Fuel filler - please help.
Submitted: Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:32
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G'day all, hoping you can help. I have a 2001, 100 series landcruiser, with a dual cab conversion. I find it very frustrating when I have to fill up with diesel as it takes forever to get a decent amount into the tank. I have tried the two different sizes of spout and neither makes a differance, the spout keeps clicking off no matter how slowly I try to fill the tank. I have just spent 15 minutes at the bowser and only managed to get 30 liters into the tank.
please help.
Ta, Charlie.
Reply By: Andrew from Vivid Adventures - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:37
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:37
it is a bugger, although I don't know if your conversion changed the fuel pipes, but I have similar issues with my stock GXL although not as bad.
Some high flo pumps just won't work ... some will - there is no telling.
Normal pumps are okay for me until I get down to the last 20 litres on the main tank - my aux tank is a Longranger anyway, and that is a lot easier as it has a short dump into the tank.
I do find that rocking the vehicle helps clear the air-lock so I can keep filling, and from that point I just fill slowly.
You might want to
check that the plastic flap at the bottom of the filler is fully opening - this might be a little hard, but you might be able to do it by feel with a coat-hanger or something. Also
check that there is nothing blocking the breather and that it hasn't been dented during the mods.
Reply By: Member - cliff J (VIC) - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:50
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 19:50
hi charlie
under the wheel arch there is a panel if it has not been changed in conversion.
take panel off
check butterfly and bypass hose .
i had the butterfly get stuck had to pull apart to fix
Reply By: Member - Willie , Epping .Syd. - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:15
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:15
Charlie ,
I have a 2001 TD and I have no problem like you describe . There must be a problem to cause that airlock ( maybe from the conversion )
I would just take it in to Toyota and get it fixed .
Willie .
Reply By: Member - Hughesy (NSW) - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:30
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:30
Hi Charlie,
The other guys have given you some options to try. When I was in
Roxby Downs the one servo there I used to have problems with all their pumps even filling up the falcon. I used to have some success by rotating the handle of the pump hose around from 90deg and even 180deg which would allow it to pump more with out clicking out. Have you tried filling from another servo?? I reckon it has a lot to do with the the actual pump nozzle and how its been maintained. Cause if I filled up in
Port Augusta I'd have no problems with either of our cars filling up with full pressure. Give it a try mate.
Reply By: Graham & Lynne - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:41
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:41
the end of the nozzle is where to look. You will see a small hole about 2mm this is the air bleed if it is burd over will cut off very easy & early
Reply By: EOM-2120-ROBLIA - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:58
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 20:58
Charlie,have the same problem with my f truck. The fill on last THURSDAY was the worst in the 2 yrs i have had it, took about 20 mins to fill 100ltrs.It seems to vary from trip to trip in that what distance & heat of the day as to the preasure in the tank as the fill the time before was only a couple of clicks & full pressure was had i could not quite beleive it.
Follow Up By: Crackles - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 21:51
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 21:51
Our F trucks are the same. The low tray, a long hose with very little fall makes refueling slow. The things we changed that made a difference were to shift the intake up as high as possible under the tray. (Cut out tie down rail) Even 1 cm made a difference. Rotate the intake to ensure the breather is at the top. Trim/bend the filler hose to ensure it's straight. Turn the fuel filler nozzel at 90 degrees (sideways). Always pull up with the LHS of the truck up the
hill. All servo's have a slight slope you can take advantage of. After these simple mods we can now fill at full speed on a regular nozzel although the last 5 to 10 litres can spit back a bit. If you are still having trouble take a block of wood to ramp 1 wheel up. Not quite as silly as standing there for 20 minutes to fill a tank.
Cheers Craig.............
Reply By: Member - Shane D (QLD) - Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 22:11
Monday, Apr 23, 2007 at 22:11
My 105 cruiser has no trouble at all using the fast fill diesel pumps and I can fill both tanks as fast as the pump can deliver.
My filler has the dual neck and I fill main/sub tank depending on which way I aim the nozzle.The 80 series I used to own had a single neck and the filling was done by altererating a valve using a cable.
When the conversion was done i think they have lowered your filling point too low and fuel cannot run into the tank,it seems like you have force it, sort of up
hill.With out seeing where it is mounted now(filler) I would suggest that it be re-routed, somehow, so it runs more downhill, and to also
check to se if there are any kinks in the filler pipe/breather