Monday, Jun 18, 2007 at 16:10
Andrew, I would be pleased to hear which 4wd wagon, petrol auto, V6 weighing
around 2 ton will give significantly better consumption than 12l/100 ? I will buy one. To set the record straight..the only thing "Holden" about a Jack are the
badges. The rest is pure Isuzu. To suggest that you need a diesel Cruiser or Patrol
to go into "real outback country" is to draw a long bow. Predominance? Maybe.
Essential ? Of course not. A Jack will take me anywhere I wish to take it just as
well as a Cruiser or Patrol. Petrol or diesel is of no consequence. I have just returned from 13000k 's in the "outback" to prove it.
Lastly, I have no reason to believe those who report their fuel consumption
figures on this site are either lying or incompetent, & to suggest that does little to
enhance your credibility..Cheers....oldbaz.