Going, Going --- GONE!!
Submitted: Sunday, Jun 10, 2007 at 09:43
This Thread has been Archived
Member - Kevin J (QLD)
Have just this moment put the OE sticker on the rear window of the LC but for the next two months it is a fair bet that you won't be able to see it for the Galaxy hooked on the back.
Tomorrow we head out to Roma/Charleville/
Augathella for about 8 weeks and right now I'm supposed to be packing the food boxes into the van. Have already got most of the necessary stuff into the truck so whats the rush. Got the rest of the day!!
We have signed on as Drought Assist Volunteers for Frontier
Services and our first stop will be 100kms north of
Charleville starting next Friday. Should only take two days travelling so we might have a 'lay day' in
Dalby or
Roma or even get to
Charleville and visit the Cosmos Centre.
Talking to our "host" last Thursday you could have thought they had just won Lotto. We have never spoken previously but they were so excited about someone wanting to help. They have not had any rain from the last effort but they did get two clouds on Wednesday. Neighbours ?? at
Tambo (200kms east ) had over an inch.
Will not know if we can access the web until we get there so on the off chance that this is my last post for a while Drive safely and remember that all who wander are not lost.
Kevin J
Reply By: mike w (WA) - Sunday, Jun 10, 2007 at 09:48
Sunday, Jun 10, 2007 at 09:48
Good luck and have a great trip. It sounds like a very noble thing you are doing helping out, alot of these guys (and gals) are doing it tough at the moment, and the support of strangers would have to help put their minds at ease (or atleast take their minds off the things that are going on)
Travel safe
Reply By: Member - Brian H (QLD) - Monday, Jun 11, 2007 at 19:45
Monday, Jun 11, 2007 at 19:45
Was not aware what yopu are doing excited would have given a bit of time as
well. Maybe next time.
Have a great trip may see you on the road somewhere.