Tambo - QLD



DEG: -24.88187 146.257523
DMS: 24º 52' 54.73" S 146º 15' 27.08" E
UTM: 55 J 7247928mN 425004mE
Altitude: 400.7m


Place Type

Population - Town


734.6kms West of Brisbane - Driving 861 km (9 hours 35 mins)
960.59kms South of Daintree - Driving 1293 km (16 hours 24 mins)

Address & Contact

3 Arthur St
Tambo QLD 4478
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Tambo, located on the Landsborough Highway approximately 1000km north west of Brisbane was settled in 1863 and is considered to be the oldest town in central Queensland. Tambo’s history is etched in historic buildings and natural heritage that can be discovered within the walls of the town.
Tambo has a relaxed atmosphere enhanced by friendly people and local icons who are willing to have yarn about the magic of this country lifestyle. Tambo is a town that provides a quality lifestyle that is quite, peaceful, safe and relaxed. Tambo is home to some of the most unique tourist attractions including the Tambo Teddies. That is renowned Australia wide for its range of sheep skin products.
There is a lovely Rest area / Truck Park on the Eastern side of town.

Tambo is a relaxing town with an emphasis on walking. The Tambo Heritage Walk allows visitors to stroll the grounds of the cemetery, Old Post Office Museum, and past century old buildings and historical places. A nature walk along the banks of the great Barcoo River under the shade of river gums is another of the town's delights. A 320km round trip from Tambo called the Wilderness Way Self-Drive Tour is detailed in a brochure available from the Information Centre. This route traces part of the old bullockies through gorges, traverses 3 major river systems and to the top of Queensland's Great Dividing Range and visits places of interest including sites of early European settlement and aboriginal rock engravings.
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Closest Weather Station

Tambo at 16/09:00am EST
Distance from Tambo 0.11km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tambo Post Office
Distance from Tambo 0.11km W
Mean Max. °C34.933.832.429.124.921.621.223.527.430.933.234.8
Mean Min. °C20.419.917.512.
Mean Rain mm81.077.558.236.934.428.427.118.721.334.647.070.1

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