Saturday, Apr 21, 2007 at 21:04
The lake has to be mostly full to see water at Halligans Bay and
Level Post Bay which are the 2 points where most people see the lake. They are both very shallow areas - even when the lake is pretty much covered, you still are just looking at the water on the horizon, and to walk to it is in black slushy mud. The lake has to be pretty full for those points to be worth a visit.
Well, the Eyre Yacht Club had to call it a day a few weeks back! Eyre Ck has dropped, so that the bypass track was opened earlier this month. So I'm pessimistic that we'll get any significant filling this year.
The lake was pretty much full in 2000, and from memory the previous time was 1987. It tends to fill every 15 years. To fill, it needs water coming from all the rivers - at present only the
Warburton is flowing into the lake. Nothing coming down Cooper Ck, Neales,
I'd love it to fill. In 2000, we did a club trip where we were guided around Babbage Peninsula - that was magic - pelicans, shrimp on the waters edge, and some magnificent scenery.