Monday, May 21, 2007 at 21:48
I've got a bad feeling that this follow-up will go to the wrong mail, but that's life.
Mike W, I thought you bought the last of the fantastic 2.8L jobs. No?
If 'yes', then how did Isuzu/GMH compensate for the appalling drop in fuel economy?
We (I), were/was naieve enough to think that a revised, intercooled 3L engine (built date 12.01), would be better all round. Sure, performance is up : I can now overtake a B Double (When I let the Driver know, from within the dust,), in about 2
airstrip lengths: previously it took 4 or 5.
Am pretty
well resigned to spending $3000 on a
Beaudesert exhaust plus gas:
(any comments would be welcome).
It strikes me as sad that our "baby" 4wd vehicles have become softer and softer.(Hilux, Navara, Bravo, Rodeo) More comfortable, electronic every thing, all singing ,all dancing.
So if it fails, you're ffffffffffar from being able to fix the bloody thing.
What happened to Diahatsu Rocky?
What, not enough prestige at the school pick-up point?
Just keep an eye on the Chinese invasion (sorry Doug'n Dusty).
Jeff H.