Monday, Jun 11, 2007 at 22:39
Gees Dallas, gimme a break!
Unlike you professionals, I can't just poke me head under a tray and order a '9C' as best fit. I've got to shove it in and see how it runs. (Sortof dry run, eh, or whatever) .
If I front up to your place and arrogantly declare that a '9C' is the biggest fit, guaranteed!!, I'll bet one of your mob proves me wrong, and makes a beautifull '10B' fitting.
Mate the keg is now a fire-box. It's a has-been XXXX job, (filthy stuff, that, and fitting that it's container shall eternally burn in hell), but ocassionally it free lances as an imprecise measuring tool. So watch yer mouth.
Simple fact is the keg measures 535x375, not allowing for end-shape. (Hemispherical? 'Flattened' ends?) I chose to see it as a flat-ended cylinder, just to be safe.
Mate, as I've said elsewhere, I reckon a 650x240 doughnut will just squeeze in in front of the spare. No mods.
So behave yourself and give me the right time and price, eh.
See you in Rocklea, (we're 'Bundabergish'). Ta mate.