Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 00:20
I'm with you on this one sand man. I use the search function whenever possible and most of the time you get hundreds of results that don't even come close to covering the topic. Alternatively one quick question often hopefully gets you a polite and accurate reply. If I wanted to troll aimlessly through reems of useless information there are others ways to achieve it. I look to forums for fast accurate answers.
DIO I can understand you may get frustrated at seeing and replying to the same question over and over but if it poops you off that much then just don't reply. If you've already replied 100 times then let the other 100 people who know the answer reply 100 times and before you know it it's been 10,000 times before it's your turn again and no one gets hurt.
It's about time we all remembered why forums like this were created in the first place. Not to serve the needs from the inside but to serve the needs of the incoming.
Those type of responses are just as annoying as the posters who reply and tell you to do something completely different even when you made it clear you had to take a chosen path etc and want to know how.
Get a life, preferrably a new one because the one you have now must be crap.
Oh and to contribute top the original question. Yes it's doable but no Electrician will do it for you unless it's under the table secret squirel business. Normally you need to do it yourself. As far as wiring issues go don't know but I do knwo that many of the leads you can buy these days have 10 amp plugs and 15 amp wiring so in carefully monitored situations it's probably not bad but your judgement call to undertake etc etc. Better however to put a 10 amp plug on then to file down the 15 in my opinion.