k&n for 2002 3lt/diesel intercooled rodeo
Submitted: Friday, May 11, 2007 at 10:05
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I bought a new air filter for the rody today, the question is do you have to use the cleaning gear that they say you have to buy, perhaps the oil i do believe, but to clean the filter?? with some spray on stuff and hose off?? Does any one else use any other "stuff" to clean the filter, before reoiling.
The filter i am talking about is apparently a cotton design, then looks like flyscreen mesh over it.
Cheers Greg
Reply By: Ron George - Friday, May 11, 2007 at 17:47
Friday, May 11, 2007 at 17:47
Greg, I have one on my Effie & quadbike, as you know they are expensive, so for my money do as the manufacturers recommend, I bet you don`t use
home brand oil in your "rody", using some other (stuff) cleanser might be detrimental to the filtering medium, & I`m sure this is clearly stipulated in the servicing instructions. Consider this: $ 25-30 for a kit to service your filter as opposed to a repair bill for a dusted worn out motor. With due care & proper servicing procedures they will last for ages & just about pay for themselves.
Cheers Ron.
Reply By: blue one - Friday, May 11, 2007 at 20:43
Friday, May 11, 2007 at 20:43
Had one for 2 months. As soon as I saw it letting dust in changed back to the OEM paper filter. Do a search as there are numerous accounts of these filters and their use for race cars not 4wd in the dust.
Follow Up By: Ron George - Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 09:01
Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 09:01
G/day blue, can you expand a bit on your statement, where & why it was letting in dust. My quad bike has sucked more dust than a thousand camels & I`ve never had a problem. This mob make filters for just about anything that`s got wheels, 4bees included. I have been told, (not my words) that there is generally only two types of filtering medium (paper) made, a standard type used by OEM filter manufacturers, Ryco & such like. And a premium grade, which is used by K&S. In my estimation K&S filters leave OEM filters for dead... Heaps less restriction (better engine performance/fuel economy) & as I`ve stated above, with all due care will last for the life of the vehicle... I reckon you can`t beat that!!!!
Cheers Ron.
PS. I don`t work for or sell K&S... OK.
Follow Up By: fredeo - Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 11:31
Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 11:31
the foam filter also called heavy duty filter by holden was fitted to rodeos from the first service and claimed under warranty in dusty areas so if gm uses them cant be bad
Follow Up By: Ron George - Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 14:54
Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 14:54
Correction: I should have said K&N not K&S.
Fredo, it`s not a case of OEM being bad, but more a case of something being a lot better. As for Greg`s experience, given that the filter was fitted/serviced/not damaged I would put a very big question mark over dust actually getting THROUGH the filtering medium, if they were that fickle/dodgy they`d be litigated off the face of the earth in a nanosecond.
Cheers Ron.