Lotus off road caravan

Submitted: Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 16:35
ThreadID: 44541 Views:4138 Replies:1 FollowUps:2
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We recently saw the Lotus 16' off road caravan at the Caulfield show and are considering purchasing one. Does anyone out there have one? Any feedback on the brand, quality, durability, after sales service etc. would be appreciated.
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Reply By: Member - Cruiser (NSW) - Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 19:07

Friday, Apr 20, 2007 at 19:07
Hi Woody,

We ordered a new Lotus at the Brisbane Caravan Show in June last year and picked it up in October.

We found Lotus to be very obliging in allowing us to change things to suit us and the prices to do so were very reasonable.

We havent done any major trips in it so far, just local stuff (250K raduis from home base) but are VERY happy with it. We have had 1 problem with it, nothing major, but the speed with which Lotus moved to rectify the problem was a credit to them as a company.

We rang the dealer when the problem became evident and he immediately called the manufacturer who then rang us. That was at 10am on a Tuesday and by 9am on the Thursday the van was picked up by a transporter, taken to the factory at Melbourne, repaired and returned to us 8 days later at 4pm.

All I can say is if you like it and the price is acceptable, then from my experience, you can buy with confidence.

Good luck

AnswerID: 234806

Follow Up By: SARocks - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 14:21

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 14:21
What was such a major problem it had to go back to Melbourne for repairs. Must have been a huge problem for that to happen like a major rebuild.
FollowupID: 495920

Follow Up By: Member - Cruiser (NSW) - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 15:06

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 15:06
It wasnt a major problem at all.

One of the side sheets just above the door had not been fixed properly and in order maintain their standards and quality and be able to determine what had happened and why, they elected to take it back to the factory to repair it instead of just getting a local repairer to do it.

The local guy had quoted just under $2000 to fix the problem and they said that seeing as they have all the equipment/materials and labour that at $1800 return, it was going to cost them the same money to pay for transport both ways.

To me, thats a wise decision. Sure its a dissapointment that that happened in the first place, but I accept that things go wrong in all manufacturing processes and to me, the measure of their worth is how quickly and effectively they do something to rectify the problem, and i think that in this case, they did well.

By the way, they problem was that one of the workers had not glued that section of the sheet down.
FollowupID: 495925

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