Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 12:44
My comments re your 'crusing/travelling' speeds will probably upset someone, however it is important that you understand your obligations whilst travelling on the road/highways as it's apparent to me that you are unclear.
If the speed limit is 80km/ph then to travel at 80km/ph is fine and perfectly legal.
If the speed limit is greater than (80 - 100 km/ph) then you have an obligation and a duty of care to drive with consideration for other road users and it could be argued, that to do so, requires that you travel at the posted speed limit. e.g. 100km/ph in a 100km/ph zone
By travelling at say 20% below the speed limit that is approved for any section of road, you literally become a mobile
road block or
hazard to to other road users travelling in the same direction as you.
Such action by you is likely to cause danger to other road users (rounding a bend or curve) to be confronted by you and your rig toddling along oblivious to all and sundry.
How about a vehicle approaching from behind, topping a crest only to find you and your rig suddenly appearing before them.
What about a situation on the highway, single lane each way, speed limit 100km/ph, slightly undulating and curving road, no overtaking lanes but opportunity for a vehicles to overtake safetly and legally. Many motorists will after having endured your mobile
road block for some time, be tempted to overtake you and your rig simply to get away from you and not have to continue suffering the despair and indignity of conforming to your ridiculously imposed/enforced 80 km/ph. Do you think your behaviour and presence under such circumstances might be contributing to other road users taking chances/risks, or making inappropriate decisions/choices, etc? I do.
All motorists have an obligaton to drive with Due Car and Consideration at ALL times. What does that mean?
Roads, Road Traffic Laws (and Regulations) including Speed Limits are decided upon by authorities based on many factors such as terrain, gradient, road width/surface condition etc all with the desired intention of allowing an orderley and safe flow of traffic.
Safe means everyone complies with and conforms to the stated and required Road Laws as aplicable.
Orderly, everyone keeps left, uses their indicators to INDICATE their INTENTION to change lanes, doesn't lane 'hop/jump', doesn't tail-
gate, doesn't 'chop-in' after overtaking, etc
I repeat, with you travelling at a reduced speed in a higher designated area it indicates a lack of desire and intention to consider the presence and safety of other road users. You are obviously not aware of the implications of your actions.
YES, there a occasions when SOME vehciels are REQUIRED to travel below the designated speed limit. In these situations and to comply with safety requirements they will often have flashing amber lights activated, appropriate signs to indicate a SLOW TRAVELLING VEHICLE, an escort (Wide Load situations) etc all with the express purpose of warning approaching vehicles that there is a
hazard ahead. A or for that matter any vehicle approaching a
hill will generally be slowed to some degree, however most vehicles, suitability matched to the task, will be capable of accelerating and maintaining an adequate forward speed so as to not impede most other similar vehicles.
It's all
well and good that you travel at 'x' speed because (a) that's all your vehicle is capable of, or (b) your vehicle is overloaded/under-powered (c) you lack confidence and ability to safetly drive your vehicle at a speed sufficient to elliminate the potential for introducing/creating
hazard(s) to other motorists (d) you consider that it is the most economical speed for you to travel at (e) you really don't care about other motorists at all so long as you can do your thing - because you want to or you can (f) someone might have told you or you might have read that in doing so it's OK because your on holidays (g) you consider it is not safe for you and your rig/combination to travel any faster because the rig sways at speed, the brakes on your vehicle might be defficient, the tyres wear out faster, you get too many bugs splattered across your windscreen, you can't hear your radio when driving faster that 'x' speed etc etc
I suggest that you (and anyone else in a similar situation) give long and deep thought to your particular situation in regard to your obvious lack of concern and consideration for the safety,
well being, efficient and smooth flow of traffic.
Seriously if you or your behaviour is consistent with any of the above examples you should consider your driving future.
Most, if not all collisions (NOTE I'm not referring to them as 'accidents') occurring on the road are the result of someone NOT conforming to, complying with, adhering to or even considering the road laws let alone the presence of other road users. In general a LACK OF CONSIDERATION or an absence of DUE CARE.
To conform is not unacceptable in society. It is what makes our communities
places that we want to live in, raise our family and generally enjoy or short lived lives.
Follow Up By: turbopete - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 16:11
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 16:11
Gloriosky,,ah tink ah will copy that post and take it to the little house out the back and read it,,Maaa git me ma spectacles ,ise gotta lotta readin to do
Follow Up By: Jenksy - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 16:40
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 16:40
Are you for real
Follow Up By: Go-N-Grey (WA) - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 16:47
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 16:47
I cannot leave your response unanswered. I guess many others in this
forum will support my response.
"My comments re your 'crusing/travelling' speeds will probably upset someone, however it is important that you understand your obligations whilst travelling on the road/highways as it's apparent to me that you are unclear."
I am very clear about my obligations when travelling on the road and highways, having driven several million kilometres without accident for 37 years, and only 3 speeding (note speeding) fines. This is in all classes of vehicle from 1200cc motorbikes, semi trailers, and over 100,000 km towing caravans and boats all over Australia. I might also add that as an airline pilot for 15 years and flew many millions of
miles without incident.
Without responding to every outrageous statement you have made in your reply, suffice to say you also have a duty of care to passengers in your vehicle, pedestrians, kangaroos, wild goats, sheep, cattle, crows, and eagles who are also road users each in their own way, and they all have obligations to you as a driver, like getting out of your way, or causing damage or loss of control. To imply that all MUST travel at the speed limit your vehicle is capable of travelling at the speed limit is tantamount to reckless driving.
When driving with the van I have a reaward facing video camera that give full view or anything approaching from behind, upon seeing such I always move over and let the approaching vehicle pass at first oportunity, including probably over a hundred triple trailer road trains on the trip above. Many toot a thank you in aknowlegement.
At no time did any more than 2 vehicles follow me for any length of time (2-3 km) during the trip (or any other trip I have done including reurning to
Perth on long weekends when the roads are very busy), and I certainly do not enforce a speed limit on any other road user. A few did on me, however as my rig has significant margins of power, brakes, and stability I at times accelerated to 110km to pass slower vehicles with ease.
For years I traverlled Australia with a Turbo Pajero Diesel towing a 17' Poptop. It would not go any faster than 100km flat out with the van and struggled towing anything over 85, and much less with a head wind.
What you are advocating is that many thousand of road users and rigs are removed from the roads because they are incapable of cruising at the speed limit.
Consideration is the name of the game.
Get real! slow down a bit and enjoy life, you impatience will kill you far quicker than any danger I or many other of us slower moving road users will create for you.
Follow Up By: TroopyTracker - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 19:16
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 19:16
It's called the speed LIMIT for good reason. Perhaps you have never towed more than a 6x4 to the tip? Perhaps you are talking about on a perfectly smooth highway with decent size lanes?- In this case I'd say perhaps you really should be able to keep it around 90.
On good roads I tow at 100kmph, on outback roads I'm sometimes down to 70kmph for many kilometres and in those conditions I would not want to travel any faster.
To suggest you NEED to travel at the limit towing 3000kgs of caravan is BAD advice.
Follow Up By: Pavo - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 19:37
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 19:37
I actually prefer to come up behind someone towing that is doing 80km/h rather than 95-100km/h. The reason is because it is considerably easier (and much safer) to pass someone doing 80km/h than it is to pass someone doing 95-100km/h. I'm talking about single laned roads obviously.
Follow Up By: DIO - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:15
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:15
Yeah, OK you lot, you've had your say. You are entitled to your uninformed and naive opinions. I make no apologies for my position. My point wasn't so much in regard to the speed a vehice is travelling at, it is however a relevant factor, but more so in the poor and often lacking attitude of many drivers relative to their behaviour and attitude on the roads. Safe driving is all about Care and Consideration to all other road users (yeah kangaroos, cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, road workers etc included as
well). If you have an attitude against exercising Care and Consideration to others whilst you are travelling on the roads,
well all I can say is you've got a problem. Don't care how many million or zillion kms you have driven, to me it doesn't mean that you are a good driver. You might be experienced but for all I know you could still have heaps of bad habits. Ask most drivers who's been involved in a collision, most will say it was the other driver's fault. Many drivers are simply not up to speed with their driving skills, road craft, road/traffic laws, etc. Anyone who fails to support safe driving practice is in denial re their own abilities (or lack of them). Until the majority of motorists wake up to themsleves and get serious about their attitude to driving, we will continue to have deaths and unecessary suffering from injuries to our friends, familes and others. Making excuses for bad or deficient driving practices is a
sign of character weakness. A motor vehicle driven on a road is not a toy or play thing. It is not meant to be an item for entertainment. (Except on a closed and controlled track or environment) Vehicles used irresponsibly can result in tragedy. Stick to your train sets, model cars, dolls, windup trains etc if you want entertainment.
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:32
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:32
Dio, you have got to be kidding havnt you. As Pete has stated I would prefer to come up to a vehicle doing 80 in a 100 zone and know as Pete has stated that I can pass him when required with out going over the speed limit. And yes I have driven trucks (semi's), bikes, 4bys, and numerous other vehicles which I am licensed for all and especially in a semi would rather him doing 80. With all my experience driving there is no way I would be towing any faster then 80/90klms even on open road with a weight like that behind me when driving a 4by or your average falcon. So are you one of these blokes that will do 50klms in a residential area going up a dead end street with kids lined up playing on the gutter sides of the road but will continue to do 50 cause it says you can !! try it in my street and you will know about it big time. I have come across many drivers doing less then the posted speed limit towing and sit back weight for a break then overtake when safe to do so. If at some stage I noticed a big que behind me I would at an available chance pull to the side let them go and continue on my way not that I did or do that often because if its people like you coming up behind me and sit right on my ar#e then I will just stay put and you overtake when you can. Whats the rush thats what a holiday is, enjoying the cenery around and not end up a road holiday statistic cause you want to get there 15 mins before me. I tow my camper at 100 even 110 but I only have 700/800 kg behind me with little wind resistance and now a vehicle capable of sitting on that speed even up hills but that is my choice and is on the freeways and open roads but I also leave a big gap between me and the vehicle in front but then I get clowns who will overtake me then dive in front of
the gap I had left even at a higher speed of 110 and at a signposted speed of 110. Glad I dont travel in the car with you or any of my family. Life is short enough with out it been shortned by having an accident by some one as impatient as yourself. Mate take it easy and slow down or if getting frustated behind a slower vehicle wait and pass when you can it doesnt slow you down that much. Relax !!! Relax !!! Relax !!! Havnt got high blood pressure have you. Regards Steve M
Follow Up By: Steve from Top End Explorer Tours - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:47
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:47
I have read some crap on this
forum, but that drivel you posted above is the best so far.
Point 1 learner drivers and drivers on their p plates 80 kph max any road or highway.
Point 2 Towing a trailer in some states, requires you to do 10kph less than the speed limit.
Point 3 Coaches and road trains are speed limited to 100 kph.
Point 4 Just because it is legal in the NT on all but 1 highway to do 130 kph, Would you tow a van, trailer, boat, etc at 130kph I think not.
Speed limits are a maximum recommended limit, If you can't drive to to avoid the scenarios that you put forward as hazardous, then it is you that needs to revise your driving habits.
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:52
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 20:52
Well said Steve. Regards Steve M
Follow Up By: Member - Duke (TAS) - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 22:24
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 22:24
rock did this wanker crawl from under.
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 22:31
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 22:31
Hi there Duke, mate that is one mother of a crab you have in your rig profile, bet there was some serious meat on him. Regards Steve M
Follow Up By: Racey - Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 21:01
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 21:01
Does DIO stand for Dick Head in Overdrive?
Clearly you have no concept of safe towing is all about. Sure people who tow are conscious of the traffic which may be ahead and behind and that is why we tow at what is concidered safe speeds under the circumstances which prevail.