What's the best price on hilux SR5?

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 08:26
ThreadID: 44559 Views:3957 Replies:4 FollowUps:5
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Who has done the best deal and where? Updating SR D/Cab auto td to an SR5 auto td and have had a couple of prices and would like to know what other deals people have done as it may be worth the travel.

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Reply By: Batman69 - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 08:36

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 08:36

I got my 2006 plated dual cab sr5 diesel for $47250 drive away with my choice of tyres fitted. No other options.

AnswerID: 234885

Follow Up By: time waster - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 08:53

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 08:53
Thats better than I have done so far Steve who did that deal for you and when?
FollowupID: 495867

Follow Up By: Batman69 - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 11:24

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 11:24
Time waster,

I got my car through Ballarat Toyota, and that included $25k trade in on a 2000 GU 3.0lt Patrol.

I made the deal at the end of January and they delivered on February 2nd.

LeMans Toyota in Deer Park(Melbourne) said they would beat the Ballarat price but I stayed local.

Where are you?

If you have an ABN # then ask for further discount. Make sure you do your deal towards the end of the month.

FollowupID: 495891

Reply By: SARocks - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 13:48

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 13:48
Bought a Triton d/cab auto for $41.5 on the road incl towbar. Beats the hell out of Toyota on ride performance fuel consumption warranty and service pricing.
Take Toyota for a drive and then Triton you wont believe how much better the Triton is. Bigger wider cab and everything in the Triton is better. I was a Toyota Hilux owner and fan. $7k in my pocket is better than Toyota pocket.
I was constantly sickened by Toyota service pricing.
AnswerID: 234932

Follow Up By: time waster - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 14:57

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 14:57
I didn't think they came out in auto yet?
FollowupID: 495924

Follow Up By: Russ n Sue - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 17:14

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 17:14

Let's see...the excuses Mitsubishi have used so far so as not to have to repair my Pajero during the alleged 5 year warranty....

"Wrong fuel mate, no bio-diesel allowed" (doesn't say anything about it in the owner's manual)
"Water in the fuel mate"
"Dust in the fuel mate"
"The frame cracked when you hit the 'roos" (In 16 places at once?????)
"The winch is stressing the frames and making them crack"
"The guy who did your wheel alignment must have taken the steering wheel off"
"You drive in exceptionally harsh conditions - beyond the design expectations of the vehicle"
"You're overloaded"
"Your tyres are too big"
"Your fuel tank breathers are clogged with dust and that caused the intake filter to be sucked into the fuel line"

And those are just the excuses I can remember. Mind you I'm a stubborn bastard and they didn't get away with any of them - except the last one because the breathers were blocked up with bulldust. It's just that I had to fight them all the way and that wears you down after a while. Stuff Mitsubishi.
FollowupID: 495941

Follow Up By: Stu-k - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 18:51

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 18:51
Auto is petrol only and as for wider, they must have thin doors cause overall there narrower and damn there a ugly thing!
FollowupID: 495953

Reply By: goingplatinumcomau - Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 19:05

Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 19:05
Try Black Toyota Toowoomba


The countrylife newspaper has some great deals on 4 wd.

Regards John
AnswerID: 234969

Reply By: PajeroTD - Sunday, Apr 22, 2007 at 01:04

Sunday, Apr 22, 2007 at 01:04
Why not save money and just buy the color-coded grille, and rear chrome step, the sports bar and flares and it will be an SR5. You could even buy the decal.
AnswerID: 235038

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