Checking tracks not far from property after last weeks windy wet
Melbourne weather and came up apon a sharp 25 degree uphill off camber
left hander which I have been caught on before.
Had road tyres on, but after such a long dry the tracks couldn't be
that wet however clicked both diffs locks on as I swung into the short
50m section "Just in case".
Got 20m up before all 4 started to spin, and I began thinking I should
have taken the time to install muddies last night.
Stopped quick to avoid sliding sideways to the steep edge of the track 2 meters away.
Engine off, in gear and pulled on handbrake, where apon I thought
"That handbrake lever came up a long way, better make a note to adjust that to".
With wheels already diff locked and tyres already at 22psi best option was
to clear away loose rubble/leaves from the wet but relatively hard surface
and give it a careful go!
No luck but rear slid 1/2m making drop off now 1.5m away.
Pain ! previously got out of here with chains and had wondered if winch would
have been quicker so this time I will try the winch.
No straight pull available, but hooked up to tree and winched car 10m up
and to the left onto a slightly easier track section further away from drop off.
Recovered rope and got in car and tried again.
No luck! but slipped sideways again to 1.5m from drop off.
This was becoming an issue - by myself , not 100% prepared and
just going with normal car supplies and the evening drizzle was beginning.
Ok - attach winch to another tree this time on RHS of track and pull up
another 10m.
Fortunately winch controls are on dash next to steering wheel, for one
person operation whilst driving so this was okay, except noticed voltage
at winch was only 11v and system was under some strain.
Set the Patrols revs to 2000, and poured in the amps and this did the job
but with a little protesting.
Outside temp sensor is mounted on winch so that it can additionally warn of overheat.
Ran engine for 2 mins after winch off to ensure car restart.
Handbrake won't hold on two wheels so have to turn off engine leaving car in gear
then get out and remove winch rope again and we are set to have another go!
Well it was close, but all 4 spun, digging in a little and we moved further sideways
again now with only a meter to the edge.
Ok - I'm beginning to not have fun, except it looked liked
was about to win its first game this season, so that helped.
On the downside is was getting darker and drizzle was still there.
Ok - lets put tyres down to 12 psi. But a deflator stuck or was it a valve ?
and one tyre went right down to about 4psi. Not good, but air
transfer hose from front wheel equalized tyres and we ended up with
around 8-9 psi all round.
This has got to do it, but a careful attempt result in no forward movement and we
are now to within 1/2m of the very slippery and loose edge.
I've seen another car slide backwards here and take out its back pillar
so this was becoming an embrassment.
Good thing about being by yourself is their was no one to "Tell you how to do it"
so I raided the car for its single museli bar, some warm coffee and thought - >
1/ I could go
home and get the tractor? No! to much embrassment, espically if it got stuck to.
2/ Fit the chains? I even had two sets on board. No! I'm not quite ready to get down & muddy!
3/ Give winch a third try ? Ok - as ropes already out, however no real winch trees left!
Found 4 inch dia Wattle about 100ft out thanks to a 20m extension strap.
Wrapped plasma rope around it, thinking I'll either pull this out
or at least ring bark it, as plasma cuts deeper than steel.
(Wattle re-growth is a pest to be removed in this area !)
Ok, 2hrs gone, dark now, Melbournes got those South Aussies on the run, drizzle has stopped and this had better work !
15m pull, winch volts only holding at about 10 now, winch temp up but ok and car was now onto better ground but hard up against a stump.
Good ! the handbrake now holds the Patrols rear wheels so engine can stay running whilst I have a talk with the stump.
Well a talk didn't work but the chainsaw did and I should just clear the stumps remains with full lock and a little nudging.
Feeling confident now. Radio
home - whoops forgot dinner was ready , be
home soon dear!
Now, the ground nearly flat, tyres 9 psi, twin lockers in, stump gone, this time with some clutch slip and minor wheelspin we finally gained forward velocity and got onto an intersecting track.
Relief ! and not taking the 1/2 hour to fit the muddies had only cost me 2 hours !
Ok - nothing like an un-rehearsed full systems
check at the start of winter but
now its time to limp the 2km
home on 9 psi tyres, stuff the coffee and go
straight for the sherry.
Robin Miller
P.S. last Member
pic shows the scene at same spot from previous situation in which chains were used to more easily drive straight out (last member