Canning Permits.
Submitted: Monday, May 07, 2007 at 08:33
This Thread has been Archived
Wayne (NSW)
Has anyone been able to obtain a permit to drive the
Canning Stock Route?
To travel the
Canning Stock route a permit is not required, but to go anywhere off the track a permit is required.
places you can visit is on the permit, but with no permit how do you know where you can go and how much it is going to cost?
The permit system was suppose to be up and running on the 1st May, 7th May and there is still no permit available.
Like last year when they tried to get a permit system up and running, it may happen next year.
Reply By: Footloose - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 08:51
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 08:51
what's this cost business ? I thought that transit permits were always free ? Obviously I lead a sheltered life !
Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:05
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:05
There is now going to be a cost to venture off the Canning.
From the phone calls that I have had with the AN4WDC a fee will now be charged.
How much for the permit has not been put in writing but I have been told that $50 per vehicle should cover it. This has not been confirmed as the permit is yet to be seen.
Reply By: Alan W - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:10
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:10
Hi Wayne,
We are in the process, at the moment we are waiting for the information pack to be made available.
The information pack, I'm told, will be similiar to
the Desert Parks pass for the Simpson.
You are right, there is a cost but unable to be told how much at this stage.
For your information, Calvert Ranges is a No go area.
Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:32
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:32
Do you have any idea when and where this information might be available?
I will be leaving in the next couple of weeks and would like to know where I can go and how much before I leave
Follow Up By: Alan W - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 13:19
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 13:19
Hi Wayne,
I'm not actually the person organizing the permits, the information I passed on to you was the
feedback from our meeting last week. Theres 3 vehicles and 8 people in our party and everyone has been given a 'job' to do.
As a coincidence i'm seeing the bloke who is looking after the permits tonight, I ask him if there is any further developments and will post on this thread for you. (Be after 10.00pm)
I 'm going back out of the office now, if you have any other queries, I will
check this thread in the late afternoon for them.
Reply By: Footloose - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:33
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:33
$50 isn't excessive BUT it's an impost on top of a restriction. I'll bet that most of it goes in administration.
Sad to see another icon becoming just another money grabbing exercise.
Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:41
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:41
If that is the finial amount. At this stage it is not confirmed, and what will it be next year?
For tour operators it will be a lot more I would reckon. We have not been told how much, but it is a bit late to try and recover cost 3 weeks out from a trip.
Follow Up By: Footloose - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:48
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:48
And what will it be when our kids want to see the same country that we were lucky enough to see ?
Yes, tour operators get the rough end of the pineapple. But I guess that's the nature of your business, although in this case it could have been avoided with a bit of organization by the 4wd mob I suspect.
On a positive note, I guess it's a better outcome than what could have happened. At least we can still travel the CSR.
Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:56
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 09:56
What really gets me is that they have had over 12 months to organise the permit system and 3 weeks out from the start of the season no one is sure what is happening.
Stepping off soap box now.
Follow Up By: Member - Willie , Epping .Syd. - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:21
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:21
I would not bother "doing the CSR" if I could not go into the Calverts . I bet that Killagurra
Gorge - another highlight of the trip - will be a no-go zone too .
I wonder how many aboriginals will use the area ? I have been down there twice and I have never seen an aboriginal on the stock route . They sure must have been desperate to get the land back .
I suppose when we spend millions of dollars of our money building a new outstation with a food
shop and school , a few will go down there to live . Wow , that makes me happy . I wonder if we will get access back when they all decide to abandon the outstation and go back to the towns to live ( like they have in so many other
places in WA ) .
Willie .
Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:31
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:31
So far it has all been hear say.
I am still waiting to apply for the permit.
I wounder who is going to be the permit police on the CSR, and what happens if you leave
home with out one because they were not ready.
Follow Up By: Footloose - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:36
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:36
I am all for a permit payment if it improves any facilities or the lives of the traditional owners. If its simply an admin fee then I'm strongly against it.
As far as policeing it, perhaps it will be a matter of no permit no fuel ?
Follow Up By: Footloose - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:46
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 10:46
Willie, we are not building too many more outstations, nor traditional housing for communities.
User pays is coming to a community near you :))
Sit down money is on the way out where possible.
It's going to be a bunfight, but the Fed Govt has finally decided to take the bit between its teeth....maybe.
Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 18:03
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 18:03
If they can't provide you with a permit, because the procedure is not in place, then they can hardly complain if you don't have one.
Have a great season out there. We'll look out for you in August.
Follow Up By: equinox - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 21:10
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 21:10
Agree Phil,
I am still waiting for my application to visit
Surveyor Generals Corner in 1997 to be acknowledged. I don't need the permit anymore!!!
It's a bit like kicking the football over the fence into your neighbours yard. You would knock on the door to let them know you were there, but if noone answers you are going to get the ball anyway!!
BTW, as far as I know areas that the Martu people don't mind people accessing are (with a permit):
Durba Springs
Diebil Springs
Onegunyah Rockhole
Western section of
Lake Disappointment
The Track to McFadden Ranges
Helen Hill Turtle Hill
Slate Range
Native Well
Lake George
Lake Winifred.
Places they do mind:
Mt Shoesmith
Jenkins Track
Percival Lakes
Callowa track
Savoury Creek track
Killagurra Spring
Biella Spring
Calvert Ranges, and the track to Calvert Ranges and beyond.
This last one is a bit funny (beyond), seeing their claim to the land ends at Latitude 24S.
Reply By: Eric from Cape York Connections - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 18:19
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 18:19
Funny I was talking about this to Peter on the weekend.
He didn't put on a trip this year for that very reason no one knows what is going on
wait till next season when the dust settles.
all the best
Reply By: Alan W - Monday, May 07, 2007 at 22:44
Monday, May 07, 2007 at 22:44
Hi Wayne,
Saw my mate tonight and sorry there are no new developments to date, we are still waiting for this information pack to be produced.
Apparently this information pack will contain do's and don'ts for CSR, as said, a bit like
the desert parks pass for the Simpson.
Interestingly its not the aboriginal land council that's causing the delays, we've been told its a 4wd club in WA who is administering the permit system thats holding up the proceedings. True or not, don't know, but thats what we've been told.
Will post a thread if any new information comes.
Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 16:37
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 16:37
Hi everyone,
As I originally submitted Post ID 43025 when the information came out that there would be restrictions for access off the CSR. I said I would post more information...
To give some background - the day before I made the post, I received a letter from the Native Title Project Officer of the Ngaanyatjarra Council operating from
Perth, to advise that they were implementing a permit system with assistance from the Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council (governing 4WD club body operating in the Eastern States) who had approached them with the offer to administer it. They advised that the permit would in place by the beginning of May. It was the first we'd heard about it, and it was advance information that had not yet been distributed but I was allowed to put a post in our
Forum as you all know.
I was told this was a web-based permit system. We were never invited to tender, nor asked if we would be interested to help.
So since learning of this, I spoke with numerous stakeholders about some concerns. When I discovered that the Martu people actually don't require a fee to be payable to them for the permits, and that the fee that ANFWDC would charge was to cover the admin costs they had forecast, we quickly stepped in and offered what we thought was an easy solution for everyone especially since they ANFWDC did not yet have the online permit system capability and they seemed to have some complications with it that we would not have.
What we did was put in a counter offer to the Ngaanyatjarra Council that we would administer the permit for FREE and have it online within 24hrs of them giving us the necessary information. We genuinely thought this would be the most sensible solution and that it would solve lots of problems since we are based in WA, and we are already a very strong agent for the National Parks permits throughout the whole of WA and for the SA Desert Parks Pass and have the
infrastructure to handle the admin of it. It would seem to make sense that people should be able to get this permit from us and we want nothing for it.
The response we received to this offer was 2nd April via an invitation to attend a Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (WDLAC) meeting in Parnngurr (Cotton Creek) for 17th May (now changed to Jiggalong). So we had thought there was consideration for this and it would be fleshed out at this meeting.
However, last week I was advised that our offer could not be considered as the ANFWDC offer had been approved and was already underway. We obviously have no intention of offending the ANFWDC and there is little point in us incurring travel costs and time to attend the meeting so we can't help out anymore on this issue.
So, yes it's up the ANFWDC to get the permit up and running. I don't believe there is a a 4WD Club in WA involved at all, but I may be wrong. It's a shame they didn't come to us first.
Follow Up By: The Landy - Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 17:27
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 17:27
I've never been into the ANFWDC website, this is the first place I come for any 4wd travel related information............
Too bad you missed out...........
Follow Up By: Redback - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 15:11
Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 15:11
Why was my reply deleted?
I didn't say anything bad or derogatory!!
Follow Up By: Redback - Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 15:35
Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 15:35
too many of these canning post i feel