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:11
ThreadID: 44499 Views:2106 Replies:11 FollowUps:11
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Hi guys ,
Was just thinking about when in life is the best time.Seems to me that in your teens you are still being educated and have little money.
In your twenties trying to establish a career a deposit and a family.
In your thirties slowly building up finances,better car or house and hopefully getting in front.
Fourties paying off the house,getting the last through uni and finally having the spare cash to buy a toyota (new).
Starting to think early fifties could be the best time as the hard work is done and the time and finances could be freeing up a bit and the body should be still fit enough to enjoy life to the full.
BTW just had a late fourties birthday and am hoping to be getting towards the best time as the last thirty years have been hard work and my aching body tells me every day.
Peoples circumstances differ but am i on the money here?
Cheers Mark
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Reply By: Wombat - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:27

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:27
The best time is right now - that's why it's called the present.
AnswerID: 234483

Follow Up By: CLC50 - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:36

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:36
Also when you wake up in morning & you put your feet on the floor & they don't get burnt or sink into clouds ,then its another get day
FollowupID: 495423

Follow Up By: Red Frog - Vic - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:38

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:38
Yes very good, gotta agree with that, you can make your own present, enjoy it and pass it down to your kids as memory when your gone. Aint life great.
FollowupID: 495424

Follow Up By: Nicko43 - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:15

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:15
As they say:

"Yesterday is history,
tomorrows a mystery,
today is a gift - thats why its called the present"
FollowupID: 495434

Follow Up By: Black Shoe - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:04

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:04
bunck of old over the hill old too :)
FollowupID: 495449

Reply By: 4wdNewbie - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:57

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 14:57
In my experience, the age of 19 is the best time of life ( of course 20 could be better im yet to find that out :P), I go to uni 1 day a week, work 2 nights a week, go out wekends and golf 3-5 times a week + soccer/cricket (depending on season) + the gym) and am fit and fully healthy. I guess I don't own a yacht or house, but I got a set of golf clubs and a 4by (what else could one need?).
AnswerID: 234491

Follow Up By: Trevor R (QLD) - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:26

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:26
I got to agree with the newbie here. Uni was some 15-20 yrs ago now but they were the best nights of my life......LOL!!! Hard to remember many of them but I was told thay were good on many occassions :-))))

No Hassles No responsibility No debts and heaps of spare time what more could one want. Oh yeah girls a plenty as well hehehe.

Cheers Trevor.
FollowupID: 495435

Follow Up By: 4wdNewbie - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:28

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:28
Of course, how could I forget the girlies!
FollowupID: 495436

Follow Up By: Exploder - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 19:02

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 19:02
and mate it's all down hill from 21, LOL

I think the best part of life for me anyway was Straight after year 12, the last part of year 12 wasn’t bad ether I never did Tee in year 12 and was at a Top privet school, so me and a few of my other non tee mates would run a muck.

But 17-20 was defiantly good and looking back on it had some unbelievable times.

Once you start Working thou it goes down a little, sure you have a bit of money but you are not really free anymore and there is no more of that spur of the moment stuff.

Never the less I try not to take my-self too seriously.
FollowupID: 495470

Reply By: Dave Thomson - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:00

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 15:00
Hi Mark,
yes your right, physically its up to & including mid to late 30's, finanacially it's 40 to 50's , and after that your too old to enjoy either LOL, when my step dad was alive I used to ask him how he was and he always used to say well I woke up today...........
every days a good day as they say, if you dont believe that try missing one,
regards ,
AnswerID: 234494

Reply By: Old Gold - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 16:09

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 16:09
Every day above ground has to be good
AnswerID: 234509

Reply By: Dustin - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 16:58

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 16:58
The best time of my life?

Just before I discovered this site :-)

I'd hate to add up all the hours I have spend lurking around here and now I know about lots of toys that I don't have and was previously unaware of their existence.

From my experience I hope you have got it right Mark, a few years behind you but heading that way and looking forward to a few less financial worries - doubt if I'll ever get there on that one
AnswerID: 234524

Reply By: Crackles - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:15

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:15
20 to 30 years old. You are carefree, physically fit, sexually active, have just bought your 1st 4x4 & are doing everything your parants said you couldn't. Any older & your body starts to ache, you worry about life, the kids give you hell & both sex & 4x4ing start to take a back seat :-))
Cheers Craig..............
AnswerID: 234527

Follow Up By: marcus - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:21

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:21
Jeez Crackles,
With the best years well behind i sure hope there is something ahead to look forward to.LOL
Take it bush or take it back.
FollowupID: 495453

Follow Up By: Mike Harding - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:48

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:48
Speak for yourself Craig! :)
FollowupID: 495458

Follow Up By: Crackles - Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 18:28

Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 18:28
They may have been the best years but that's not to say I won't give the remainder a good shake. And I'll start tommorrow by going for a drive up the Staircase to Speculation.
Cheers Craig............
FollowupID: 495730

Reply By: Smudger - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:23

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 17:23
Growing Older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
It's just that ..well my memory is starting to go. And also, my memory is starting to go.
AnswerID: 234530

Reply By: Sand Man (SA) - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 18:20

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 18:20
There is no "Best Time", unless you are lying on your death bed reflecting on your life's experiences.

Regardless of one's age, you are (or should be) always learning something new and experiencing another of life's mysteries. As you get older, you mat slow down a little, but there's nothing wrong with that.

So, as long as you have your health, reasonable mobility and hopefully someone to share your adventures with, you should have a "smile on the dial". A bottle of good red helps immensely and if you are camping in some remote location, communicating with nature, then that particular period has to be as close to the "Best Time" you will get, until the next one.

Is that too deep?


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AnswerID: 234544

Follow Up By: Member - Dunworkin (WA) - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 21:28

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 21:28
Is that too Deep?

No Sandman, you are spot on, my sentiments exactly.



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FollowupID: 495531

Reply By: Member - Andrew (QLD) - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 19:22

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 19:22
Whilst walking in Tasmania, we met this old man, possibly in his 80's, who had a fascinating life story to tell. When asked about the best time in his life, he stated that the first 12 months were his best experiences, After some silence, someone had the courage to ask why. He confidently and without hesitation mentioned just one word:


AnswerID: 234557

Reply By: Member - Lionel A (WA) - Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 19:30

Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 at 19:30
Been too busy having the best time of my life for the past 30 odd years.
Turn 52 this month and just realised Im still being educated and have very little money.....hehehe.

AnswerID: 234563

Reply By: Member - John T (NSW) - Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 09:53

Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 09:53
Morning Marcus

I turned 57 last month. I have yet to read my obituary in the local paper and cannot find a headstone in the "dead" centre of town with my name on it so I reckon every day is the best part of my life. I exercise every day - walking and cycling - eat fairly simply but well, enjoy a nice red or white depending on the weather and just really enjoy life. Might have something to do with the fact that I have been happily divorced for 23 years too. I have my 4x4 and soon will have my CT. Have my home and good friends, good books and music (my preference there)
I have a book on the shelf above the PC that is called "The Precious Present" by Spencer Johnson MD - reread it every so often just to remind me that the only part of our lives that we can have any control over " is this very instant - if it's past there is not a damn thing you can do about it and who knows what the next moment holds for us - I don't want to know - that what makes life so exciting.

My 2 cents worth

John T (Lifetime Member)
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AnswerID: 234699

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