Trol just left in town.
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 11:56
This Thread has been Archived
Well, i just finished working overnight, and hop into the car. Starts fine, gets 50m down the road, loses power and engine dies...
TD42 Nissan Diesel. My initial thought as it happened was clutch..but its not that as the engine wont restart. turns over like a trooper just wont fire.
It felt as if i ran out of fuel (loss of power, then carried on for a few seconds longer, then died), however the fuel guage still says 1/4 full (lucky me if it only guage stuck and it is empty). I caught a taxi
home as I've been awake for longer than i care to remember and i wasnt going to stay in town trying to problem solve...
Am about to go to sleep...but when i wake up, and get back into town ill have to have a decent look at it.
Im thinking putting 10L fuel in just in case, bleed the fuel system and reprime, then try again... IF that doesnt work...then i need to think of something else...
Hopefully its a simple fix....its almost goodnight. Any advice will be welcome, ill read the thread when i wake up.
Reply By: Brew69(SA) - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 11:58
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 11:58
Yeah sounds like a bleed should fix it.
Reply By: samsgoneagain - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 12:15
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 12:15
there is a screen inside the banjo fitting on the inlet side of the fuel pump. that usually gets overlooked or forgoten about.
Follow Up By: nowimnumberone - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 12:44
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 12:44
yes amazing how many of them we come across blocked
Reply By: Exploder - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 13:01
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 13:01
Fuel shut off solenoid, mabey
Reply By: Tim HJ61 (WA) - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 13:38
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 13:38
....It felt as if i ran out of fuel (loss of power, then carried on for a few seconds longer, then died),
It probably has - at least at the injection pump. Change your Fuel filter/s,
check any filters hidden inside the inlet to the injection pump, prime it up and away you go a relieved man.
check your fuel lines for cracking or loose connections which will let air in - particularly when left for a while.
If you find lotsa gunge in the filter,
check any water traps, drain the fuel tank - not the whole thing, just let a few litres out into a bucket and see what has settled at the bottom. Then decide if your tank needs to have a full flush and clean. A few hundred litres of BioD run through will clean it out, then you'll find how much nicer it runs and smokes less and smells better, and not go back to diesel.
Reply By: Member - Davoe (Nullagine) - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 15:39
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 15:39
last time I had a disal just die the wire had busted off the shutoff solonoid - Who says 1hz are and old school motor that doesnt rely on electronics?
Reply By: revhead307 - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 16:46
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 16:46
Thanks for the replies.
From your advice as
well, im a little more relieved and fairly sure its just fuel related. I will head in 2mrw morning and
check the above, hopefully its a simple fix.
Will let you know how i fare, once i've got to it.
Regards Jeff
Reply By: Richard & Leonie - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 17:07
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 17:07
I hate getting my hands dirty. Call for road service.
Follow Up By: revhead307 - Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 17:36
Sunday, Apr 29, 2007 at 17:36
Unfortunately my RAC has lapsed, and im not going to
fork out another $150 for this one incident. but yes ill
sign back up sometime. Would have come in handy this morning.
As for dirty hands...ive got to take every opportunity i can, as im usually a pen i dont mind ;-)
Reply By: revhead307 - Monday, Apr 30, 2007 at 13:17
Monday, Apr 30, 2007 at 13:17
Well got back into town this morning, took some extra fuel just in case the guage was wrong.
I have a lucas CAV filter, and on inspection the viewing bowl showed only 1/2cm of fuel. (no surprise as it at least shows the engine is getting no fuel)
However, on cranking the level in the bowl does not change, i've tried the priming pump on top of the filter...cranked the engine with the bleed screw out...and the level in the filter does not change.
I have a new CAV filter insert, however i think its unlikely that its blocked to the stage of not letting any fuel through?? i have only been to the servos that i normally go to.
Are there any suggestions on what I could try. I am going to organise a tow to a fuel specialist to have it diagnosed...however i got the usual fuel pump spiel of costing $1500 - $2000 (if thats the case) which is money i dont have..
Follow Up By: Robin - Monday, Apr 30, 2007 at 14:14
Monday, Apr 30, 2007 at 14:14
Friend had problem like that with Nissan 3lt - blocked filter- clean - can't prime.
Tried everthing to help- including pressurizing fuel tank , in the end I towed it at about 60kph for a while and got it going.
Robin Miller