Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 17:14
Let's see...the excuses Mitsubishi have used so far so as not to have to repair my Pajero during the alleged 5 year warranty....
"Wrong fuel mate, no bio-diesel allowed" (doesn't say anything about it in the owner's manual)
"Water in the fuel mate"
"Dust in the fuel mate"
"The frame cracked when you hit the 'roos" (In 16
places at once?????)
"The winch is stressing the frames and making them crack"
"The guy who did your wheel alignment must have taken the steering wheel off"
"You drive in exceptionally harsh conditions - beyond the design expectations of the vehicle"
"You're overloaded"
"Your tyres are too big"
"Your fuel tank breathers are clogged with dust and that caused the intake filter to be sucked into the fuel line"
And those are just the excuses I can remember. Mind you I'm a stubborn bastard and they didn't get away with any of them - except the last one because the breathers were blocked up with bulldust. It's just that I had to fight them all the way and that wears you down after a while. Stuff Mitsubishi.