strez track condition

Submitted: Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 21:23
ThreadID: 46670 Views:2485 Replies:3 FollowUps:4
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has any one been down the strez in the last week or two since the rain and can tell me the general condition. i will be towing a camper trailer.
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Reply By: AndrewX - Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 21:32

Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 21:32
Not an answer to your question but IMHO it's not a good idea to take a trailer in that area if there's any suggestion of rain warren. We were just able to get through a couple of years ago AFTER rain but travellers with trailers fell by the wayside very quickly and had to stay there for days. Carry plenty of food and water!!
There is a link on this site to a site for outback road conditions.
AnswerID: 246886

Follow Up By: Sand Man (SA) - Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 22:13

Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 22:13
Rubbish Andrew,

The worst thing that can happen is you may be stranded for a couple of days, until the surface dries out enough. Wouldn't necessarily matter if you had a trailer or not.

If you have the camper, at least you've got something to camp in:-))

This is all a normal part of outback travel.

I'm diagonally parked in a parallel Universe!

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FollowupID: 507741

Follow Up By: AndrewX - Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 23:45

Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 23:45
hmmmm .... just read my response again .... stranded for a couple of days .... didn't I say that??? (As opposed to those without trailers who got through) Carry plenty of food and water .... is that rubbish?? Use the web site which gives road conditions .... rubbish again?? You see the difference is that I have done it - many times - I am talking from experience.
FollowupID: 507774

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 07:24

Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 07:24

Saying that you shouldn't take a trailer on the Strzelecki is ludicrous.

Rain falls intermittently anywhere in Australia. The Strzelecki is no different. Roads normally dry out in two days. Most campers have a weeks supply of food and water with them anyway. It can rain a lot or it may just be a sprinkle.

And yes, I have been on the Strz a number of times too

FollowupID: 507794

Follow Up By: Member - Toytruck (SA) - Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 13:02

Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 13:02
Couldn't agree more Willem,
I remember skull dragging my trailer across the Diamantina catchment from Birdsville to Windorah one year in some of the heaviest rain I have seen in years. Sure the trailer slowed me down here and there so when it did, I unhitched it, cut a set of tracks, then reversed back (sometimes a couple of K's) to get it and carried on.

It was one of the slowest trips I've had but geeezzzzz I had fun in that MUD:-)

If Andrew is right I might have look at not taking my trailer anywhere I go cos it might rain:-(

FollowupID: 507864

Reply By: DANBRI - Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 22:05

Thursday, Jun 14, 2007 at 22:05
Hi there,

We were up there a few weeks back when the heavens opened up. Turns out they opened the road from Camerons Corner for 12 hours. Which we managed timely to slip through unaware of our fate to be. We camped in the Strez and ate flies all afternoon (the worst we have seen in years) and fell asleep in the evening to a spectacular electrical storm brewing... needless to say we were caught in the thick of it, amongst a few other unlucky travelers as well. We pushed through to Innamincka and subsequently got caught in town for 7 days due to road closures.

The roads were as imagined and the Ranger thanked us for sticking to the crown of the road to minimise damage as we got into to town.

Great trip, watch out for the workers around Moomba gas fields, they don't slow down for oncoming traffic and subsequently I need a new windscreen now!
AnswerID: 246909

Reply By: Member - Fizz (NSW) - Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 08:57

Friday, Jun 15, 2007 at 08:57
I'm a bit confuzzled here.

From Merty Merty to Innaminka there are two Strz tracks - the old and the new.

Reference to Moomba seems to imply the post was about the new Strz.

Does anyone have info about the OLD Strz between Merty Merty and Innaminka?

We are planning to go up the old from Merty, then down the new to Lyndhurst.

A member of our group wants to see the experimental geothermal (hot rock) power generator at Innaminka. Has anyone been there done that? Can anyone save us the time of finding out exactly where it is in relation to Innaminka?

AnswerID: 246991

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